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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Dear the Media.. Things aren't news

Dear the Media
 By Sarah F for mychiller
    February is over and once a gain the media wasted a month on stupid episodic things and everything is political issue. What was it the lack of primaries and debates?The media has issues of talking about Whitney Houston for  a week, they talked about contraception , they talked about  Rick Santorum how he was the front runner because he won 3 states, and not looking at how many delegates he has which at the time was less than Gingrich. They wasted time debating things that don't need to be debated for days on straight, Maybe  ,they hate good economic news or think the economy is better so they aren't focusing on it?   They were also beating the drum for war with Iran, maybe they have money for their war coverage budget now and forgot that the US was in 2 wars and has yet to pay that debt of.  

 By Sklyer 
     CBS Evening News has had a great  February it beat ABC World News with 25-52 yr  old demo   one week. I do think it's because the newscast is different from NBC's and ABC's that it''s doing more serious stories and less entertainment and light stories.  
       NBC did something stupid from the start in February , what did they do? They moved "Rock Center with Brian Williams" a weekly news magazine , from Monday nights at 10/9c to Wednesday Nights at 9/8c.  The stupid thing about that is the time slot. 9/8c on Wednesday is friecely packed, with top rated shows, "Modern Family ", "Happy Endings"on ABC and "American Idol" (which has been slipping) on FOX. So now in March they are moving it to 10/9c , where it will compete with lighter shows, though it could still get beat by "Revenge". And to think NBC is the fourth place network ,there's a reason for that. 

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