CBS has set their mid season schedule which includes the return of "The Amazing Race". They are also putting a series on Saturday (mostly as a place to burn off a show,possibly).
New Series include : "Training Day" , "Ransom" , "Training Day" , "Doubt". The Return of "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race".
Here's the Schedule;
Wednesday, December 21st
8PMET Undercover Boss (new season ) (new hours
Sunday, January 1st
8:30PMET "Ransom" (special NYD premiere)
Saturay , January 7th
8PMET "Ransom" (time Period premiere)
Sunday, January 22nd
10PMET Hunted (new series)
Wednesday , January 25th
8pmet Hunted (time period premiere ) (2 hours)
Thursday, February 2nd
10PM "Training Day" (new series)
Wednesday, February 15th
10PMET "Doubt" (new series)
Wednesday, March 8th
8PMET "Survivor" (two hours) (new season)
Friday, April 21st
8PMET "The Amazing Race" (new season) (Two hours)
As I have stated before, there are not many Thanksgiving specials out there so it's nice to find one, that's not an episode of a TV show , to write about. This us to our hero, Winnie the Pooh. (accept him) Also I didn't know that Christopher Robin lived in the United States.
"A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving" came out in 1998 and aired on ABC and reran up until 2003. (weird they stopped after they got the Peanuts rights) it also was nominated for the Primetime Emmy for outstanding Children's program. So was it outstanding?
Pooh is happy that it's Thanksgiving Day (especially when he found out they don't eat bears on that day) and he invites Christopher Robin the wood's Thanksgiving dinner. Pooh is a hurry to prepare for Thanksgiving. (with song)
Somehow only the top part of C.R is cold/copyright Walt Disney
The creatures of the 100 Acre Wood brings something for the meal , Rabbit tells them that their meal is wrong , because honey, acorns and melty chocolate ice-cream aren't part of tradition, and they need to have Turkey , cranberries , pumpkin pie , and etc... without these things it's not the same. (Wait wait , Rabbit wants Turkey?) Rabbit tells Tigger and Eeyore to gather cranberries, Gopher (good thing's only one gopher) to make pumpkin pie, Owl to clean the dinnerware , Rabbit will decorate, and Pooh and Piglet have to get turkey. (murder?)
Now go kill ! /Copyright Walt Disney
Pooh and Piglet look for turkey and can't seem to find one. (and we get another song, about how terrifying turkeys are) While the others stick to their mission. Tigger and Eeyore have to re get their the cranberries after they lost the others due to a hole in a bag and Tigger's jumping, they follow a trail and end up in Pooh and Piglet's turkey trap. Gopher and Owl have finished their jobs and Piglet and Pooh show up with their 'turkey'. The whole meal plan falls apart after Tigger and Eeyore break out the bag. Rabbit and the others feel sad that it's been ruined.
Looks like real Thanksgiving to me /copyright Disney
Pooh thinks of an idea to go each of the other's homes and they invite Rabbit to their newly made Thanksgiving party , with most of the stuff they were going to use in the first place. (We get another song about Friends).
awwww/copyright Disney
This special feels like Thanksgiving , just feels warm watching it (or it's the weather) it's Winnie the Pooh , so it's awesome. The message of Thanksgiving is in this special : that it's not about the food or what kind of food you have , it's about being thankful and friends (or family) and that's really what this special does in a subtle way, except that end song. It also has it's laughs and the songs are very nicely done. If you are looking for a Thanksgiving special , besides the awesome Peanuts one, well here's one.
Tune in next time when we find out that Rabbit really does love eating meat!
But First these Messages
Happy November! (AKA the month that's not December) and that means , it's coming! (Yes Only 4 more months to beat the Saint Patrick's Day rush!) Yes, Thanksgiving. (Oh yeah ,that) Mostly now Thanksgiving season's commercial air space is used to tell you that ... you can wake up really early to spend some money on stuff while hopefully not being punched in the face for said stuff, because some other person wants that stuff.
" Look at the fragile stuff! "/copyright Target
So this is Thanksgiving... But first these messages:
Sadly, around the time this was made , we found out that Metlife is changing up and as part of this they are dropping the Peanuts characters as their mascots, which is disappointing.
Maybe they can work for State Farm,
"Like a good Neighbor...Lucy is there" /copyright Metlife.
This ad from 1988 :
Until the end of it , you wouldn't even know it was a commercial , you would think that in the middle of "Murder She Wrote" , CBS hit a button and is airing the Peanuts. Until at the end they say "Happy Thanksgiving from Met Life". That was very nice of Metlife (or Metropolitan Life and Affiliated Companies) to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving. Now go buy some insurance!
What do people happen to eat on Thanksgiving? (Goat! ) Oh that's right... Turkey. (No , I said Goat!)
Good thing Marion (I don't know what they are saying) didn't hear them or this would have been their last Thanksgiving. Butterball says they are always juicy... I bet someone could prove them wrong. Maybe I like dry turkey...huh Butterball..what about the dry turkey lovers?
Also at the end there: "We are Beatrice" what?
Join our cult, your name will be Beatrice, worship our poultry!
Gotta buy that Butterball somewhere. (that's a mean thing to say about Aunt Lois!)
