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Thursday, August 14, 2014

David Gregory is out at Meet The Press

     The pressure has exploded  after months and months of speculation , rumors , and stories of bad ratings , David Gregory is out at "Meet The Press", NBC's Sunday Morning staple.

David Gregory tweeted  this today

   NBC's Chuck Todd  currently  NBC's chief Washington  Correspondant and political director and anchor of MSNBC's  Daily  Rundown will officially take over as host September 7th.

 Tvnewser  has president of NBC News' Deborah Turness' statement
 H/T Tvnewser 

From: Deborah Turness (NBCUniversal)
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 4:41 PM
To: @NBC Uni NBC News All
Subject: Meet the Press
Dear All,
I want to share some news about Meet the Press. After an exceptional 20 years with NBC News, David Gregory is leaving the network.
I want to express my sincerest thanks to David, who, after the death of Tim Russert, led Meet the Press for almost 6 years. Under his leadership the show has had a string of exclusives, and David has shown a remarkable gift for holding leaders to account and getting answers on issues that matter to our audience. He is an outstanding journalist whose sharp intellect and quick sense of humor have made him a pleasure to work with. I know you all join me in expressing our deepest gratitude and in wishing him the very best.
I am very pleased to announce that Chuck Todd will take the helm on September 7. There is no one with a bigger passion for politics than Chuck. His unique ability to deliver that passion with razor sharp analysis and infectious enthusiasm makes him the perfect next generation moderator of this beloved broadcast. Chuck will ensure that Meet the Press is the beating heart of politics, the place where newsmakers come to make news, where the agenda is set. We have some exciting plans to evolve and update the broadcast under Chuck’s leadership that we will be sharing with you shortly.
Chuck will continue as NBC News political director, and will hand over his roles as chief White House correspondent and anchor of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown.
Andrea Mitchell will serve as moderator of Meet the Press this weekend, and will continue to be a central figure of the broadcast, along with some new names that we will announce in the coming days.
For nearly seventy years, Americans have turned to Meet the Press on Sunday mornings for unrivaled insights on the news stories, political battles and public affairs debates dominating the national discussion. The next-generation Meet the Press, led by Chuck Todd, is certain to be the must-watch political destination on Sundays and beyond.
David Gregory apparently won't be getting a farewell show (not sure on that yet)   as Andrea Mitchell will be hosting this Sunday (8-17).  David Gregory became host of Meet The Press  in December 2008 , after the death of Tim Russert.  The Show was number 1 in ratings but dropped in recent years to  "Face the Nation" , "This Week" and "Fox News Sunday" in some markets coming in 4th.

{Updated  8:47PMET}   Chuck Todd releases his statement the digital way

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