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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Lookback: Archie goes young

The Flashback 

              Archie had a long absence from the television though the comics continued it was time for him and the gang to return.  This brings us to the year called 1987.  Dic  along with NBC brought uas a new Archie series, it was the first non Filmation  "Archie" based series. Saban also got to help along in this project.  This is what is called "The New Archies" (New means better right? )

      This series decided to be new by de-aging the Archies  to pre-teens in middle school or junior high. (That makes sense)

This later spawned  a comic as well.
you can now buy this issue for $5.00! 
     Let's see what the critics had to say about this  TV series though. 

"The New Archies" captures neither the doo-wop '50s humor of Bob Montana's original comic strip, nor the bubble gum rock sound that made the Filmation cartoon series a hit from 1968-78. The characters have been shifted to junior high (which means their adult heads are incongruously stuck on adolescent bodies) and given an upscale wardrobe by Guess?/Esprit. Nothing distinguishes "The New Archies" from countless other shows about groups of kids, except its utter lack of humor. Miss Grundy should flunk the writers and artists. 
                                                                                                          --- The LA Times 

     I guess that means it's a good series then.  
It's so 80's 

            I am going to do what I did  with the the "Archie's Mysteries" series and look at an episode of the series, and of course going with episode 1.  In-speaking of episode 1 , this series has 14 episodes and that's it, so it did well.  

             The first 11 minutes block is called "The Visitor".  
   Archie is sitting by some weird machine and he instantly dozes off  and hits the machine by accident causing it to do whatever it's doing.  Apparently it's an invention made by a kid named Eugene. Yes, Dilton doesn't show up in this series Eugene replaced him for this series and just this series.   The machine escapes out the window and the three (Archie, Jughead, and Eugene) chase it. I guess school is over.  The machine stops and sends a beam into space  where it hits an alien's ship. (What am I watching?)  The alien space ship crashes to Earth and it crushes the machine in the process. (R.I.P machine)  Also the alien's ship doesn't seem to work anymore either. 
   Like a good neighbor I should have gotten State Farm / Copyright DHX 

    Un important editor's note:  Dude is a timeless word , but umm they mentioned it alot in this exchange..
  Back to the lookback. 

       Archie dresses the alien  to disguise him like a normal kid. 

Well I can't tell now / Copyright DHX 

          Now they are back at school (I don't think the  day changed , I just think the school really doesn't care).   Betty and Veronica are cheer leaders, and Betty calls her Ronnie. (Ah the 80's) Archie brings in  (I'm going to call the Alien , Dude just to make this simple)  Dude to watch him pratice basketball.    Dude sees Betty and Ronnie (yes I know)  and he howls and has hearts for eyes. (ah cartoons)  He jumps into Betty's arms and gives her a hug then he decides to rush into the basketball practice.  They find out that  Dude is good at basketball. 
Darn budget cuts , we only have two cheer leaders / copyright DHX 

         But forget that , that spaceship is fixed but there's one problem -- no fuel.  So now the plot is to find some fuel.  Reggie over hears them and finds out there's an alien a foot and thinks about the only thing you can think about with an alien near by- - - the money.  (of course)  He gets Veronica into his plan. 
  This the most 80's thing we've seen/ Copyright DHX

           Veronica tricks  Dude into a trap by saying that Betty is outside and he runs and gets captured by Reggie. (Darn love of Betty gets aliens captured)   So Archie chases after them on his skateboard. We also find out the fuel that his ship needs is hamburgers. (I see)   Dude sees Betty and jumps out of the bike basket. (Yes he could have left before that)  Archie then grabs him from Betty and they met up with Jughead who flew the spaceship to Pop's. (That was a sentence)  They say their goodbyes and Dude flies away before  Ronnie and Reggie make it to Pop's where her Father is waiting. 

End of part one  , Dudes 

Join us after the Jump 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Fox Announces Summer premieres

FOX SummerTV 
       Fox has released their summer programming premieres with new series :  "Love  Connection"  , "Beat Shazam" , "The F Word With Gordon Ramsay" , and "Superhuman"    Also returns of  "Masterchef", "American Grit" and "So You Think you Can Dance"

         Thursdays  starting  May 25th
        8PMET  Love Connection   (New Series)
        9PMET  Beat Shazam          (New Series)

      Wednesdays starting May 31st
      8PMET  Masterchef  (new season)
      9PMET  The F Word With Gordon Ramsay  (Live) (New Series)

      Sundays starting  June 11th
      9PMET   American Grit   (New season)