I guess Walmart?
I have three reasons to visit Walmart, thanks alot Mary, Jerry, Lauren (was Lorry not taken?) and mmm fixings. Sure, she's happy now she has extra food, but wait until your are still eating Thanksgiving stuff in March!
Cool Whip , was around in 1969.
Hmm Uncle Harry concerns me.... who doesn't want pie?
Now after dessert it's time for dessert. (you don't understand how this works do you?)
That poor turkey ... that narrator was giving him terror of his life and then tells him it's Icecream I mean really. That's just mean.
Most of the commercials here seem to do with food, well except that insurance commercial, which with all that cool whip you are going to need life insurance.
Now back to our program.. When Thanksgiving Turkeys attack.
Classic's network , METV, has released their holiday programming schedule for this season , starting on November 27th. They will be airing Holiday related programming every Sunday at 2pm/1c until Christmas day.
(note all times are eastern/central ; mt is same as central and Pt is same as ET)
Here are the details
Sunday, November 27th
2PM | 1C: Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: "Mike's Dream: A Christmas Tale" 3PM | 2C: Little House on the Prairie: "Bless All the Dear Children"
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 2PM | 1C: Mister Ed: "Ed's Christmas Story" 2:30PM | 1:30C: Touched by an Angel: "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" 3:30PM | 2:30C: Grizzly Adams: "Upon a Starry Night"
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 2PM | 1C: Petticoat Junction: "Cannonball Christmas" 2:30PM | 1:30C: The Brady Bunch: "The Voice of Christmas" 3:30PM | 2:30C: The Brady Bunch: "A Very Brady Christmas"
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 2PM | 1C: MacGyver: "The Madonna" 3PM | 2C: The Love Boat: "The Christmas Cruise"
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 2PM | 1C: The Beverly Hillbillies: "Christmas at the Clampetts" 2:30PM | 1:30C: Gilligan's Island: "Birds Gotta Fly, Fish Gotta Talk" 3PM | 2C: Happy Days: "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" 3:30PM | 2:30C: Laverne & Shirley: "Christmas Eve at the Bobby Hatch" 4PM | 3C: Family: "Tis the Season"
Also airing are airing Thanksgiving programming and more Christmas programming you can find that info here.
FOX has announced their winter schedule and premiere dates. It's new series "Star" gets special premiere in December , before it starts officially in January. Also , New comedy, "The Mick" gets a New Year's Day premiere.
Here are some Details :
Wednesday, December 14
8PMET Empire (Fall Finale)
9PMET Star (Special Premiere)
January 1st
8PMET The Mick (new comedy) (special premiere)
8:30PMET Brookyln Nine-Nine (Winter finale 2 parts)
January 3rd
8:31PMET The Mick (time period premiere)
9:01PMET Bones :The Final Chapter (season premiere)
January 5th
8PMET Hell's Kitchen (New season )
Fridays starting January 6th
8PMET Rosewood (Time Period Premiere)
9PMET Sleepy Hollow (New Season)
Thursdays, starting January 12th
8PMET Hell's Kitchen (Time period)
9:01pmet My Kitchen Rules (Series Premiere)
Sunday, February 5th
10PMET/7PT 24:Legacy (Series Premiere , Part one)
Mondays starting February 6th
8PMET 24: Legacy (Series Premiere , part two )
9:01pmet APB (Series Premiere)
Thursdays Starting February 9th
8PMET Masterchef Junior (Series Premiere)
9:01PM My Kitchen Rules
This special has got to be the most 80's Peanuts special ever, I mean this ,as most Peanuts specials and comics did stay timeless to a fault and not really showing off a time period. Though the characters did update to times in subtle ways : like with Lucy and Sally wearing pants in later strips. This special goes off the timelessness of Peanuts specials and goes straight for the time it was made, that is "It's Flashbeagle ,Charlie Brown".
The special doesn't have a plot ,per say, so we won't be doing our normal piece by piece look at the episode. (loudly cheers) We will take a look at things by segment.
The First segment is a few minutes of Peppermint Patty and Marcie in class and of course the things that Peppermint Patty does in class. Peppermint Patty going to gym class this gives us our first song called "Get in shape".
Apparently this song inspired by Charles Schulz' daughter Jill , who was 12 at the time the sequence and the images are based on her as well. Also somebody who wrote this song liked "Hey Nikki". (Just be glad this wasn't made in 1997 some one would have been inspired by the Macerana)
In segment 2 (guess we will call it that ) Snoopy hair dries his ears , while Charlie Brown and Sally are talking about a party. The Party starts and the kids are playing Simon says (Simon says we are going to take over the world tonight , Pinky) and in true Lucy style takes over the game and next song starts. It's called "Lucy Says"
This song is inspired by Lucy being the boss. ( Lucy later started a cult where everyone has to dress like her and have wigs like her hair) After, the song , the party continues and a Sally wanting Linus to dance with her but Linus refuses scene. Also Snoopy and Woodstock make punch and Charlie Brown sees how they do it and it grosses him out (Woodstock drinks from the straws and swims in the punch to mix it) and Lucy drinks it not knowing this secret.
The next song is started by Charlie Brown called the Pig Pen Hoedown (finally the most 80's thing ever , country music!).