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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Things to Look at for the TV and the Media in 2015

Opinions  TV Media 

   Goodbye 2014,  and that means that are are entering a new year  and that means a whole new year in anything can happen in world of TV and the media, we are taking a look at things that could possibly happen in the new year.

1. Cable Company Mergers 
  After the installation of  Tom Wheeler as head of the FCC last year, Comcast saw their chance to buy another cable company , Time Warner Cable, (no relation to Time Warner)  , the deal was announced early 2014 , but since it's a huge deal , even with a "friend in FCC" it's taking along time. If Comcast is allowed their prize it would be the biggest Cable company in the Untied States. There is also another deal up ... AT&T wants sat caster Direct TV, this deal was announced a few weeks after the Comcast one , this deal is also still be looked at.
         AT&T and Direct  TV have a better chance of their  marriage happening compared to  the other , though.   If Comcast-TWC is approved it would be a shock if AT&T -Direct TV is denied. If it's the  other way around , there's a better chance both would be denied.
2. Stand Alone TV 
     The Idea of al-a-carte Cable is a hard one ... but  that is not stopping CBS from launching a pay version  of CBS online where you can watch CBS programs on demand all you want and in areas where they own a TV station you can watch Live. HBO announced they are launching a streaming service for you folks with out the cable wires.
   What about the other networks?  Well , I don't See ABC doing that yet, but it could  , they currently have a deal  where you can go to Watch ABC sign in with your cable company (makes sense for a network TV doesn't it?) and watch their programs on demand and in markets where they own a station ,watch live online.  While ,they could launch a stand-alone service , that's not been announced yet.   NBC , well  they are owned by Comcast , would be interesting if NBC launched something like CBS all access  , but then again NBC would be getting money .   FOX ... is also  a network that could possibly launch one too.    In speaking of CBS, they are the owners of Showtime so maybe expect a stand-alone Showtime before stand-alone NBC.   Wait , a second  ... they are.
    Interesting , if everyone does it ... you might as well pay for cable.

3. Late Night TV 
  Apparently after ABC and NBC decided to switch up line ups in late night ,CBS hopped into the fun.  David Letterman is leaving the "The Late Show " and being replace by Stephan Colbert. While "The Late Late Show" host Craig Ferguson is leaving and being replaced by a man named James Cordon.
    So now CBS , which has been the stable of the networks ,  ( sorry NBC)  is in a through of change at late night.  Some questions happen  will  Stephen Colbert ( who be playing himself and not the guy on Comedy Central)  be good  at a late night  talk show format  or will viewers leave to watch "Friends" reruns on the local CW /Mynetwork/ FOX/whatever station?  It's always gamble to change hosts at late night and hard to predict. (That's our way of weaseling out of a question, also we watch  Friends repeats anyway)

4. Cable Fights  
   Two words , expect more.  Cable fights we mean  are the ones between a network or company and a cable or sat caster.   There have been many for the past few years, I say expect more and the fun blame game.  Company A owns TV channels wants more money , even if some of their channel suck  Company B  is a provider worried about losing you as their  money feeders (that's a word)  and they fight even if it's a penny. In many cases channel(s)  get pulled  and it's a wait and see between who will give up first. Company B who  keeps getting angry calls , or Company A who is losing viewers.     There should be  a way to stop this , but apparently nobody is trying hard.   Many times in a fight there are multiple channels  pulled . Example : Time Warner vs Dish Network  :  Cartoon Network, CNN, HLN , TCM ,and Tru TV were pulled. If some one hates all these channels  they probably didn't mind then  as long the they weren't being charged for them .  But if someone hates Tru TV but loves TCM (Turner Classic Movies) ,they  felt bad.   Will these stop? No , unless someone figures out a better system.  (Don't shout NetFlix , that's not what we mean)

5. Easy Prediction ... the rest aren't  
     The Simpsons Won't be canceled...  well that got your attention .  Will "American Idol" be canceled?  The show has been  going down on ratings ... but if It makes Fox  money , it could go on until the ratings are really bad or it has a red year.    Today Show won't be  #1 in 2015, the Today Show on NBC probably won't be  the #1 morning show (national average) in 2015 either  the "Good Morning America" time in the #1 sun for maybe another year.  CBS This Morning , on the other hand , could maybe tie 2nd ( this is an outlier , and a maybe a crazy one   ).
  "ABC World News Tonight " (or the softest of the Evening News on the networks)  will either be fighting for 1st with NBC Nightly News or beating by the end of 2015.  CBS Evening News will continue  to grow though.
    Anyway these were some predictions most of them  were cop-outs (Cough American Idol) , others were  crazy  and one was easy.

6. Buying Up  less 
     After a couple years of Big TV deals like Sinclair Broadcast group buying Allbritton in 2013 (took  late summer 2014 for the deal to be official) , Granett Buying Belo, and in 2014,  Media General merging with Lin and  Scripps buying Journal . 2015, could mean a quieter year on that front, there may still be some buyings of stations and smaller groups, unless another big company wants to quit the world of local TV ownership or something.  Also in the bigger world ,there is probably not another chance of Murdoch  trying to buy Time Warner but anything can surprise.  AMC networks did buy a stake in BBC America,  hopefully that means BBC World News in the US can expand and maybe the HD channel more available soon.

 7. More Internet TV 
  It's been a good time for Netflix , Hulu and the others as they release programs , in some cases the whole season at one time, to  their paying subscribers to watch  anytime they want ( Friday at 8:43:22 AM)  well , expect more of that , Amazon is even in that game.    On the other side,  since the Aereo case , don't expect anybody wanting to try the live stream local tv online deal anymore, unless a station group and or the networks  make a deal to stream online. ABC and CBS do ... but you have to live in a city where ABC and CBS own that station , hopefully other station groups could and will make a deal.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Lookback : Great Christmas Episodes of Classic TV shows

The Flashback  Christmas 

     That  time of year is back (yay National speak like a  Cat day!) and this time in the Lookback (brought to you buy nobody ,for some reason)  we take a look back at some great Christmas (sometimes only) of classic TV shows.   Like most our posts the order of our list  is never which one is better than the other. (Plus this post's order is in disorder, get it?)   So let's start .

1. The Brady Bunch 
   "The Voice Of Christmas"  Season 1 Episode 12
    The Brady Bunch 's first season was pretty much seeing how can these two families mesh together into this new large family , so the Christmas episode has that element.  Carol Brady was practicing her singing for the Christmas Day Church service and practiced so much that she lost her voice.  (That's what they mean by paying for your art)  It looks as though Mrs. Brady won't be able to sing for the service and this gets everyone depressed.
    Cindy has a great idea , she decides to ask  the big man (Greg?) ,Santa for a gift   of her mother being able to talk again , so she can sing on Christmas day service. Santa is taken a back by this. ( He didn't get his Medical degree until 1980)  
 The other kids feel depressed (sorry the word has to be used twice)  and  want to cancel Christmas , but after Alice's  talking to them  , they change their minds. (Alice the Voice of Reason)
   (Spoiler coming up , if you never seen this episode)   On  Christmas day ,  Mrs. Brady wakes up and finds out she can talk now. (woo hoo , thanks Santa)

                                Carol sings a Carol     Youtube/CBS
2. Father Knows Best 
    "A Christmas Story"  Season 1 Episode 12
       Jim (Father)  is not happy that his kids are being materialistic for Christmas (even in 1954!) he wants  a traditional Christmas .  So he decides to take his family to the mountains  ( you know , if this wasn't a sitcoms on the 50's  this would be a different story)   to chop down a Christmas Tree (again, see what I mean) .  Anyway , it starts snowing  so  of course the car gets stuck in a drift ( ok , this is not helping me think this not a horror film) away from any phone ( this is before Cell phones ruined everything ).   The family breaks into a lodge that was closed for the season (it's not Wabbit season , is that copyrighted? Eeek)    and they meet  a man (no comment from my previous thoughts here)  who  teaches the kids  about the meaning of Christmas. (Oh his name is Nick too )  Anyway the authorities find the Anderson family and Nick staying at the lodge, and they find out Nick doesn't really own or live at the lodge.  (Great now tears and confusion)   It's nice Christmas special and one that you won't forget when you see it.