      Mondays starting June 12th
      8PMET    So You Think you can Dance (New Season )
      9PMET    Superhuman (new series)

     Also of note :  2017 Miss USA airs may 14th at 7PMET  

Full descriptions and press release after the jump

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Lookback: Meet George Jetson and ...Fred Flintstone

The Flashback 

     Have you ever wanted to see the Addams Family meet the Munsters,   The Brady Bunch to Meet the Partridge Family,  or Scooby Doo meet Lassie?  Well maybe not that last one.  You could write a fan fiction or what about the Flintstones , everyone's favorite pre-historic modern family and  the  Jetsons , everyone's favorite post modern family?  Yep they did have a cross-over and that's our lookback: The Jestons Meet the  Flintstones.

Even the fonts get to meet / copyright Hanna and Barbera

        The movie special came out in 1987 part of Hanna and Barbera's  Superstarts 10 series , we covered a Scooby Doo Movie from this series already, it aired in syndication (sigh, TV just doesn't have that much fun anymore) .   

      The special starts in Jetson world where we see our impending doom of  a future were machines will do anything they can to wake us up , meanwhile a few years long ago it's morning there as we see the Flintstone world , where alarm clocks are just as aggressive.   More important to our plot  , Elory, George's son (and hopefully someone named their kid that ...or if that's your name ,you have an awesome name )is working on a science project , a time machine. (or plot device helper 2000)  In the past the Flintstones and Rubbles are going on vacation soon and the wives want to go to Honolurock (yes, spell check we know, just forget about it).  The Wives want to trick Fred by giving him his favorite breakfast , but he is on too the trick. Back to the Jetsons world (darn it channel 43 make up your mind what show are we watching?) and Mr.Spacely (this is murder on spell-check) and he is unhappy that  his company secrets are being taken by his competition Mr.Cogswell,  He asks Jetson to be a spy on Mr.Cogswell, or else (be murdered? fired).  Fred wants to get more money for a great vacation and the answer he has is poker , but his boss Mr.Slate wants him to work the late shift. George finds out  that the Cogswell computer S.A.R.A is seducing the Spacely Computer R.U.D.I for information. (well that's sentence we just wrote) 
Windows really went weird after awhile/copyright Hanna and Barbera 

        Fred and Barney decide to go play poker instead of working the night shift (sssh Mr.Slate could be reading) but guess who is there as well ?  (Santa?)  That doesn't stop Fred though, as he gets a disguise. He dresses up as a rich Texan like guy and has Barney be his lady. This plan goes as one would expect:  Fred loses to Mr.Slate in the game.  He finds out that these two are Fred and Barney and they get fired.   George talks to R.U.D.I as he knows the secret now (RUDI then kills George...kidding) and he goes to tell Mr.Spacely  but RUDI trying to stop him he even forces  Mr.Spacely out of the building. (darn machines). Now, back to our plot device ... the Time machine the Jetsons decide to go the 25th Century but they end up in the Flintstones time after Astro, the dog, accidentally moves the lever to past.    Meanwhile, the Flintstones and Rubbles are camping because Fred wants to save money and still give the wives a vacation. Their wives don't know about the job loss and they aren't happy about this trip. (They'll be angrier when they find out about the job loss)  When the time machine lands in the past, Fred and Barney run away from the beam of light and want to get out of there, the wives say they were starting to enjoy themselves. (Make up your minds) 
 "Hey George, we aren't in Kansas-I mean where do we live? anymore?"/copyright Hanna and Barbera

           George and Fred see each other and are frightened  they both send their pets Dino and Astro to check out the situation. That wasn't a good idea.  Wilma decides to take chances get messy, (sorry wrong show, Top Cat)  Oh and The Jetsons think they are in the future and Flintstones think the Jetsons are primal tribe people. (Laugh Track, a comedy a of errors)  Lucky through screen wipe that's all resolved. (Almost like it was very stupid to have in the first place) That was 30 minutes, I guess show's over they met... oh wait there's something wrong with the time machine (plot helper 2000) so the Jetsons' have to stay awhile. Also Fred wants to them stay he some agenda planned.  The Flintstones invite the Jetsons to stay at their home. 

