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Sunday, December 13, 2009

ABC news changes on December 14th

Abc announced back earlier this year that Diane Sawyer host of Good Morning America will be taking Charles Gibson's spot on ABC World News since he is retiring. So down to all the hurry to find a new GMA co-host they found 1 his name you may know he's worked at ABC for many years ,George Stephanopulos he his the host ABC's Sunday morning talks show "This week" he will not be leaving that show until they find a replacement. Meanwhile ABC news is making a change with 20/20 the friday night news magazine to replace John Stossel who left to FOX news in Spetmber with ABC Gma anchor Chris Cuomo. He will be co-hosting with Elizabeth Vargas. And of course Diane Sawyer is going to be competing against Brian Williams on NBC and Katie Couric on CBS. That Starts December 21st on ABC the week of Christmas surprisingly.


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