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Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Lookback: Christmas Everyday (Not the Movie)

Christmas The Flashback 

      I referenced  William Dean  Howells'  story  called "Christmas Everyday" in the past posts  as part of our look at things that are loosely related to the original story.  The special that this post is looking at is the most related to this story of everything I've looked at already.   "Christmas Everyday" , this special first appeared on CBS in 1987.   This lookback will be a mixture of both the special and a a light comparison to Howells' story.

     Lucy is writing her Christmas list and says that she wishes it could be Christmas everyday,  her father upon hearing this gets nervous. Her father and mother makes her not make this wish. Lucy and  her siblings ask why, and he decides to tell them a story about their  granny Matilda , also called Tilly and events about 100 years ago.  When Tilly's father comes home  he brings a crystal castle ornament that he says is magic because a fairy lives inside and she will make a wish come true. (What could go wrong?)  Tilly makes a wish that it would be Christmas everyday for ever and ever , and the fairy appears and warns that there is no un granting it , but it's only for a year. (because reasons)
*results pending , void in New Jersey 

       It's Christmas Morning and everyone is the family is happy. The Father gets a tie, the sister gets a dress, Tilly gets a doll, and they all get a dog. (it was  a surprise)  The next morning , it's Christmas again, and Tilly is surprised (wasn't expecting that ).  On the repeated Christmas , the family members seem to be getting the same gifts they got before and are confused like they are having an extreme Da ja vu moment.  The gifts ,including the dog are  doubled as well.  The third one kind of bores them  and it repeats and people start getting sick of Christmas.
 Sigh it's Christmas again

    Tilly wants to tell everyone that she is cause of this. (But that's hard)   It's not just Christmas everyday at the one house , it was Christmas Everyday for everyone (yay?) and the year went as normal , just everyday being the same holiday. The price of eating birds went up, cranberries got expensive and even the trees were killed. (Umm guys trees don't ...never mind)   Tilly , herself, is annoyed by Christmas as well.   Everybody got poor (umm guys couldn't you have... oh never mind)  Tilly decides to beg  to the fairy to undo her wish, but she doesn't get a reply. (sorry, the fairy you have dialed has been disconnected)
That's bad neck posture 

   After her birthday doesn't go to to well, Tilly pleads to the fairy again, and her sister ,Franny, over hears her and finds out that she is the cause of the Christmas everyday thing.  When the town finds out  they ignore her.  She decides to run away. (Look what you did town)  Her parents find her and tell that they love her no matter what.  After the year is over, Christmas does end and everyone celebrates that Christmas is over.  Everyone forgave Tilly , and never mentioned this again. (In fact, since Lucy's father is telling this story he was then shot after telling the story, wait no but we got a Gravity Falls reference in)   The fairy appears again and asks if she would like to extend it, and Tilly tells here not to and she returns Christmas to normal.     The Father tells his kids that if you wish something you might just get it.  At the end Lucy makes  wish , that she was in bed and it happens.

  So that's the special and it follows the original story the most.   Where the other holidays seem to be absorbed into Christmas, people building barns to hold the extra presents, the fairy, and when the little girl (not given a name in the story)  she is ignored by the town.  The main moral of both is that Christmas is great , but it's like any good thing what makes  it special is that it comes around once a year.
 My review : The animation of the special is interesting itself , it has a child drawing feel to it , but the special itself has genuine warmth to it and it's an enjoyable over 20 minute viewing.
That is our lookbacks and pretty much we are done with looking at things related to this story, so that was fun, tune in next itme when we wonder what happens if it's Valentine's day everyday.


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