It's what all the kids are wearing ,Elroy/ Copyright H&B

       Judy finds a crush with a teen music idol (well of course) . Flinstone talks to his former boss and makes a deal for some help to win the picnic games , to get his job back with double  triple pay. (We'll have to fire some people, but ok)  Jetson helps with some of his future gadgets.     Oh yeah ,meanwhile in the future : Mr.Spacely is looking for George and the computers are speaking love talk.(some future)  The Handyman gets instructions from Elory to build the Time machine retriever , which is to be used in situations like this one.   Apparently Fred and  Barney didn't get their jobs back.(Well that was a waste)  Well the (plot device 2000) time machine is working now thanks to Barney and the retriever is built (roll credits).  The Time machine retriever worked and it picked up the Flintstones.  
In the year 2525... /copyright H&B 

        Rosie the robot and Hank the handyman  meet the Flintstones. (well that's  a dumb name for the special)  Guess what? The time machine is broken (plot device 2000, strikes again) While the Jetsons are stuck in the past.  Judy has taken it well she is in love. Elory also seems to be taking it well , interested in all the past tech. (It's like if we got bonked on the head send to 1830 and being amazed by a lawn mower wait what?)   The Flintstones try to figure out the Jetson world this isn't going as well. (It's like being ...never mind)  Mr.Spacely breaks in the apartment and meets the Flintstones. Spacely gets the idea to introduce  the  Flintstones to the world. George gets a job as partner with Mr.Spacely. (so they switched lives) George becomes famous and rich and he buys some businesses like Google. Jane bought retail stores, some salons and more. (hmmm)  Judy is the new manager of Iggy's band and she bought a record company.(Oh Judy tisk tisk)  Meanwhile : The Flinstones are all over the news in the future. (Like twitter)  Owning a bunch of stuff has become a bit much for the Jetsons ,except Judy.  

      RUDI tells SARA about Spacely's plan to make Flintstone the new spokesperson for Spacely sprockets.  Cogswell announces that he has Barney as his spokesman for his business. (Darn it computers) The Jetsons' fun has waned and now they are all miserable in the past. (Aren't we are ... Andrew Johnson cheats at poker)  Rosie talks to RUDI for his help to the time machine problem. 

Then Fred Murdered Barney,fine we're kidding, maybe/copyright H&B

        The Jetsons are dump all their deeds after all the stress caused.  Is the Time Machine fixed yet? Yes Finally, and Rosie decides to go get the Jetsons. (Finally , Rosie is the hero) She gets stuck in the mid evil times. (hmm that's off)  This gave the Jetsons  good timing to go where the time machine would appear with Rosie. Iggy goes to Judy to win her back  and well that worked, but she has to leave back to her time. They made it back to the future. (Good thing we didn't make a joke) RUDI  has broken up with SARA  (finally).   The Flinstone car helps Mr.Spacely's business get back on top 
     Meanwhile the time Machine is broken again and Flintstones can't get back , they are all set to have new lives and Mr.Spacely gives them back their car  and we find out it has some time machine energy. (woo Plot device 3000) They get to go back home. The End. 

            I like that they did make this special, it's a weird as one would expect, but the most logical thing they should have made since these two shows were created.   Yes, the time machine does the heavy lifting for a  plot device.  It's actually kind of funny how the special is not a full Flintstones and Jetsons being together, but having the two families end up switching spots. It has them do well in the other's world until they don't just to give them a reason (I mean a reason reason) to come back their normal times.  It's a fun light special and brought the fun of having a pre-historic group and a future group meet each other and see each other's worlds.  

            That's our lookback... write your own Jetsons -Flintstones fan fiction, we'll be back with ours and tune in next time when we find that crossover between  Mamma's Family and the Golden Girls.

Monday, March 20, 2017

TVLOOKFALL 2017 : What's New , What's Ended, What's Renewed


       This our guide of network TV programming  that is either up for renewal , canceled or any notes of anything new coming.  (This is an updating article  and we will time stamp when updated) 

 Last Updated  June 23rd  2017  5:04 PM MT 




America's Funniest  Home Videos 
Agents of Shield 
American  Housewife 
The Bachelor 
Bachelor in Pardise 
Celebrity Family Fued 
Dancing with The Stars 
Designated Survivor 
Fresh Off the Boat 
The Goldbergs (renewed for two seasons)  
Grey's Anatomy  
How to Get Away with Murder 
The Middle 
Once Upon a Time 
Modern Family  (renewed for two seasons) 
Scandal  (renewed for a final season) 
Shark Tank 
American Idol (revived moving from Fox) 

 To Be determined 

Match Game 

Still Star Crossed  (Theoretically Canceled) 