3. Dennis the Menace  (1959 TV Series) 
  "The Christmas Horse "  Season 2  Episode 12
     One thing about this show  compared to the other shows on our list , and around this time period  is it has more than one Christmas episode.  So we had to pick one (out of a hat)  and this one is the one we picked.
      Dennis Mitchell asks Santa for  Horse for Christmas (Darn Mr.Ed this is your fault !) anyway he doesn't get the horse for Christmas. Then he goes searching for  a horse  (as you do) Meanwhile ,another kid gets a horse for Christmas ( ok  then) , not that he is very enthused about it.  Dennis agrees to trade a typewriter for the kid's horse ( yep it's the 50's , nothing wrong with type writers) he wants to trade  his gift of a record player (nice gift ) to get a type writer to get the horse.    But his parents found out about the plan , and he was forced to un trade . (that has to be a word)
     The Nice man who sells Christmas trees for $5.00 sells his horse to Dennis for 5 cents.  (great deal!)  Though in a fun way he convinces Dennis to "rent"the horse to him for the Nickel.  A very interesting and fun Christmas episode indeed!

4.  Green Acres 
 "An Old Fashioned Christmas"  Season 2 Episode 13
      Green Acres, a great funny 60's show , has  a great funny Christmas episode. Oliver wants  an old-fashioned Christmas with an real tree , after a lot of work he gets his real Christmas tree.  It's  a sweet Christmas special.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Antenna TV's New 2015 line up

Antenna TV  , Classics TV 
Antenna TV logo.svg

   The Classic television network , Antenna TV has a new line up come this January, they are adding new classic shows, such as "Newhart" ,"Small Wonder" ,"Leave it To Beaver" (which moves from competitor ME TV) and more.

Weekdays  all Times  Eastern
  5AMET  Maude  (replaces "The Burns and Allen Show"
  5:30AMET  Maude (replaces "The Burns and Allen Show")
  6AMET    The Patty Duke Show
6:30AMET    The Patty Duke how
7AMET  Father Knows Best (replaces Movies)
7:30amet   Father Knows Best  (replaces Movies)
8AMET  Mister Ed (replaces Movies)
8:30amet  Mister Ed  (replaces Movies)
9AMET  Hazel (replaces  Too Close for Comfort)
9:30AMET   Hazel (replaces  Too Close for Comfort)
10AMET   The Burns and Allen Show (replaces Three's a Crowd)
10:30amet  The Burns and Allen Show (replaces Three's a Crowd)
11amet  Mchale's Navy (replaces  Bewitched)
11:30AMET  Mchale's Navy (replaces  Bewitched)
12PMET   Green Acres (replaces  I dream of Jeannie)
12:30PMET   Green Acres (replaces  I dream of Jeannie)
1PMET    Dennis the Menace (replaces McHale's Navy)
1:30pmet   Dennis the Menace (replaces McHale's Navy)
2PMET    I dream of Jannie  (replaces  Bachelor Father)
2:30PMET   I dream of Jannie  (replaces  Bachelor Father)
3PMET   Bewitched  (replaces Father  Knows Best)
3:30PMET   Bewitched  (replaces Father  Knows Best)
4PMET  Leave it To Beaver (Replaces Dennis the Menace )
4:30PMET  Leave it To Beaver (Replaces Dennis the  Menace )
5PMET   Mr. Belvedere (replaces Green Acres)
5:30PMET  Mr. Belvedere (replaces Green Acres)
6PMET  Three's Company (  replaces I dream of  Jeannie)
6:30PMET   Three's Company (replaces I dream of Jeannie)
7PMET   WKRP In Cincinnati  (replaces Bewitched)
7:30PMET WKRP In Cincinnati  (replaces Bewitched)
8PMET   All in the Family
8:30PMET  All in the Family
9PMET Good Times  (replaces Diff''rent  Strokes)
9:30PMET  Good Times (replaces Diff'rent Storkes)
10PMET  Newhart (replaces Sanford and Son)
10:30pm Newhart (replaces Sanford and Son)
11PMET   Barney Miller (replaces  Good Times )
11:30PMET  Barney Miller (replaces Good Times)
12AMET    Three's  Company (replaces Three's Crowd)
12:30AMET  Three's  Company (replaces Three's Crowd)
1AMET  Too Close for Comfort (replaces  The Nanny)
1:30AMET  Too Close for Comfort (replace the Nanny)
2AMET   Doogie Howser M.D (replaces  Too Close for Comfort) (new to Antenna TV)
2:30amet  Doogie Howser M.D (replaces  Too Close for Comfort)
3AMET  Bewitched  (replaces   Alfred Hitchcock presents)
3:30pmet Bewitched (replaces Alfred Hitchcock presents)
4amet   I dream of Jeannie (replaces Mr. ED)
4:30amet   I dream of Jeannie (replaces Mr. ED)

5AMET  Movie
7AMET   The Three Stooges
8AMET   Here comes the Brides (replaces  It Takes a Thief)
9AM   Safari Tracks (E/I)  (replaces  Totally Tooned in)
9:30AMET  Safari Tracks (E/I) (replaces Totally Tooned in)
10AMET  Animal Atlas (E/I)
10:30AM  Animal Atlas (E/I)
11AMET  The Coolest Places on Earth (E/I)
11:30AMET  On the Spot (E/I)
12PMET  Family Style (E/I)
12:30PMET  Animal  Atlas (E/I)
1PMET   The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin
1:30PMET  The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin
2PMET  Circus Boy (replaces Mr.ED)
2:30pmet  Circus Boy (replaces Mr.ED)
3pmet  Small Wonder (replaces Green Acres )  (new to Antenna TV)
3:30pmET Small Wonder (replaces Green Acres)
4PMET  Dennis The Menace (replaces Flipper)
4:30PMET Dennis The Menace (replace Flipper)
5PMET   Leave It to Beaver (replaces the Partridge family)
5:30PMET  Leave It to Beaver (replaces the Partridge family)
6PMET   The Ropers (replaces Maude)
6:30PMET  Three's A Crowd (replaces Maude)
7PMET   Too Close for Comfort (replaces I dream of Jeannie)
7:30PMET Too Close for Comfort (replaces I dream of Jeannie)
8PMET  Evening Shade (replaces Bewitched)
8:30PMET  Evening Shade (replaces Bewitched)
9PMET  Newhart  (replaces All In the Family)
9:30PMET Newhart (replaces All In the Family )
10PMET  Doogie Howser M.D  (replaces Three's a Crowd)
10:30PMET    Doogie Howser M.D  (replaces Three's a Crowd)
11PMET  Mr. Belvedere (replaces Married...with Children)
11:30PMET   Mr. Belvedere (replaces Married...with Children)
12AMET  Bewitched (replaces  The Burns and Allen Show)
12:30AMET Bewitched (replaces  The Burns and Allen Show)
1AMET   I Dream of Jeannie (replaces The Jack Benny  Program)
1:30AMET   I Dream of Jeannie (replaces The Jack Benny  Program)
2AMET   Burns and Allen (replaces Bachelor Father)
2:30AMET   Burns and Allen (replaces Bachelor Father)
3AMET  Jack Benny Program (replaces Alfred  Hitchock Presents)
3:30AMET   Jack Benny Program (replaces Alfred  Hitchock Presents)
4AMET  Dennis the Menace (replaces  The Patty Duke show )
4:30AMET   Dennis the Menace (replaces  The Patty Duke show )

