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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spitzer and Parker get CNN show.

HE’S BAAACK: Former New York...Guess who is coming to CNN? Well Cnn has tapped to 2 people to replace Campbell Brown  in their 8PMET slot, Campbell resigned last month and waiting to leave. You may know one of their names  former some say disgraced governor of NewYork Eliot Spitzer  Along with Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. CNN is hoping to make a new show that's different from their others that will be a debate show with 2 hots of different Views to bring together a picture. So CNN may now have trouble ,though  since some don't like Spitzer due to his past including the hooker scandal which he resigned for in 2008 as Governor of NewYork. That maybe a hard catch for viewers or it might work. CNN also is not ridding of a woman in Prime Time thanks to them also picking Parker. So it's still where primetimes of the cable news channels still have at least 1 woman in their line ups. Spitzer had been doing some work at MSNBC including fill-in jobs and contributor.
Will you be watching the show? email us The Start date is unknown but will tell you when it's coming.  


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