New Series 

Alex  Inc. 
The Crossing 
For the People
The Good Doctor
The Gospel of Kevin 
Marvel's  InHumans  (10 Episode) 
The  Mayor
Somewhere Between  (Straight to Summer , 10 Episode) 
Splitting Up Together 
Ten Days in the Valley (10 Episode ) 
Untitled  Grey's Anatomy Firefighter spinoff 


American  Crime
The Catch
Downward Dog
Imaginary Mary
Last Man Standing 
The Real O Neals
Secrets and Lies 
Time after Time 



48 Hours
60 Minutes
The Amazing Race
Big Bang Theory (renewed for 2 seasons)
Big Brother
Blue Bloods
Code Black
Criminal Minds
The Good Fight (online series)
Hawaii Five-O
Kevin Can Wait
Life in Pieces
Madam Secretary
Man with a Plan
NCIS :New Orleans
Superior Donuts
Undercover Boss
Zoo (Summer  2017)  

New Series 

By the Book
Me, Myself I
Salvation (Summer 2017)
Seal Team
Young Sheldon
Wisdom of the Crowd


2  Broke Girls
American Gothic
Criminal Minds : Beyond Borders
The Great Indoors
Pure Genius
The Odd Couple
Training Day

The CW


The 100 
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 
The Flash
i Zombie
Jane the  Virgin 
Legends of Tomorrow
The Originals

New Series 

Black Lighting
Life  Sentence


No Tomorrow
The Vampire Diaries  



American Grit
Bob's Burgers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Family Guy
The Exorcist
Hell's Kitchen
The Last Man on Earth 
Lethal Weapon
MasterChef Junior 
The Mick
New Girl 
The Simpsons 
The X Files

To be Determined 

Prison Break
Shots Fired
So you Think you can Dance  (returns June 12th) 
Wayward Pines 
World's Funniest 

New Series 

The Gifted
L.A to Vegas
The Orville
The Resident


24: Legacy
Making History
Scream Queens
Sleepy Hollow
Son of Zorn



America's Got Talent
American  Ninja Warrior
The Blacklist 
Chicago Fire 
Chicago Med 
Chicago PD 
The Good Place
Great News
Law and Order : SVU
Little Big Shots
 The Night Shift  
Shades of Blue  
This is Us (renewed for seasons 2 and 3 )
Trial and Error 
The Voice 

To be determined 

The  Biggest Loser
Celebrity Apprentice 
Marlon   (August 16th) 
Midnight, Texas (July 25th) 

New Series 

A.P Bio
The Brave
Good Girls
Law & Order : True Crime - The Menendez Murders
Will and  Grace


Blacklist :Redemption
Chicago Justice 
The Carmichael Show 
Emerald City 


NBC Sets summer programming

NBC  Summer TV 

   Happy first day of spring, but get on with that  it's summer TV talk time.   NBC has released its summer TV programming. Since its summer TV  it has reality competition series , plus a little bit of drama and comedy. Here's a look:

      Monday , May 8th

  10PMET   World of Dance (New Series)

    Tuesday , May 30th
   8PMET   America's Got Talent (New Season )

   Wednesday,  May 31st
    9PMET   The Carmichael Show (New Season)

   Monday , June 12th
    8PMET     American Ninja Warrior (New  Season )
    10PMET   Spartan : Ultimate Team Challenge   (New Series)

Wednesday ,  June 21st
    8PMET   Little Big Shots : Forever Young  (New Series)

   Thursday, June 22nd
  8PMET    The Wall  (New Episodes )
  9PMET     The Night Shift  (New Season )

     Tuesday, July 25th
    10PMET   Midnight, Texas  (New Series)

     Monday,  August 7th
   10PMET   Hollywood Game Night  (New Season )

    Thursday, August 10th
   9PMET    Saturday Night  Live Weekend Update (Special programming )

    Wednesday,  August 16th
        9PMET   Marlon  (New Series)

Show descriptions in press release after the Jump
> Note :Programs subject to change

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Lookback : Archie gets to solve a mystery

The Flashback 

           The CW decided that Archie comics needs to be put back in our lives again so they made a show called  Riverdale , named after the town our heroes live in.  That sounds nice and funny.

                     Oh a Dark gritty reboot, with a mystery... that's what I was expecting.

       Just imagine if they had made that Sabrina Teenage Witch series now and for the CW. Wait there's  a mystery element to this show?  But Archie has already done that.

See that ? It's Educational ! 