5AMET  Movie
7AMET   The Three Stooges
8AMET  The Flying Nun (replaces Here comes the Brides )
8:30AMET The Flying Nun (replaces Here comes the Brides )
9AMET  Gidget  (replaces  Totally Tooned In )
9:30AMET Gidget  (replaces  Totally Tooned In )
10AMET  The Monkees (replaces Gidget)
10:30AMET  The Monkees (replaces Gidget)
11AMET  Green  Acres (replaces The Flying Nun)
11:30AMET  Green  Acres (replaces The Flying Nun)
12PMET  The Ropers (replaces The Monkees)
12:30PMET  Three's a Crowd (replaces The Monkees)
1PMET  Dennis the Menace (Replaces Dennis the Menace )
1:30PMET   Dennis the Menace (Replaces Dennis the Menace )
2PMET  Leave it To Beaver (replaces Mr.ED)
2:30PMET Leave it To Beaver (replaces Mr.ED)
3PMET  I dream of Jeannie (replaces  Green Acres)
3:30PMETI dream of Jeannie (replaces  Green Acres)
4PMET  Bewitched  (replaces Flipper)
4:30PMET Bewitched  (replaces Flipper)
5PMET  Small Wonder (replace  The Partridge Family)
5:30PMET Small Wonder (replace  The Partridge Family)
6PMET   Mr. Belvedere (Replaces Maude)
6:30PMET   Mr. Belvedre (Replaces Maude)
7PMET  Doogie Howser , M.D (replaces Good Times)
7:30PMET  Doogie  Howser M.D (replaces Good Times)
8PMET   Evening Shade (replaces Sanford and Son)
8:30PMET  Evening Shade (replaces Sanford and Son)
9PMET  Newhart (replaces Diff''rent  Strokes)
9:30PMET Newhart  (replaces Diff'rent Storkes)
10PMET All in The  Family (replaces WKRP in Cincinnati )
10:30pm  All in the Family  (replaces WKRP in Cincinnati)
11PMET   Good Times  (replaces  Married...with Children )
11:30PMET  Good Times (replaces Married with Children)
12AMET   WKRP in Cincinnati (replaces  Barney Miller)
12:30AMET  WKRP in Cincinnati (replaces  Barney Miller)
1AMET  Maude (replaces Three's a Crowd)
1:30AMET  Maude  (replaces Three's a Crowd)
2AMET   Burns and Allen (replaces  I dream of Jeannie)
2:30AMET   Burns and Allen (replaces  I dream of Jeannie)
3AMET  Jack Benny Program (replaces Alfred  Hitchock Presents)
3:30AMET   Jack Benny Program (replaces Alfred  Hitchock Presents)
4AMET  Dennis the Menace (replaces  The Patty Duke show )
4:30AMET   Dennis the Menace (replaces  The Patty Duke show )

All this starts  January 5th , 2015
To find a station near you try their channel finder here 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Lookback :Christmas Specials 1

The Flashback Christmas 

     Back in July ... we did a Christmas in July  look back   now let's take a look at some Christmas specials ...nearer to Christmas.
 1. A Flintstones Family Christmas
     The Flintstones , have done  a few Christmas specials, including my favorite where they did a version of "The Christmas Carol" . (Not bad for a  pre-historic family)  This one we are talking about this time , came a year before "A Flintstones  Christmas Carol" specials wise.  "A Flintstones Family Christmas" came out  in 1993  one week before Christmas on ABC.
   The Flintstones and Rubbles  are waiting for the Christmas arrival  of their children and grand-children . (This episode takes place in the time line after the marriage episodes, so the future of the original 1960's series) .  While shopping ,  Barney and Fred get mugged , by what they find out later was  a family-less child.  So the Flintstones take him in for the holidays , and   things get messy , but  since it's a Christmas special it has a happy ending. (This is  a spoiler : The Flintstones adopt the child, named Stony).  Apparently , this is the only special that  includes  Stony, though it would have been interesting to see what happens after.

2. A Flintstones Christmas
    Two Flintstones for the price of one.  The First of the Flintstones Christmas specials was ..."A Flintstones Christmas" that came out as  a 60 minute special in 1977 on NBC. One thing about  Christmas specials...sometimes bad things happens to Santa Claus... I mean poor guy he gets hit on head , amnesia, arrested, and more. In this special Santa (also again the Flintstones having a Christmas special is always interesting to think about and with Santa to boot)  So Fred takes the job of Santa ( including a weight joke) , and Barney plays his elf ( height joke?)  They go around the world doing what Santa does. (Breaking into your house and eating your food ?, oops that's going to get me on a list) . And they save Christmas.
     Santa !!!!!!!!!

3. Grandma , Got Run over by a reindeer
        The Novelty Christmas song ... as  a movie.
   Everybody's heard this song (except that one guy) "Grandma Got Run Over by a reindeer".  So in 2000 , the WB network premiered this 1 hour special.  The story is about a  kid named   Jake Spankenheimer  (who is also narrating the story,  Elmo Shropshire, is  the voice  and the creator of the song) , who lives in a city where every business is owned by one guy , except the store of our star, Grandma. ( Hmm ,odd Town)  Anyway ,the man (also known as Austin Bucks,either that or we are hippies)  wants to buy the store , but Grandma says no. Cousin Mel  on , the other hand likes money and thinks Grandma should sell.
       Wait ,wheres the Christmas ?   Ok, well get to that   , Jake and his sister fight about Santa Claus, she keeps telling him Santa is not real. Cousin Mel ,tampers the baked goods , Grandma (that's her name in the movie, so there)   to  hurt her business so she would have to sell.  Grandma goes out on Christmas  Eve and gets hit by a reindeer.
    To make this work as  a Christmas special for families , that kids would be watching ... it's probably not the best idea to completely follow the song  where Grandma was drunk  and gets killed by Santa's reindeer. (Merry Christmas kids!!!!)  So , they toned it down , where Grandma wasn't drunk (well, not openly) , and doesn't die .( welllllllll)
     Jake sees the whole event and tells his family  but they don't believe him, and tell him that he is dreaming.  (What kind of reaction is that? )  Anyway the next morning , they call the police, Grandma is missing.    9 Months passes and they still can't find Grandma, the store isn't doing well. ( Cousin Mel, killed Grandma?)  So , now cousin Mel is now trying to sell the store to Austin Bucks ...but Jake puts a wrench into the plan , he asks for one week to find Grandma.  Jake writes Santa Claus to find Grandma.  Santa has Grandma ,who has Amnesia  (old time soap music here) , Couisn Mel is un happy that Grandma is found, so she kidnaps her.  Well anyway it ends well. (In other words we don't want to give away the whole movie)
      Hey, this is family show... about ...nevermind  /WB

