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Thursday, February 02, 2017

PSA Month : Fox Kids wants you to Check Yourself.


    This fits so well with this blog it's like  a  Christmas gift handed from the sky to us.  Fox Kids which we've written about before , wasn't just a children's block that brought us Animanics  , no it also wanted its viewers (and random strangers who didn't feel like changing the channel because the remote was over there) to do something. (We also got lazy) 

  So this will be a whole bunch of Fox  Kids PSA's  this also fits into us not picking the famous PSA's (at least in this month, we may do it in the future if we have  another PSA month or random PSA feeling. -When we have writers block again or something.) 

Let's get started.  
  There was a series of PSAs by Fox Kids called "Check Yourself" where a situation happens, a kid does something , then they "check themselves" and everything gets fixed , I guess.  

   The first one here ,has a girl walking into her classroom (I guess) and two other girls are  whispering to each other and giggling.  
"Guess what? I know where you hid the bodies" 
        Becky is the standing girl's name  and she tells Jocelyn that she can't give Chloe her scrunchy because she gave it to Jocelyn not Chloe. (This is how a war started, probably)   Jocelyn then asks what's your problem Becky?  Becky then runs out the room.
What's really going on? Please tell me. 
    Some weird music starts playing and Becky is some virtual world. (Oh I guess the Scrunchy is magical) She hits the giant arrow to rewind what just happened. (Great , that will make things make sense to me?)  The screen says that she was jealous, angry, and  I guess afraid. Then she walks back into the room  and apologizes because she was afraid they were leaving her out.  Then Chloe has some idea of putting some pink hippo thing in Becky's hair. (oh the things we watch for this place) I guess everything is solved, well ok. (That's how wars are ended.) 

Full thing here: 


   Next one is about brothers and sister or I guess just one of each.
  It starts by them calling each other 90's insults. (Lame)  Anyway the girl, goes to her room and yells at a picture that she hates it. 
Hmm totally. 
   Then she rips it  between her and her brother.  Then it opens into some typical 90's art background with paint brushes and scissors moving around. 
Instructions for life. 
       Then she photo shops her photo and makes into art.  
It's so 90's! 
     Her brother walks into the room (with out knocking) and I guess everything is alright now. Also yes the girl's name is Becky, the same Becky from before. 

video of the PSA and more after the Jump 


  The next one , involves the same boy from the brother/sister one.   His name is Allan, (Hey Allan) and he didn't win the science fair.
 I should have won! 
   He grew his own mold (but the winner made a volcano, probably and Volcano always wins) and he storms out the room in anger.  
He should be mad about those 3 exclamation marks! 

        Then the rewind thing comes up again and Allan looks at what happened. (Yeah he didn't win)  We find that he was disappointed, jealous, and angry. He comes back in the room, humbled and apologizes. The teacher says he did a great job but please take the thing home now. 


   Ok , another type of PSA FOX Kids did was called "Totally for Kids" (aww the 90's).

  This one is called "Self-Image"
How do you know? 
       90's boy look out his window and sees a new girl of his dreams move in next-door.  So he gargles and looks in the mirror.  But he's worried, that she wouldn't want to talk to him. (she prefers lawyers)  So he as peaks out the window he wishes he was some else and imagines this. 
 A Hockey player! 
Harrison Ford! 
A Hipster! (these are very bad jokes) 

               But he decides the best thing to do is to be himself and the girl saw him and window and hoped that he would come out, so happy ending for all! 
So glad you aren't a soccer player. 

  This one has John Walsh in it.
 It's starts with a little girl seeing a house with a sign that says free kittens she walks up to the house, then John Walsh appears.
Hey there 
    John Walsh taking to us the audience asks us would we go to a house to look at the kittens and do you know who's houses you are allowed in? 
   Then the totally kids detective agency (we write the strangest things for this blog)  run to the situation. 
Call them ! They Work for you! 90's caps! 
          The short girl  asks the little girl if she knows the people? The little girl says pretty much not really.  The boy says you shouldn't go to houses you don't know or without your parents. The little girl says her parents never told her that. (well then) I guess sometimes you gotta teach your parents is said by the short girl. Then, John Walsh reappears  at the agency headquarters and commends their work. 

We could go further , but that would be a rabbit whole we don't want to get into, tune in next time when we find out  find out how to make our cool totally 90's art!

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