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Monday, March 26, 2012

Weather Channel makes a Another Line up change

THE WEATHER Channel Where's the Weather?
By Skyler
 This really goes in the category of  NBC Ruined the Weather Channel ,since the Weather Channel was bought in a consortium back in 2008 , they have made  changes to the channel including cutting back on LIVE weather "News" programs and adding reality programming.
This was in The Holywood Reporter   back in 2010.
NBC Uni posted a video interview with Peacock Productions executive Sharon Scott about the company's intentions for the network, which include reducing the amount of live weather coverage. Scott points out we have iPads now, so this whole covering weather on TV is just getting silly (try telling that to NBC's local news stations).
         Instead, live weather news will increasingly get folded down to a scroll during weather-themed reality programming. She compares the move to CNN and MSNBC, but it's also similar to how TV Guide Channel tackled their branding vs. growth problem. 
Since 2011, this has happened, they cut back "Weather Center " an evening weather news programming down to 3 1 hour backs at 7PMET, 10PMET, and 1AMET. In between that  they added reality shows, with a weather theme, if that.
 And more to come according to this. read here
Effectively today, The Weather Channel has cut back it's program "DayPlanner" which aried from 11AMET-5PMET, is being cut to 11AMET-2PMET , and  a new 1 hour block of "Weather Center Live" is airing from 4-5PMET. now every 3 hours from 4PMET-4AMET  you will have 4 live Weather news shows and  tons of reality shows.

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