4.  The Town Santa Forgot
       This is a special that ran in 1993 on NBC , the special is a Grandfather , voiced by Dick Van Dyke ,  telling his grandchildren about a kid named Jeremy Creek.  Jeremy  was  a greedy  kid who had "ever toy in the world". Eventually his parents decide not to give in to anymore toy demands he thinks to write a list to Santa, a really long list.  ( poor trees)  
    Santa gets the letter  he thinks the giant letter was for multiple people  and finds a small town ... called you got it ... Jeremy Creek. ( Darn Town stole my name )  Jeremy  (the kid)  wakes up Christmas morning  sad to find out that Santa didn't come, he later finds out that Santa visited the town that he forgot for many years (that's mildly disturbing that Santa forgets a town)   and Jeremy (the kid)  feels happy inside.  He later meets Santa and is offered to ride with Santa every Christmas Eve  and  he does so until he becomes a teenager (then off with him) .  The story ends and the grand kids are less worried about presents  and then it zooms out to the the mail box which says Creek. (Hmmmmmm I wonder.... )

 5. The Story of the First Christmas Snow
      One of the stop motion Rakin-Bass Christmas specials , it came out in 1975 , first airing on the NBC television network.   It has the voice of  Angela Lansbury (woo hoo)  as a nun  and the narrator of our story. A  Shepard boy , named Lucas was  hit by lighting  and survives (well of course or that would be a short special) , but he is blind from the incident.  The nuns who saw the whole thing take him in .   Also , just to show why this special has the word snow in it  is  they live in an area where it can't snow because it's too close to the sea.  Anyway , the boy as asked to be an angel in the town's Christmas play ,then a miracle happens during the play  real snow starts to fall from the sky. (Uhhh where else does snow fall from?) Wait that's no the only miracle he also sees again.   Anyway a little later  he wants to give his sheep to the Nun , if he is going to be sent away to an orphan age , but the Father of the Parish allows him to stay.
   It's a good warm Christmas special.

The 2015 Golden Globe Nominations announced

Golden Globes 

    The 2015 Golden Globe Nominees have  been announced . They will be hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler on January 11th.
 You may notice some diffferent on the TV Side , for the First time in 6 years "Modern Family" was not nominated.

Television Nominee's First

Best Drama Series
"The Affair"
"Downton Abbey"
"Game of Thrones"
"The Good Wife"
"House of Cards"

Best Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Clive Owen, "The Knick"
Liev Schreiber, "Ray Donovan"
Kevin Spacey, "House of Cards"
James Spader, "The Blacklist"
Dominic West, "The Affair"

Best Actress in a Television Series, Drama
Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Viola Davis, "How to Get Away with Murder"
Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Ruth Wilson, "The Affair"
Robin Wright, "House of Cards"

Best Comedy Series
"Jane the Virgin"
"Orange is the New Black"
"Silicon Valley"

Best Actor in a Television Series, Comedy
Louis C.K., "Louie"
Don Cheadle, "House of Lies"
Ricky Gervais, "Derek"
William H. Macy, "Shameless"
Jeffrey Tambor, "Transparent"

Best Actress in a Television Series, Comedy
Lena Dunham, "Girls"
Edie Falco, "Nurse Jackie"
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep"
Gina Rodriguez, "Jane the Virgin"
Taylor Schilling, "Orange is the New Black"

Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
"The Missing"
"The Normal Heart"
"Olive Kitteridge"
"True Detective"

Best Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Martin Freeman, "Fargo"
Woody Harrelson, "True Detective"
Matthew McConaughey, "True Detective"
Mark Ruffalo, "The Normal Heart"
Billy Bob Thornton, "Fargo"

Best Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Maggie Gyllenhaal, "The Honorable Woman"
Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story: Freak Show"
Frances McDormand, "Olive Kitteridge"
Frances O'Conner, "The Missing"
"Allison Tolman, "Fargo"

Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Matt Bomer, "The Normal Heart"
Alan Cumming, "The Good Wife"
Colin Hanks, "Fargo"
Bill Murray, "Olive Kitteridge"
Jon Voight, "Ray Donovan"

Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Uzo Aduba, "Orange is the New Black"
Kathy Bates, "American Horror Story: Freak Show"
Joanne Frogat, "Downton Abbey"
Allison Janney, "Mom"
Michelle Monaghan, "True Detective"

The Movies 

Best Motion Picture – Drama

"The Imitation Game"
"The Theory of Everything"

Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"Into the Woods"
"St. Vincent"

Best Actor – Motion Picture, Drama
Steve Carell, "Foxcatcher"
Benedict Cumberbatch, "The Imitation Game"
Jake Gyllenhaal, "Nightcrawler"
David Oyelowo, "Selma"
Eddie Redmayne, "The Theory of Everything"

Best Actor – Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Ralph Fiennes, "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Michael Keaton, "Birdman"
Bill Murray, "St. Vincent"
Joaquin Phoenix, "Inherent Vice"
Christoph Waltz, "Big Eyes"

Best Actress – Motion Picture, Drama
Jennifer Aniston, "Cake"
Felicity Jones, "The Theory of Everything"
Julianne Moore, "Still Alice"
Rosamund Pike, "Gone Girl"
Reese Witherspoon, "Wild"

Best Actress – Motion Picture. Musical or Comedy
Amy Adams, "Big Eyes"
Emily Blunt, "Into the Woods"
Helen Mirren, "The Hundred-Foot Journey"
Julianne Moore, "Maps to the Stars"
Quvenzhané Wallis, "Annie"

Best Supporting Actor
Robert Duvall, "The Judge"
Ethan Hawke, "Boyhood"
Edward Norton, "Birdman"
Mark Ruffalo, "Foxcatcher"
J.K. Simmons, "Whiplash"

Best Supporting Actress
Patricia Arquette, "Boyhood"
Jessica Chastain, "A Most Violent Year"
Keira Knightley, "The Imitation Game"
Emma Stone, "Birdman"
Meryl Streep, "Into the Woods"

Best Director
Wes Anderson, "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Ava DuVernay, "Selma"
David Fincher, "Gone Girl"
Alejandro González Iñárritu, "Birdman"
Richard Linklater, "Boyhood"

Best Screenplay
Wes Anderson & Hugo Guinness, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Gillian Flynn, “Gone Girl”
Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris & Armando Bo, “Birdman”
Richard Linklater, “Boyhood”
Graham Moore, “The Imitation Game”

Best Original Score
Alexandre Desplat, "The Imitation Game"
Johann Johannsson, "The Theory of Everything"
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, "Gone Girl"
Antonio Sanchez, "Birdman"
Hans Zimmer, "Interstellar"

Best Original Song
Lana Del Rey, "Big Eyes" -- "Big Eyes"
John Legend and Common, "Glory" -- Selma"
Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye, "Mercy Is" -- "Noah"
Sia and Greg Kurstin, "Opportunity" -- "Annie"
Lorde, "Yellow Flicker Beat" -- "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1"

Best Foreign Language Film
"Force Majeure"

Best Animated Feature Film
"The Book of Life"
"The Boxtrolls"
"How to Train Your Dragon 2"
"Big Hero 6"
"The Lego Movie"

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ME TV's Christmas Conundrum

METV Classic TV  Christmas 
  Classic TV network , METV announced they will be doing a "Christmas Conundrum"   all December long in the countdown to Christmas.

all times Eastern/Pacific

Monday ,December 1st
10PM  Gunsmoke  P.S Murry Christmas

Tuesday, December 2nd
10PM  Dragnet  The Christmas Story
10:30PM  Adam-12   Christmas

