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Thursday, January 19, 2017

PSA Month: Beware of Strangers (Even if they have Milk)


           We have to head over the UK again, because honestly,  why not?  Or in this case I guess it would be a P.I.F again, well semantics.  The feature today isn't very long so  we  may have to do more than one look at something to make this feel fleshed out.

           A  Classic message is to watch out for strangers , because they are strange and might be up to no good.
              Though usually , this is to warn the children because they don't know any better, but just because you are an adult doesn't mean you know better right?
Meet this woman. She seems kind of dangerous , I mean look at the weapon she is holding.  

      Unnamed Woman ,was minding her business putting her milk out for the milk man to do whatever milkmen do with the old bottles. (Sell them for beer?)    When some guy walks up to her with milk and and orange juice.  Well, that's nice of him he must be the milk man. 
I'm the man with all the milk, if all means 1 glass. 
    Wait she says that he's not her normal milkman. Oh, Ok , he must be a fill-in , Milkmen are people too ,Lady With no name,   Wait a second, he says no he's not. This is getting strange.  He's here to read the meter. Hmm  he's not the normal meter guy either.   
This is the face you make , when you knock the guy over and run he's a stranger !  
   So he says  he's from the council , no just there to sell to her something, She with out a device to which to be identified   hasn't run in side  her house yet, while the man then says he's there to con his way in (well that was easy) to still the family silver.  (Jokes on him my family has no silver) 
 He gets in and locks the door , while still takes the time to put the milk down. (umm) 
Darn what is this device blocking me from the inner part of this box thing? 

 The voice over says that not everyone is what they seem , check if they are by their ID or something.  While the lady stares in her own house wondering what he's doing with her candle sticks. 

   Out of  context  this would be a good poster. 
Taking out the context : it looks like she is the stranger  that you don't want in. Or  a peeping Tomma. 

Here's the full p.i.f 

 Moral of the story:  Everyone is out to get you.

more after the jump , come with us strangers.. (eeek)

    In the United States, there are strangers  as well,  (very strange) but  who can help tell America's children that strangers are everywhere?

 Nah G.I Joe or in this case well you'll see.

             So  kid (of some sort) is on the phone with a stranger.
You can tell he's a stranger by his bad phone holding.  

     He asks if the kid's mother is there?  No says the kid ,  I'm home alone. (Yep I'm a movie)  Great you've won a prize!  (What?)  I just need your address. The kid gives their address.   Road Block is walking down the side walk the same the kid runs out. 

Road Block was walking down the side walk to warn people about fake milk men , good timing. 

         The kid says that a stranger is coming to give him a prize.   A Stranger?, Road Block asks.  Then the stranger's car comes on by and I guess changes their mind and goes away.  Road Block then tells the kid to never tell anyone you're  home alone (yeah because you can't make traps like Kevin) and give your phone number to anyone. (not even dodgy milkmen)  
  Because knowing is half the battle. 

                                      you can watch the whole thing here: 


   Meanwhile , either the Hasbro budget was skimpy or this kid has to be told specific things, he returns.

Well he can't be that strange , I can see his face.  

This stranger says hey kid , your mom had an accident.  (He's lucky he found a kid who has a mom, I mean if he found a kid who's mother was  already affected by an accident , he would have made a big mess)  
    I'll take you to her,,  wait never mind , I'll drive away now.     Wild Bill comes up scaring that man off.  
He is kind of scary, it's the glasses really. 
      They said Donny's Mom was hurt (the kid has a name) was hurt. (but not too hurt to drive away)  He might be lying.  Donny says he didn't know if he was to go with him. Wild Bill says don't do what a stranger says. (Wild Bill is not a stranger to these kids)  Check it out with an adult you know (or I guess cell phones exist now or something)  

    Also:  here's the full  thing: 

  That was fun, remember stay away from strangers.  If the milk man doesn't look like the normal run inside your house!

 Moral of The Stories:  G.I Joe's friends are always there for you.

    tune in next time when  this woman is arrested for peeping
tisk tisk 

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