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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

But First These Messages : In this case we mean Message And for Christmas

But First These Messages    Christmas 

   We look at a Christmas commercial  , yes , just one . It's from Australia from Aldi , and it's ummmm well ... here it is.                                                                                                      

  It stars all nice and looks like here comes a nice family for Christmas ,  a little  over- enthusiastic   but alright.  But why did they change the wreath? (that was warning )
Moderately alight, wait look at the one girl on the bottom , is she going to kill them?   

Then they invade personal spaces , like the shower and closet. 
Under the Bed... is why I don't look under the bed.    

I am not sure how the one guy got into the Dishwasher and I don't think I want to know 
I would have done the same thing... also that didn't kill him , but the dishes are never the same. 

 They lose it in the back year , but atleast they brought some snow. 
The Family that wears the same sweater is less likely to have high washing  bills. 

They have magical powers, don't mess with them or whatever I had earlier was really strong. 

 Some people would pay good money to um sun bathe at Christmas , I think. 
Well that's terrifying , is he going to kill that guy? Why have we asked this question so much? (we have a lack of questions,that's why) 

 Hey kid you are swimming wrong, sweaters aren't made for...oh never mind, let's see how the skis are doing. 
Shame on them, how dare they ... break those skis like that ,I mean they don't grow on trees you know. (If they are made of wood, they are made from trees not grown from them) 

This is also where the commercial changes pace where this family finds they like an Aussie Christmas after all . (and really what's not to like?) 
When they "We'll be back next year " they decided to destroy the swears into tank-sweaters the latest fashion trend. 

also look that guy's face when they said that....  that's the face of haunted dreams and planning to move. 

But I  guess it was a happy ending... I think , I am not really sure. 
Sweaters were harmed in the making of this commercial. (and one street light) 

 That was fun, yes it was kind of an odd commercial but it was kind of fun  (plus they are standing right behind us so we can't say anything mean)  and terrifying  it's fun-ifying. 

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