Wednesday, December 3rd
10PM  The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis  Jangle Bells
10:30PM Family Affair   Christmas  Came  A little Early

Thursday, December 4th
10PM  Petticoat Junction    Cannonball Christmas
10:30pm The Beverly Hillibillies   Christmas At The Clampetts

Friday, December 5th
10PM Wonder Woman  The Deadly Toys

Monday, December 8th
10PM The Mary Tyler Moore Show   Not A Christmas story
10:30pm  Rhoda  Guess Wat I Got you for the Holidays

Tuesday, December 9th
10PM Car 54, Where are you ?    Christmas at The 53rd
10:30PM  Naked City  And  A Merry Christmas To The Force on Patrol

Wednesday, December 10th
10PM  Gilligan's Island   Birds Gotta Fly  , Fish Gotta Talk
10:30p m   Cheers   Love Me, Love my Car

Thursday , December 11th
10PM  Welcome Back, Kotter    Hark, The Sweatkings
10:30pm   Welcome Back ,Kotter   Sweathog Christmas special

Friday, December 12th
10 and 10:30pm   Saved by The Bell  Home For the Holidays parts 1 and 2

Monday, December 15th
10pm  The Bob Newhart Show   His Busiest Season
10:30pm  The Bob Newhart Show   I'm Dreaming of a Slight Christmas

Tuesday, December 16th
10PM   CHiPs   Christmas Watch

Wednesday, December 17th
10PM M*A*S*H Dear Dad
10:30pm M*A*S*H  Der Sis

Thursday, December 18th
10pm   That Girl   Christmas and The Hard Luck Kid
10:30pm  The Mary Tyler Moore Show Christmas and The Hard Luck II

Friday, December 19th
10PM  The Donna Reed Show A Very Merry Christmas
10:30pm  The Doris Day Show  It's Christmas time in the city

Monday, December 22nd
10pm  The Beverley Hillbillies   Christmas in Hooterville
10:30pm   Petticoat Junction  The Santa Claus Special

Tuesday, December 23rd
10PM  Laverne and Shirley  Oh, Come all Ye Bums
10:30pm  Happy Days  Guess Who's Comin' To Christmas

Wednesday , December 24th
10PM  The Odd Couple  Scrooge Gets an Oscar
10:30pm  The Honey Mooners  'twas the Night Before  Christmas

Christmas Night
10PM   The Brady Bunch  The Voice of Christmas
10:30pm  The  Andy Griffith Show Christmas Story

Find You METV station here 

source :

What CBS will be doing with the time between hosts on "Late Late Show"

CBS  Late Night TV  TV News

    CBS has announced what  they will be doing with the "Late Late Show" during the period of January 5th  , until James Cordon takes over March 6th .  They will have roating hosts and  special late night editions of their popular daytime show, "The Talk" .

Via Press release :
CBS will broadcast special editions of THE LATE LATE SHOW featuring rotating guest hosts and a special late night version of THE TALK, Monday, Jan. 5 - Friday, March 6, 2015 (12:37-1:37 AM, ET/PT).
As previously announced, the Peabody Award-winning and Emmy Award-nominated host Craig Ferguson will step down as host of THE LATE LATE SHOW on Friday, Dec. 19. The multi-talented performer, host, writer and producer James Corden will take the reigns as host on Monday, March 9, 2015.
Actor, host, comedian and producer Drew Carey will bookend the block of special editions when he guest hosts the first week, Monday, Jan. 5 - Friday, Jan. 9, and the final week, Monday, March 2 - Friday, March 6. Other guest hosts will include filmmaker Judd Apatow, actor Will Arnett, Emmy and GRAMMY Award-winning actor, host, singer and improv comedian Wayne Brady, comedian and actor Jim Gaffigan, comedian and actor Billy Gardell, actor, producer and Emmy Award winner Sean Hayes, writer, comedian and actor Thomas Lennon, GRAMMY Award winner John Mayer and actor Kunal Nayyar.
CBS Daytime’s THE TALK will broadcast original after-dark editions from their own set for THE LATE LATE SHOW time period. THE TALK will be broadcast Monday, Jan. 12 - Friday, Jan. 16 (12:37-1:37 AM, ET/PT).
Guests and further scheduling details will be announced shortly.

Friday, November 21, 2014

FOX sets it's mid season

FOX  Midseason2015 

      Fox has announced it's  winter 2015  line up ,  some of  the changes include :  "Glee" moves to Fridays , for it's final episodes  the series moves to Fridays , starting  January 9th , with  2 hour episode .  It will air Fridays  at 9/8c    until the series finale  , March 20th  at 8/7c  as a 2 hour finale.  Leading into "Glee" on Fridays is a new series ."World's Funniest Fails" airing Fridays  at 8/7c, Starting  January 16th.

     A 3rd season of  "MasterChef : Junior"  starts Tuesday, January 6th  airing Tuesdays at 8/7c.  "Hell's Kitchen" takes the slot starting March 3rd.

"American Idol" makes it's return starting Wednesday January 7th at 8/7c  and continues  its premiere   Thursday the 8th at 8/7c.   Its regular slots are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8/7c.  Following "Idol" on Wednesday is  "Empire" which premieres Wednesday January 7th at 9/8c;  airing Wednesdays in that slot.
 The New Crime series "BackStrom"  rounds off the Thursday Line up; premieres January 22nd at 9/8c.

Fox's Sunday line up gets a change starting , March 1st.   The Premiere of a new comedy . "The Last Man on  Earth" starts with a one hour premiere at 9/8c ; it's regular slot will be Sundays at 9:30/8:30c.  "Bob's Burgers" moves to 7:30/6:30c

 "The  Following" is back in a hour premiere , with a 2 hour premiere : Monday March 2nd  airing Mondays at 9/8c , starting the following week.  

New Comedy . "Weird Loners"  premieres Tuesday, March 31st  at 9:30/8:30c.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

NBC announces Holiday Programming

NBC  Christmas TV NEWS

NBC Entertainment NBC  has announced their holiday plans , including the classic "It's a wonderful Life" , their new play " Peter Pan Live", the Annual "New Years Eve Live" ,and more.