      Archie's Weird Mysteries was a cartoon series that began in 1999 and ran until the year 2000. (Well the real mystery is who killed it?)    It was produced by Dic entertainment  for PAX TV who aired it and later it re ran in syndication part of Dic block.  For those reading on Joshuaonline Canada (hello) it aired up there on Teletoon.   It was an E/I show in the states meaning that it was educational and informational. 

      The best way to talk about this show is to take a look at an episode and I am going to start with episode 1 (cheap)  called Attack of the killer spuds.  (Well kids do hate vegetables and this show will educate them on how to hate them?)  The episode starts with Jughead watching something he has already watched before. (we know how that works!)  Archie doesn't want to do that he wants to go outside and ride his bike and stuff. (darn teenagers want to not watch TV.. wait what?) 
He has a full bowl of popcorn he's not going anywhere/copyright DIC/DHX

        It jump cuts to the next day and Archie is driving his car with Jughead and he tells Jughead  I guess so we know, that Jughead sat in front of that TV for 12 hours.  (Well to be fair , It was when TV was good so we don't blame him)   Jughead's 12 hours of sitting there paid off he won a prize. (moral of the story: sit infront of TV for hours on end and you win! take that!  E/I)  Jughead says he won when at midnight a lady came on the air to  announce that if you call now , and name all the movies that aired in the marathon you win a prize. (And what radio station plays the greatest hits, Y95.5 that's who!)   The prize is a potato trophy but something seems off with the lady with no name.       
You should really get those eyes checked /Copyright DHX 

       It seems that lady is not really that lady because she has the real one tied up in the back. (Informational)  She might be an alien.  Back at Jughead's :he is back watching the television or to our readers on Joshuaonline UK , the telly. (hello)  Archie seems annoyed by this again. (Also Archie do you have your own house?)  Archie wants them to go watch a football game , Riverdale vs Springfield. (Insert Simpsons joke here)  Stop!  The potato prize seems to stick one  of it's roots out and scare the dog and nobody notices the dog jumping. Oh I know the message of the episode is going to be, do you?  (Maybe)  Archie leaves Jughead to himself.  (Jughead here : Thank goodness too all he does is yammer yammer)  The Potato prize's roots come out and wrap around Jughead. 
I guess the mystery starts here /Copyright DHX. 

               Then it turns into evil Jughead.  (The real Jughead is dead, yes that's what we think happened)  Potato Jughead (or P-Jug) is at Pop's the next day with his feet in a flower pot. (Yes that will make you pass for the real thing)  Archie , Betty, and Veronica  are surprised by this. (Darn Jughead not sharing the pot, low blow yes..but it was too easy) When P. Jug sees the french fries he leaps to save them and no one thinks this is strange apparently, Veronica's annoyed about her dress from Paris (Texas?) has a stain on it.  They do find it strange though he says he would never eat French fries, nobody should.  Then he gives everybody a potato. (What am I watching?)    

        You know what? We are  7 minutes in and we don't have any Archie and Betty... oh wait hold on.   Archie wants to do put his arm around Betty but he's unsure and Betty wants him to put his arm around him but doesn't want to be seen as too eager.  
Umm then he kills her?/ Copyright DHX 

              Betty thinks that Archie eventually did put his arm around her and she's excited by this. (It's the potato) Archie sees the roots around her  and acts very calm and looks for the source of the roots and as they come toward him he says eww. (yeah that's a normal reaction to this)   He then gets the roots of her and kicks the potato. ( In my day we didn't kick potatoes because they cost a nickel and they had to last the entire week.)   Archie up roots her from the seat (sorry) and they run.  They go to Jughead's and see him in the roots and Betty passes out after tripping on a root. 

great another mess I have to clean up/ Copyright DHX

               When do the spuds start killing? What? It's called Attack of the Killer Spuds.  Potato Jughead decides to answer Archie's question of what is he? (Umm polite Potato alien thing?)  He mentions that he was a potato and was freed by the great potato. 

No Linus, Potato, not Pumpkin, gosh! 

                  He does the great potatoes bidding  (so he wasn't really freed) and potatoes will rule the Earth. (Is that a bad thing?)   And the people who are wrapped in the roots they aren't killed or anything just put in the zone, happy and not a worry in the world. (Don't to do roots kids , you may feel happy but they will mess you up.  E/I)
He does seem happy / Copyright  DHX 

  We'll be right back after the Jump 

Monday, March 13, 2017

A DCOS Review : Andi Mack as Disney tries something new

Opinion  Disney Channel 


        The last Disney Channel original series I wrote about was "Girl Meets World" in 2014, and they've done other shows past that and GMW ended last year after 3 seasons, but I've not done any other series for review.   But a new series that is set to come out in April  caught my eye, because it was created by the same person who did "Lizzie McGuire" one of my favorite all time sitcoms from any channel.

