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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

CNN makes changes : Crossfire gets a time slot ,2 Andersons ,and more Wolf

CNN   Media 

      CNN's return of "Crossfire" was announced a couple months ago and now it has a time slot and premiere day.   Starting September 16th , it will air weeknights at 6:30PMET-7PMET.  Meanwhile ,since Wolf Blitzer's program "The Situation Room"  will be cut to 5-6:30PMET , he will now anchor the 1pmet hour of CNN Newsroom in addition to his "Situation Room" duties . While a 10PMET program has been announced with still keeping Anderson Cooper  at 8 and 10pmet , but the 10PMET  edition will be called "AC360 Later"

 More update : "CNN's 11AMET hour of "Newsroom" is to be renamed "Legal View"  starting August 12th. (per TV Newser

 Read CNN's press release after the jump