   via press release : 
UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. — November 13, 2014 — NBC celebrates the 2014 holiday season with an exciting slate of special programming that presents heart-warming annual traditions like “Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade,”  “Christmas in Rockefeller Center” and the beloved classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” along with concert specials by One Direction and Michael Buble, and the premieres of two brand-new inventive animated specials, featuring original songs that are destined to become holiday classics themselves: “How Murray Saved Christmas,” from four-time Emmy winner Mike Reiss (“The Simpsons”) and “Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas,” starring the voice talent of  four-time Emmy winner Jim Parsons (“The Big Bang Theory”).  At the centerpiece of the network’s holiday programming, the most anticipated TV event of the year, “Peter Pan Live!,” starring Allison Williams and Christopher Walken, brings one of Broadway’s most treasured plays to television in a brilliant new production from award-winning producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron.Rounding out the holiday fare are favorites like “The National Dog Show Presented by Purina” and iconic clips from the best of  “Saturday Night Live’s” Thanksgiving and Christmas shows over the past four decades, as well as a two-hour special of NBC’s popular musical competition series “The Sing-Off” and NBC’s annual patriotic salute to the men and women who serve our country, “WWE Tribute to the Troops,”  all leading up to the ringing in of 2015 with “New Year’s Eve with Carson Daly,” live from Times Square.Below is the holiday schedule: “The Making of Peter Pan Live!”Wednesday, Nov. 26 (8-9 p.m. ET )From Peacock Productions, this hourlong special will go behind the scenes to give viewers an inside look at the incredible teamwork it takes to create the event “Peter Pan Live” (Thursday, Dec. 4, 8 p.m.). Watch Allison Williams learn to fly and Christopher Walken practice his sword fighting as he prepares to play the villainous Captain Hook. From casting to costume design, this is an all-access pass to whet viewers’ appetites for all things “Peter Pan Live!”“SNL Thanksgiving”Wednesday, Nov. 26 (9-11 p.m. ET)An hilarious compilation of the best Thanksgiving-themed clips from 40 years of the iconic late-night series “Saturday Night Live.”“Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade”Thursday, Nov. 27 (9 a.m.-noon ET)The biggest spectacle of the holiday season returns to entertain millions as the 88th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade returns to NBC. Matt Lauer, Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie of “Today” will anchor the broadcast. More than 8,000 participants, some donning clown costumes, handling balloon giants or striking up the band, will set down the streets of Manhattan. Celebrities participating include Lucy Hale, Nick Jonas, Idina Menzel and Meghan Trainor. The parade will include high-stepping numbers from this season’s Tony Award-winning best musical “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder,” Sting’s “The Last Ship,” “On the Town” and “Side Show,” as well as a sneak peek at NBC’s “Peter Pan Live!” which airs Dec. 4. “The National Dog Show Presented by Purina”Thursday, Nov. 27 (noon-2 p.m. ET)The 13th annual “National Dog Show Presented by Purina” is hosted by award-winning actor, author and Broadway star John O’Hurley (“Seinfeld,” “Dancing with the Stars”) and expert analyst David Frei, an AKC-licensed judge and host of USA Network’s “The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.” Mary Carillo will report from the benching area and inside the show ring. Celebrating America’s love of man’s best friend, the telecast showcases some 1,500 purebred canines competing for the title of Best in Show.“Christmas in Rockefeller Center”Wednesday, Dec. 3 (8-9 p.m. ET)The arrival of the holidays wouldn’t be complete without a dazzling display of musical talent and the lighting of the world's most famous Christmas tree, hosted by “Today” show anchors Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker and Natalie Morales. The star-studded tree lighting extravaganza will feature musical guests including Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett, Cyndi Lauper, Seth MacFarlane and will feature Sara Bareilles, Idina Menzel, Pentatonix, LeAnn Rimes and Trisha Yearwood performing current hits and holiday classics.“SNL Christmas”Wednesday, Dec. 3 (9-11 p.m. ET)The funniest Christmas-themed clips from 40 years of the iconic late-night series “Saturday Night Live.”“Peter Pan Live!”Thursday, Dec. 4 (8-11 p.m. ET)The classic Broadway musical about a boy who refuses to grow up, “Peter Pan Live!” will receive a show-stopping treatment with Allison Williams as Peter and Oscar winner Christopher Walken as the villainous Captain Hook. From executive producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron comes an enchanting evening that is the most anticipated TV event of the year.“How Murray Saved Christmas”Friday, Dec. 5 (8-9 p.m. ET)From four-time Emmy-winning writer and executive producer Mike Reiss (“The Simpsons”), “How Murray Saved Christmas” is based on Reiss’ best-selling children’s book of the same name and is cleverly written entirely in rhymed verse. Featuring original songs by Emmy-winning and Oscar-nominated composer Walter Murphy (“Family Guy,” “Ted”), the story centers on cranky deli owner Murray Weiner (Jerry Stiller), who is forced to fill in for Santa (Kevin Michael Richardson) one Christmas and, with the help of Edison Elf (Sean Hayes), does a weirdly wonderful job. The special also stars the voice talents of Dennis Haysbert, Jason Alexander and John Ratzenberger.“It’s a Wonderful Life”Saturday, Dec. 6 (8-11 p.m. ET) and Wednesday, Dec. 24 (8-11 p.m. ET)The NBC annual tradition continues as the iconic 1946 film once again returns to primetime. Directed by Frank Capra, “It’s a Wonderful Life” stars Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, who contemplates suicide before a guardian angel intervenes and allows him to see all that is right in his world.“Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas”Tuesday, Dec. 16 (8-9 p.m. ET)Starring four-time Emmy Award winner Jim Parsons (“The Big Bang Theory”) as Buddy, this original stop-motion hour-long animated special is based on the popular film “Elf” and the hit Broadway show “Elf: The Musical.” Santa narrates the story of Buddy’s travels to New York City to meet the father he never knew he had. Along the way his unrelenting cheer transforms the lives of everyone he meets and opens his father’s eyes to the magic of Christmas. With nine new songs, the special features a voice cast including Mark Hamill, Ed Asner, Fred Armisen, Jay Leno, Matt Lauer, Gilbert Gottfried, Kate Micucci, Rachael MacFarlane, Max Charles and Steve Higgins.“Michael Bublé’s Christmas in New York”Wednesday, Dec. 17 (8-9 p.m. ET)Grammy Award-winning singer Michael Bublé celebrates the holiday season with his fourth annual special. Special guests join Bublé at the storied Radio City Music Hall in New York City for an hour-long celebration of his favorite holiday.“The Sing-Off”Wednesday, Dec. 17 (9-11 p.m. ET) A two-hour holiday special of the popular musical competition series “The Sing-Off” showcases six new groups who compete for a first-place prize of $50,000. Returning judges Jewel and Shawn Stockman will be joined by Fall Out Boy frontman Patrick Stump, while Nick Lachey once again hosts. “One Direction: The TV Special”Tuesday, Dec. 23 (8-9 p.m. ET)From Universal Orlando, this musical special offers TV viewers a rare inside look at the wildly popular band, and its members: Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson.“WWE Tribute to the Troops”Saturday, Dec. 27 (8-9 p.m. ET)As a way to honor the men and women who serve our country, WWE brings together the best of sports entertainment and pop culture with superstars and divas celebrity appearances, as well as performances from music’s most popular acts. “Tribute to the Troops” has become a holiday tradition and is considered one of TV’s most patriotic and heartwarming shows of the year.“New Year’s Eve with Carson Daly”Wednesday, Dec. 31 (10-11 p.m. ET and 11:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. ET)“The Voice” host will celebrate the arrival of 2015 from Times Square with an array of musical guests.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

CBS News Launches CBSN

CBS News  TV News

    CBS News has  a launched a  24 hour live stream  online service today, called CBSN. CBSN   is   free streaming  channel that  has live Anchored  news stories. It will be on 24 hours a day , but live for 15 hours a day.  It is a free with ad support  , to be watched online , on Roku , Fire TV, and moblie apps.  It also lets you "rewind" back to other stories to catch up and see again.

via press release

Nov. 6, 2014 – CBS News and CBS Interactive today launched CBSN, the first digital streaming news network that will allow Internet-connected consumers to watch live, anchored news coverage on their connected TV and other devices. At launch, the network is available 24/7 and makes all of the resources of CBS News available directly on digital platforms with live, anchored coverage 15 hours each weekday.
“CBSN is an important example of how CBS is able to leverage the unique strengths, talent and competitive advantages of its businesses to create exciting, highly competitive new services that meet evolving audience preferences for content consumption,” said Leslie Moonves, President and CEO, CBS Corporation. “There’s a tremendous opportunity on these platforms for a true round-the-clock newscast. We’re confident this service will appeal to both traditional news consumers and a whole new set of viewers.”
CBSN will be available on and its mobile website, key connected TV devices including Amazon Fire TV, Roku players and Roku TV™, and others, as well as the newly launched CBS News app for Windows 8/8.1 and Windows Phone 8/8.1 available through the Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. CBSN will also be available on the CBS News apps for Android and other leading platforms before the end of the year.
The network features a 60-minute format delivering live, updated news content from 9:00 AM - midnight ET every weekday at launch, and it takes advantage of the interactivity of digital platforms through a unique video player and on-screen interface. It gives viewers the full flexibility within each hour to control what they watch and when they watch it via DVR-like functionality that allows them to watch previous segments and jump back into live programming seamlessly and across devices.

