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Thursday, May 05, 2016

It's a Charlie Brown Lookback : It's Arbor Day , Charlie Brown

The Peanuts  The Flashback 

     WAIT!  Before you say hey wait a minute! This is holiday special , and you said you aren't doing holiday specials! (Unless you don't care then well I am sad)  Well , we have made an exception on the fact that this special turned 40 this year, also it's not really aired on TV every year , and it's a special with Rerun in it , I like Rerun, it's his first Peanuts special.  (Plus , we won't do this often ,this is very special exception)

       It's Arbor Day ,Charlie Brown came out in March of 1976, on CBS (well of course) , it was the last special with music originally made for it by Vince Guaraldi , he passed away after soundtrack was completed.
 Our special starts with  Rerun  doing his classic riding on the back of his Mom's bicycle  ,and we get our first mention of Arbor Day. (This special is obviously trying to get that Arbor day cash grab)  We have  Sally wondering what Arbor Day is , after getting it wrong presenting it to her class as a day for ships to come to shore.  Snoopy and Woodstock get kicked of the Library for being annoying. Appreantly , Linus mentions that Arbor day doesn't have a set day ,each state has their own date (Really?!)  and Arbor Day is for Trees.  In speaking of Trees, Charlie  Brown  and Peppermint Patty are talking to each other under a tree, where she wants him to explain love, but after that mess , it's baseball talk. ( Darn radio station format flips are so flippy these days)
   Peppermint's team plays Charlie Brown's team 12 times this season ( He also has to worry about the Brewers) .
 Woah what are they going to do to Lucy?  /Copyright Peanuts 

      Sally, Linus, Snoopy, Woodstock , and Lucy decide to plant some trees Charlie Brown's baseball field. Linus tries to stop them but  well you know.  At coincidental timing Peppermint Patty calls Charlie Brown that the field should be ready. Lucy stops by says she is working on it, not letting Linus tell him what they are doing.  Lucy goes on with her plan. (You know maybe it's on purpose .  A plot against CB) Also a bunch of the other Peanuts kids help , and Linus is too , but then again Lucy is scary.  Charlie Brown preps his game plans without knowing what happened to his field.  Then of course he sees it full of trees and flowers and looking more like a garden than a place to play baseball. 
    uhh the Diamondbacks really changed/ Copyright Peanuts 

    Charlie  Brown is un happy (naturally) ,Peppermint Patty  and her team come over as they were set to play each other.  She seems angrier about it than Charlie Brown , but decides to play anyway making the best of it. (uhh anger is short?)  The game goes on while  they all try to work around the vegetation.  Charlie asks for a homerun, and this makes Lucy ask what he would give for one. Schroeder chimes in that if  Lucy makes a home run ,then he would "meet her at Home plate and give her a big kiss".  Guess What? She does! (Now she and Schroder are married and have 5 kids. go make that fanfiction do it!)   She decides to not take the kiss though. 
This is my kissing face/ copyright Peanuts 

      Marice hits the ball out of the park and it's caught by Rerun as he was riding with his mother on her bike.( Go Rerun!)  Charlie Brown's team is doing well with help of the shrubbery. (well that's  a sentence)  Rain comes and stops the game , but Charlie Brown finds out they are defacto winners(woo defacto). 

    Well that's the special... for umm Arbor Day, though really it is funny to see how Shrubbery can  help. It make a be a certain taste to like this special , it's otherwise tame and really it's in true Charlie Brown style that rain would come but it gives him an olive branch of defacto victory.  It was funny to have  a Schroeder almost kiss Lucy but then we never get it. (This special is like trying to cross lines in peanuts standards but still going back  Lucy was her normal self  ,but it played well.  Rerun was only in few little segments but they were a great TV special intro. 

Tune in next time when talk about a Peanuts special about  about Tax Day. 


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