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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

BBC America Doctor Who Marathon

Doctor Who 
 By Skyler
BBC America is doing a week of "Doctor Who" programming  as  the 50th anniversary episode is this weekend .
  Here is a look at that line up from BBC America's website (if it's wrong it's their fault) .
   Each weekday
from 6-8AMET is BBC World News .

Tuesday  11/19/2013
    8AMET  Doctor Who Specail : Tales from the  Tardis
    9AM ET Doctor Who  Episode 1 of season 1 -Rose
    10AMET  Doctor Who  Season 1 episode 2  - The End of the World
   11AMET   Doctor Who Season  1 episode 3   The Unquiet Dead
   12PMET    Doctor Who  Season 1 episode 4  Aliens of London
   1PMET     Doctor Who  Season  1 episode 5   World War Three
   2PMET     Doctor Who Season  1 episode 6    Dalek
  3PMET      Season 1 episode 7   The Long Game
 4PMET        Season 1 episode 8     Father's Day
  5PMET      Season 1 episode 9     The  Empty Child
  6PMET      Season 1 episode 10   The Doctor Dances
7PMET     Season 1 episode  11   Boom Town
8PMET     Season 1  Episode 12    Bad Wolf
9PMET      Season 1 Episode  13  The Parting of the ways
10PMET    The Christmas Invasion
11PMET    The  Runaway  Bride

continues after the Jump  

   Wednesday  11/20/2013
    12AMET  Season 3 episode 10 Blink
    1AMET    Voyage of the Damned
    2AMET     Season 4 episode  1 Partners in Crime
    3AMET      Season 4 episode 2  The Fires of Pompeii
    4AMET      Season  4 episode 3   Planet of the Ood
    5AMET       Season 4 episode 4   The Sontaran Stratagem
    ------------------------------------marathon continues at 8AMET
   8AMET     Season 4 episode 5   The Poison Sky
   9AMET      Season 4  episode 6  The Doctor's Daughter
  10AMET     season 4  episode 7   The Unicorn and the Wasp
  11AMET     Season 4  episode 8  Silence in the Library
  12PMET     Season  4 episode 9   Forest of the Dead
   1PMET       Season  4 Episode 10  Midnight
2PMET           Season 4 Episode 11 Turn Left
3PMET            Season 4 Episode 12  The Stolen Earth
4PMET         Season 4  Episode 13  Journey's's End
 5PMET         Special: The  Next Doctor
6PMET         Special : Planet of the Dead
7PMET        Special  : Waters of Mars
8PMET        The End of Time  (3hours)
11PMET     Special: The Next Doctor

Thursday  11/21/2013
12 AMET         Special : Planet of the Dead
1 AMET        Special  : Waters of Mars
2AMET    The Doctors Revisited :  The First Doctor
2:30AMET  The Doctors Revisited : The Second Doctor
3 AMET     The Doctors Revisited  : The Third Doctor
3:30AMET  The Doctors Revisited : The 4th Doctor
4 AM ET    The Doctors Revisited  :  The Fifth Doctor
4:30AMET  The Doctors Revisited :  The Sixth Doctor
5AMET       The Doctors  Revisited  : The Seventh Doctor
5:30AMET   The Doctors Revisited  : The Eight Doctor
 -------------Marathon Continues  at 8AMET
8AMET   The Doctors Revisited : The Ninth Doctor
8:30AMET  The Doctors Revisited : The Tenth Doctor
9AMET        Season 5  Episode 1  The Eleventh Hour
10AMET      Season 5 Episode  2   The Beast Below
11AMET       Season 5  Episode 3    Victory of the Daleks
12PMET      Season 5  Episode 4       The Time of Angles
1PMET         Season 5  Episode 5       Flesh and Stone
2PMET        Season 5  Episode 6        Vampires in Venice
3PMET       Season 5   Episode  7       Amy's  Choice
4PMET         Season 5 Episode 8       The Hungry Earth
5PMET        Season 5 Episode 9        Cold Blood
6PMET        Season 5 Episode 10     Vincent and The Doctor
7PMET       Season 5 Episode 11    The Lodger
8PMET       Season 5 Episode 12    The Pandorica Opens
9PMET      Season 5  Episode  13   The Big Bang
10PMET    Special : A Christmas Carol
11PMET     Season 6 Episode 1   The  Impossible Astronaut

Friday  11/22/2013
12AMET    Doctor Who  Season 6 Episode 2  Day of the Moon
1AMET      Doctor Who  Season 6 Episode  3  The Curse of the Black Spot
2AMET      Doctor Who  :The Companions
3AMET    Doctor Who : Tales from the Tardis
4AMET    Doctor Who :  The Science of Doctor Who
5AMET   The Desintations of Doctor Who
----------------------------marathon continues at 8amET
8AMET  Doctor Who in the US
9AMET    Season 6  Episode 4 The Doctor's Wife
10AMET   Season 6 Episode 5  The Rebel Flesh
11AMET   Season 6 Episode 6 The Almost People
12PMET    Season 6 Episode 7  A Good Man goes to War
1PMET      Season 6 Episode 8  Let's Kill Hitler
2PMET      Season 6  Episode 9   Night Terrors
3PMET       Season 6 Episode 10  The Girl Who Waited
4PMET      Season 6  Episode 11   The God Complex
5PMET     Season  6  Episode 12   Closing Time
6PMET     Season  6  Episode  13   The Wedding  of River Song
7PMET       The Doctor  , The Widow and the Wardrobe
8PMET   Doctor Who Explained (New)
9PMET    An Adventure  in Space and Time  (repeats at 11PMET )

Saturday  11/23/2013
 1AMET    Season 7 Episode 1 Asylum of the Daleks
2AMET    Season 7 Episode 2  Dinosaurs on a Space ship
3AMET    Season 7 Episode 3  A  Town called Mercy
4AMET     Season 7 Episode 4  The Power or  Three
5AMET     Season 7 Episode 5    The Angles Take Manhattan
6AMET   Doctor Who Explained
6:30AMET    Season 7 Episode 6   The Bells of Saint John
7:30AMET    Season 7 Episode 7   The Rings of Akhaten
8:30AMET     Season 7 Episode 8  Cold War
9:30AMET     Season 7 Episode 9   Hide
10:30AMET   Season 7 Episode 10  Journey to the Center of the  Tardis
11:30AMET   Season 7 Episode 11  The Crimson Horror
12:30PMET    Season 7  Episode 12  Nightmare in Silver
1:30PMET     Season 7  Episode  13  The Name of the Doctor
2:30PMET     Live Pre show
2:50PMET     The Day of the Doctor (NEW)  world wide simulcast
4:10PMET    THE End of Time
7:00PMET   The Day of the Doctor (repeat )  also repeats at 11PMET

 Sunday  11/24/2013
 8PMET  The Doctors Revisited : The  Eleventh Doctor (NEW)

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