Features of the network will include:
Live, anchored coverage from 9:00 AM - midnight ET every weekday;
Simulcasts of CBS News special reports for breaking news;
Additional content from a range of CBS sources including CBS News, CBS affiliate stations, CNET,, Entertainment Tonight and more;
Accessibility across key connected TV devices including Amazon Fire TV, Roku players, Roku TV™ and others, as well as additional core CBS News digital platforms including, its mobile website and the newly launched CBS News app for Windows 8/8.1 and Windows Phone 8/8.1 available through the Windows Store and Windows Phone Store. CBSN will also be available on the CBS News apps for Android and other leading platforms before the end of the year.
Personal choice and control through DVR-like functionality that enable viewers to watch the segments they’re interested in or tune into the live programming seamlessly;
The ability to share content from the experience via social media accounts with compatible devices;
The opportunity for advertisers to reach engaged news consumers with custom ad integrations.
CBS News, a pioneer in broadcast journalism since the earliest days of radio and television, is utilizing its award-winning newsgathering and reporting to redefine it for the digital age. CBSN offers original, up-to-the-minute coverage of national and global stories with dynamic on-demand video content, including video from CBS News’ extensive archives to add context and perspective. Viewers will have immediate access to breaking news reports, feature stories and interviews from among the most experienced teams in video journalism.
“CBSN gives audiences a new window on our original reporting – we’ll make it possible to see CBS News anytime, anywhere,” said David Rhodes, President, CBS News. “We are making an important investment in quality news coverage on any device.”
“CBSN demonstrates our continued advancement in the digital space, as we extend to new platforms and a wider audience,” said Jim Lanzone, President and CEO, CBS Interactive. “We are developing original content exclusively for online, connected platforms in a true interactive format that viewers can control, allowing them to lean back or lean in to the segments and stories that interest them.”
CBSN will be an ad-supported network across all platforms. Inaugural sponsors include Microsoft and Amazon. Other advertisers will also run in the service on all devices.
The live, linear stream will be led by both veteran and new CBS News correspondents.
Jeff Glor is the anchor of the Sunday edition of the CBS EVENING NEWS and Emmy award-winning correspondent for the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH SCOTT PELLEY. Since joining CBS News in 2007, Glor has traveled extensively to report on domestic and international stories.
Elaine Quijano is a CBS News Correspondent reporting for all platforms, including CBS THIS MORNING and the CBS EVENING NEWS, since 2010.
Michelle Miller is an award-winning CBS News Correspondent reporting for all broadcasts and platforms since 2004. Her work regularly appears on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH SCOTT PELLEY, CBS THIS MORNING and CBS SUNDAY MORNING WITH CHARLES OSGOOD.
Don Dahler is a CBS News Correspondent and an award-winning journalist whose work has appeared on a range of programs and platforms since 2013.
Vladimir Duthiers is a CBS News Correspondent. He joined CBS News in August 2014 from CNN, where he was an international correspondent based in Lagos, Nigeria.

About CBS Corporation
CBS Corporation (NYSE: CBS.A and CBS) is a mass media company that creates and distributes industry-leading content across a variety of platforms to audiences around the world. The Company has businesses with origins that date back to the dawn of the broadcasting age as well as new ventures that operate on the leading edge of media. CBS owns the most-watched television network in the U.S. and one of the world's largest libraries of entertainment content, making its brand - “the Eye” - one of the most recognized in business. The Company's operations span virtually every field of media and entertainment, including cable, publishing, radio, local TV, film, outdoor advertising, and interactive and socially responsible media. CBS's businesses include CBS Television Network, The CW (a joint venture between CBS Corporation and Warner Bros. Entertainment), Showtime Networks, CBS Sports Network, TVGN (a joint venture between CBS Corporation and Lionsgate), Smithsonian Networks, Simon & Schuster, CBS Television Stations, CBS Radio, CBS Television Studios, CBS Global Distribution Group (CBS Studios International and CBS Television Distribution), CBS Interactive, CBS Consumer Products, CBS Home Entertainment, CBS Films and CBS EcoMedia. For more information, go to
About CBS News
CBS News is the news and information division of CBS Corporation, dedicated to providing the best in journalism under standards it pioneered at the dawn of radio and television and continues to set in today's digital age. Headquartered in the CBS Broadcast Center in New York, CBS News includes bureaus across the globe and influential, critically acclaimed programs providing original reporting, interviews, investigations, analysis and breaking news 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CBS News utilizes a multi-platform model for news distribution across television (CBS Television Network), radio (CBS Radio News), the Internet ( and hand-held devices (CBS Mobile). CBS News launched CBS THIS MORNING, which joined award-winning programs 60 MINUTES, THE CBS EVENING NEWS WITH SCOTT PELLEY, 48 HOURS, FACE THE NATION and CBS SUNDAY MORNING.
About CBS Interactive
CBS Interactive, a division of CBS Corporation, is the premier online content network for information and entertainment. With more than 280 million people visiting its properties each month, CBS Interactive is a top Web property globally. Its portfolio of leading brands, which include, CNET,,,,, GameSpot, and, span popular categories like technology, entertainment, sports, news and gaming. Follow CBS Interactive on Twitter at and on Facebook.

The Lookback :Kids programs : ABC Saturday Mornings part I

The FlashBack  Children's programming   

  By Skyler 
   Once again , we are looking back  at children's programming ( I am deeply shocked)  this time we take a look back some programs offered on ABC during the 1980's ,to make this easier we are taking a look at 5 (in no specific order).     So, let's get right to it.

      1. The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo
       Ah ,yes "Scooby Doo" has been around a long time , and has had different set ups  and designs. It has survived  ownership changes and channel changes ( and two live-action movies , that don't count) . There was this : "The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo" ran on ABC Saturday Mornings in 1985 ( 1 season).
    This Scooby-Doo Series was different : It had real demons (gasp) instead of crazy people wearing costumes to break the law. We had Scooby , Shaggy and Daphne(Wait, why are Shaggy and Daphne together? Did they kill Fred?)  .  Scrappy returned ( insert your thought here )  and a new one-time character  in the series (as of 2014) a kid (to make the kids relate to the program?)  named Flim-Flam  and his warlock friend (who is voiced by Vincent Price).

  only 13   ....Hanna-Barbera / ABC/Youtube

   The show had 13 episodes ( makes sense)  they went around world looking for the demons to get them back into the chest.  The series having real ghosts  also means you have ghosts also trying to get the chest away from the Shaggy.  The series ran 13 episodes (like  I said already)  but they only caught 11 ghosts it was canceled in 1986.

2. Turbo Teen
     So 1984,  Ruby-Spears made a new TV cartoon  and this show is well ...different.  The Premise is a teenager is driving his car and then he has an accident ( they can rebuild him , wait wrong show)  and crashes into a secret government lab  and a ray messes with molecules and  combines him into a car.  How does he turn into car? ( I don't know , you tell me )  Extreme Heat turns him into car and Extreme reverses the process. Naturally he decides to fight crime.  He has two friends who help him and a dog . (gotta have a dog)  The Show ran on ABC Saturday Mornings for 1 season and only had 13 episodes.

