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Thursday, February 23, 2017

But First These Messages : Nobody wants to make their own breakfast

But First These Messages 

      Ah  morning, what's the first thing you thing of?  (Ahh Put the curtains back ! The Accursed sun is back!)   Yes, Cereal!  Cereal commercials are part of television as much commercials for cars. (Buy a new Ford Focus now fully loaded , with Special K!  Please buy it. )  Cereal can be a cross demographic thing because adults and children eat it.  ( Except the boring cereals , who wants boring ones)

      So that's what we are looking at this time (i'm shocked) .

But first these messages....

      Pebbles is a wired cereal in concept  first off it sounds like rocks.  well it's named after the cartoon character , Pebbles from the Flintstones. Larry Weiss was the product group manger  of Post in the late 1960's when he decided to licence the name from Hanna and Barbera. It wasn't the first cereal to have TV characters promote it , but it was the first to be directly connected to a TV show.  Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles came out in 1969 to the western part the US (woo) and then spread nationwide after demand.

   Here's a commercial from the 1970's

                       So  this is how  Pebbles are made?
 Just as long as that's coming from the top of the tail ....

This new packaging is bit awkward 

Eventually by the 80's it seemed to be Barney's goal  to take Fred's  Pebbles instead of getting his own dang cereal!  


Fred is too easily impressed and can't tell back costumes 
Also who has this much stuff for breakfast? Though the square glass is nice. 

more after the jump
        Apparently , Barney will do anything for not having to get his own Pebbles ..



Also, who brings all this to beach? 
Do you have to eat all the grapes?  

   Fred will do anything to get Barney not to steal his cereal. 

Umm giant fruits above my head would be annoying 


Barney has spent more time just trying to steal cereal than getting is own! 
Also couldn't they share or is Fred eating one of those small box things? 
By 2001 the breakfast shrank , but still grapes! 

Now let's skip ahead while going back...

            Alphabet soup , Alphabet the set of letters , Alpha-bits : The Cereal.  
We go with Post again (take that Kellogg's and General Mills) 


mmm Adventure cereal!  
Ahhhh a Bull! 
Then he ate the bull... without cooking it ? 
Free plant in every box! 

Do you have a pesky thing you need to get rid of ?  Why not get Alpha-Bit and eat them out of existence? 

This haunts my dreams. 
Oh good, he ate the scary moose away! 
She seems happy how she killed that goose 
Hurry Hurry ! Before it gets you! 
Girl on Right : Who are you? 
He used this power to rob a bank apparently ... 
Join us.... 

       That's it for us, back to our program that 15th rerun of whatever  .... tune in next time after we eat our problems away and then make Barney pay...for his cereal. 

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