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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joshuaonline turning 6 years and why I started it

By Skyler
  Joshuaonline is Mychiller's TV and Media Blog , where share TV news and media news, with opinions. It launched in 2006 with not a major plan or a goal  that's the honesty of it . This site here has changed many times it did news ,  it had politics it was everywhere , the slogan was "Everything Here" infact. Then around 2008  I started sharing TV news here about the new TV seasons and shows coming up, and finally by 2010 the direction of the site really has changed.
    Our Slogan is "TV and Media Straight Forward" what that means is alot, it means that TV and Media news and opinion is shared in a straight forward way that opinions are saying directly what they mean, if there's something in the media we like we say it , something we don't we  say it. TV is interesting and changing , we've seen many soaps go off the air, we've seen a few TV seasons go by. We hope that you have been enjoying this blog for the 6 years it's been around. We are not a large and famous blog but we are here for people to read and enioy and think. Joshuaonline is the name of the site, even though it wasn't started by a person named Joshua it was started by me (Skyler).
    The media's job in the United States , atleast in the news part , is that they are supposed to inform the people and be a watchdog of government and consumers. Our goal is to make sure the media is being the watchdog not the lap dog. I would like to thankyou all for reading even if it was just the past week you found this site, the goal is to try hard at what we do and never waiver from that.

PS:  JOL  turn 6 in April

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