That looks painful  / Ruby Spears /Whoever owns Ruby Spears stuff now/ YouTube

3.  The  Fonz Lives again ( not the name of the show we will be talking about )
    Happy  Days  was that successful show in the  1970's  so why not make a cartoon version of  it ?
   ("The Brady Bunch" did it.) That's where  "The Fonz and Happy Days gang" came from (notice it's the Fonz first , kind of like how the live-action show became) it stared  voices of the actors who played the characters on the original show:  Henry Winkler , Donny Most, and Ron Howard. They added a dog (as most cartoons had to have an animal of some sort I think) and a girl from the future , named Cupcake (poor kid).  The series was about The Fonz  and his friends going through time in a time machine trying to get back to 1957.(Don't we all)  It ran on  ABC for two seasons (1980-1981) with a total of 24  (much less than the original series )

Um yeah.... /Youtube

more after the jump

while you wait . please take your head off / youtube

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

CBS Holidays TV 2014 announcement

TV NEWS   CBS  Christmas TV  

         CBS is ready for Christmas , they have announced their 2014 Thanksgiving to New Year's program highlights for this year.

via press release 

“RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER”CELEBRATES ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY!“The Thanksgiving Day Parade on CBS”Kicks Off the Network’s Holiday Season of Special EventsNew Entertainment Special “A Very GRAMMY® Christmas”
Will Feature Performances by Ariana Grande, Maroon 5,
Tim McGraw and Pharrell Williams
Will Feature Performances by Ariana Grande, Maroon 5, Tim McGraw and Pharrell WilliamsVictoria’s Secret World-Famous Angels Star in“The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show” in London“I Love Lucy Christmas Special” Will FeatureTwo Classic Episodes, Including the Newly Colorized“Job Switching,” a.k.a. “Chocolate Factory”“The 37th Annual Kennedy Center Honors” to Celebrate Singer Al Green,Actor and Filmmaker Tom Hanks, Ballerina Patricia McBride, Singer-Songwriter Sting and Comedienne Lily Tomlin
CBS’s holiday programming this year will be highlighted by the 50th anniversary celebration of the perennial favorite RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER. The festive season, which kicks off with THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE ON CBS, will also include festive specials and beloved animated classics.Music-laden specials include the new entertainment special A VERY GRAMMY CHRISTMAS, with performances by singer/songwriter Ariana Grande, three-time GRAMMY Award-winning group Maroon 5, three-time GRAMMY Award winner Tim McGraw and seven-time GRAMMY Award winner Pharrell Williams; THE VICTORIA’S SECRET FASHION SHOW, featuring the world-famous VS angels; and THE 37th  ANNUAL KENNEDY CENTER HONORS.In addition to RUDOLPH and FROSTY’s annual visits are encore broadcasts of the animated holiday specials THE FLIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, FROSTY RETURNS, THE STORY OF SANTA CLAUS and YES, VIRGINIA.Following is the schedule for CBS’s Holiday Programming:
Thursday, Nov. 27:THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE ON CBS (9:00 AM-Noon, Live ET; 7:00 AM-10:00 AM, Live MT; 9:00 AM-Noon, Delayed PT) “Entertainment Tonight’s” Kevin Frazier and “The Insider’s” Thea Andrews will anchor what is now a CBS Thanksgiving tradition in its 54th year, which will feature portions of the 87th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade live from New York City. The parade will include musical performances by the Broadway casts of “Matilda” and “Pippin.”
Friday, Nov. 28:FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (9:00-9:30 PM, ET/PT)Frosty, that “jolly, happy soul” whose old silk hat full of magic has turned him into a musical Christmas legend, once again demonstrates his unique showmanship. Narrated by Jimmy Durante, the special also includes the voices of Jackie Vernon (as Frosty) and Billy De Wolfe (as Professor Hinkle).  (Rebroadcast)
YES, VIRGINIA (9:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT)This animated special is based on the 1897 true story of Virginia O’Hanlon, an 8-year-old girl who inspired the most famous newspaper editorial of all time by asking “Is there a Santa Claus?” Neil Patrick Harris, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Alfred Molina voice key characters. Beatrice Miller voices the role of Virginia. (Rebroadcast)
Saturday, Nov. 29:
THE FLIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) An animated holiday special about a young reindeer with ambitions of becoming an expert flyer like his father, features the voices of Emma Roberts and comedian Norm MacDonald. (Rebroadcast)
THE STORY OF SANTA CLAUS (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)An animated musical holiday special featuring the voices of Edward Asner, Betty White and Tim Curry, the story revolves around a gentle toymaker whose only wish is to deliver a toy to every child on Christmas. (Rebroadcast)
Friday, Dec. 5:
A VERY GRAMMY CHRISTMAS (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)Singer/songwriter Ariana Grande, three-time GRAMMY Award-winning group Maroon 5,three-time GRAMMY Award winner Tim McGraw and seven-time GRAMMY Award winner Pharrell Williams will perform on this new one-hour entertainment special. Also, the nominees for Album of the Year will be announced.
Sunday, Dec. 7:I LOVE LUCY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) – Features two back-to-back classic episodes of the 1950s series, including the seldom-seen “Christmas Episode,” and an all-new colorized version of “Job Switching” (a.k.a. “Chocolate Factory”). Both were colorized with a vintage look, a nod to the 1950s period in which the shows were filmed. The main titles and end credits of the two episodes are seamlessly combined into one set—at the beginning and end of the hour, with no interruption between the episodes. (Rebroadcast)
Tuesday, Dec. 9:RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) The classic holiday special celebrates its 50th anniversary! Narrated by Burl Ives, who is also heard as the voice of Sam the Snowman, this favorite is a music story based on the popular song of the same name by Johnny Marks. It recounts the tale of a shy reindeer whose Christmas spirit is dampened because his shiny nose has made him the laughing stock of all of Christmasville.  (Rebroadcast)
THE VICTORIA’S SECRET FASHION SHOW (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT)  This year’s show from across the pond in London will feature world-famous Victoria’s Secret Angels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes, Candice Swanepoel, Lily Aldridge, Behati Prinsloo, Karlie Kloss and Lindsay Ellingson. The show, which merges fashion, fantasy and entertainment into a runway spectacle, will be seen in approximately 200 countries, and include musical performances, pink carpet interviews, model profiles and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the world’s most celebrated fashion show.
Saturday, Dec. 13:FROSTY RETURNS (9:30-10:00 PM, ET/PT)The magic still in his old silk hat, the holiday season’s perennially popular original dancing snowman continues his adventure and skates on the edge of danger.  Jonathan Winters is the narrator with John Goodman as the voice of Frosty. (Rebroadcast)
Friday, Dec. 19:A HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)The special tells touching stories about adoption from foster care to raise awareness for this important social issue. Inspirational stories of families are enhanced with performances by some of today’s most popular artists.
Tuesday, Dec. 30:THE 37TH ANNUAL KENNEDY CENTER HONORS (9:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT)Singer Al Green, actor and filmmaker Tom Hanks, ballerina Patricia McBride, singer-songwriter Sting and comedienne Lily Tomlin will receive honors. Seated with President and Mrs. Obama, the Honorees will accept the thanks of their peers and fans through performances and heartfelt tributes.