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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

List of 10's : Our favorite Sabrina the Teenage Witch episodes

List of 10's 

     Sabrina the Teenage witch came out 20 years ago to  ABC and ran for 7 seasons  and switched networks in the middle.  I love this show, if it's on I will watch it (unless it's at very late night and I am sleeping) . This is hard list to do , for me , because I love more than ten episodes of this show. What this list will be is just 10 favorite episodes, and for fun ranking.(The Numbers mean nothing , they are just numbers)  So let's jump in. 

1.  As Westbridge Turns (Season 1 Episode 21) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   I love this episode because they do a great job at soap opera parody there's love triangles, there's a janitor with an eye patch, there's amnesia. It is  a fun episode taking all those things making a great story. Plus 12:36 (P.M) for fans of the show you know what I mean.   It also shows how great Sabrina and Harvey's relationship is how even remembers the time they met, 

2. Sabrina the Teenage Writer (Season 3, Episode 18)  

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Similar to the first one , where Sabrina uses a magic typewriter (because of course it was) and writes a story and turns out real and she has to fix everything.  It's a fun episode, I really liked the interaction between the expiry characters  like the Libby expiry character Lydia Kissandkill (great name) attacks Mr.Kraft. And Mr.Kraft's  expiry Dr.Bad is a funny character.  The Windows 95 joke made laugh hard for some reason.  Also the  B plot , with the aunts in the chain letter was funny and inventive instead of them having bad luck in the moral style of this plotline ,since it's a witch chain letter there is actual chains and magic things happen to them. 

3. "A Girl and Her Cat" (Season 1 ,Episode 11)

 copyright Viacom 

   I have to say that I love this show's Christmas episodes, they are hard to pick from (especially the first 5 season's Christmas episodes) , but I am going with this one from season 1 because it's a nice showing of Sabrina and Salem's relationship.  At first Sabrina is mad a Salem for messing up her time with her friends ,but when he ends up missing and cat napped by a little boy , she misses the warlock cat and does everything to get him back.  It also has a a great guest star for Clarissa fans. It has also a lot of good humor and gags in it to keep you laughing.  

4. "To Tell a Mortal" (Season 2, Episode 10)

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

      On Friday the 13th, Witches can tell mortals that they are witch  and the memories of the mortals will be erased after the day is over. Sabrina , of course uses this to tell Valarie and Harvey that she is a witch. Sabrina learns that her friends are good friends that they are accepting of her witch powers and being a witch. That makes it a good episode to see how strong their friendship is ,even when Libby brings an angry mob because Sabrina being witch the friends lie for her and protect her. 

5. "Silent Movie"  (Season 3, Episode 24)  

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

     I think I really like the episodes that do parody because this one parody's silent movies . When two spells are cast under the same house it turns the the house into a silent movie, just as poor Sabrina wants to tell Harvey she loves him.  Hilda and Sabrina think that Mr.Kraft is going to pop the question to Zelda.   They do a fun job at doing parody on the silent movies, like the being tied to the rail road tracks,   Even the dedication of them just using music and going back and white adds to the episode.

6.  The  Whole Ball of Wax (Season 6, Episode 12) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   This is episode is sad, at the same time does go the opposite  of what was said the pilot where Sabrina wasn't able to see her mother for two years. Sabrina sees her mother who was following her around  and when they meet up her mother turns in a ball of wax.  The witch's council decrees they can't see each other. The Aunts try and find a loophole , while Sabrina spends time with her ball of wax mother, and she happens to turn back into a person, but they can't  look at each other.  I do like this episode, even though it's sad because it's nice to see Sabrina and her mother, and Sabrina trying to give her mother  a good time even if she is a ball of wax , we never really had an episode about these two , and it's nice to see none the less, 

7. Pancake Madness (Season 3 , Episode 5) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

      Sabrina can't have pancakes because the Spellmans  are addicted to them (oops). Of course , she eats some and gets addicted and can't stop having them.  This episode goes into that funny surreal category especially  the giant talking syrup bottle was a great character. 

8. "Five Easy Pieces of Libby" (Season 2 ,Episode 14) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Sabrina and Libby don't get along and Sabrina casts a spell to keep Libby away from her ,but her quizmaster reverses the spell and Sabrina has to stay with Libby ,but after an argument Sabrina goes to far and Libby breaks in a puzzle, that Sabrina has to solve.  This episode is nice to see Sabrina learning more about Libby like how her mother is a little mean and Libby cares about her Grandmother.  The B plot of Hilda and Salem's cleaning scheme is great as well  and fits in their characters , Hilda did work with Salem to try to take over the world before. 

9. "A River of Candy Corn runs through it" (Season 2, Episode 7) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

  The Halloween episodes give me hard  choice to make , as well, but this one gets my pick because of it's downright off the rails fun.  There's talking furniture , candy corn , all over the place, Salem talking and more.  Sabrina thinking that everyone will think she's a witch but they think all the magic are fakes and this makes a great Halloween episode.  Also there's  a sweet moment between the Quiz master and Sabrina. It has tons of laughs and enjoyment and 10,000 Maniacs guest stars. 

10. Sabrina the Teenage Boy (Season 2, Episode 6) 

 From : Sabrina The Teenage Witch wiki/ copyright Viacom 

   Sabrina becomes a boy to spy on Harvey ,this falls into I like it because the story and funny, Harvey still like likes Sabrina and wants to see if she still likes him. Hilda's plot line where she turns into a man to get Mr.Kraft  to go away is funny and nice to see that he would fight a big guy for Hilda's honor.  

  That's my favorite 10, in no particular order, this list could have been much longer, what  are your favorites? You can comment below or email us. Thanks for Reading. 

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