     The series was promoted with this :

      The main character , Andi Mack (played by Peyton Elizabeht Lee)  says that her sister Bex is coming home for her birthday and she has big surprise.  It's a hook alright, to find out what the secret is.   This is  a Disney Channel series though , what could the surprise be?    

 Disney Channel has released the first episode to their youtube channel (free to view ) and on their watchdisneychannel website / app, along with the 2nd episode (watch with cable sign in) both parts to air on TV April 8th at 8:30pmet.    So I watched the first episode  when it was released on March 10th and well here's a little synopsis.

      Much like a series that came to Disney Channel in 2016 , called "Stuck in the Middle"  it doesn't have laughter either a live studio audience or laugh track to laugh or make a wooing sound , or other sounds.    We are introduced to Andi and her two friends, Cyrus and Buffy.   She rides in on a new motor scooter that she bought with some money from trading in her bike and watching a neighbor's cats.  Her mother doesn't know she bought the scooter and from Buffy and Cyrus' statements it seems she's the kind of person who wouldn't want her twelve almost thirteen year old daughter to have such a thing.  Also, tomorrow is her birthday.   When she and her friends walk over to  Andi's house a motor cycle shows up  and its rider is her older sister,  Bex (played by Lilan Bowden ). Bex seems toe be the cooler older sister who hasn't been around much.

       Also points go to the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" reference. (Also makes you feel something when Buffy says a Television series from the last century) Bex is there by surprise and from Andi's questioning , it seems their mother might not like surprises.   The father seems to be very happy his oldest daughter has showed up , the mother seems a bit shocked and annoyed. Bex announces that she is staying for a while trying to get her life back on track.
    The show's intro  kind of gave me a clue about something in Andi's character where she is able to craft and Bex sees that her sister can make bracelets out of anything.  Bex has a box that she keeps it's like a diary to her. Her mother doesn't want Bex to show the box to Andi because there are things she doesn't need to see or know.  Bex of course shows her the box anyway it seems to be filled with pictures and objects of Bex's life.   The next day, Andi's birthday  Bex gets Andi a gift -an afternoon learning ultimate Frisbee  with a boy Andi has a crush on named Jonah Beck. (He's in the opening intro credit so he will be important )  When Andi finds out that Jonah has a girlfriend , who's in Highschool (9th grade) she gets mad at Bex and goes home. Jonah sends her a text and that changes her mood.

 This is a spoiler territory so if you haven't watched the episode : watch it here :
 and then come back or if you already watch you can continue after the jump , or you need the spoiler as way to get you to watch then sure move on.  (It's also on the app and website along with episode 2)

Thursday, March 09, 2017

The Dr.Seuss Lookback : Daisy-Head Mayzie

The Flashback 

    It's another Dr.Seuss cartoon special lookback ..this one as far as I can say is rare one as the title gives away is called "Daisy Head Mayzie".   This special is based off the book of the same name that was published  in 1995, after Dr.Seuss' death ,it was written by him but not illustrated.  Also , in a twist , the special came out before the book was released. Hanna-Barbera animated the special for the co-owned TNT channel in 1995.

     Our special starts and is narrated by the Cat in the Hat and he explains that a daisy grew out of Mayzie's head.  Two boys start making fun of her  and get the rest of the class laughing at her. (because flowers are funny?)    The teacher tries to pull it out of Mayzie's head but it's connected to her.  We get the repeated "Daisy-Head , Daisy-Head Mayzie" thing by the kids  and it turns into a random song.    The teacher decides to take Mayzie to the principal  (because why not?)  and the Cat in the hat says that principal knew everything. He mentions where daisies do grow (like Missouri) and that that they don't grow on children's heads.  The flower starts wilting  and this causes Mayzie to weaken , the teacher throws some water on them and it gets better.
Forget the daisy... does that boy have tail? /Copyright Warner 

     The principal calls Mayzie's parents , a doctor , and bunch of other people to solve this problem. ( guess the town is busy with that, crime went up 93%) Mayzie sees some bees heading toward her so, she jumps out the window and bees chase her. Don't worry though , she falls inside the principals office right at the same time her father, the other people are there . Her mother screams and faints. (oh I though you said she was hazy not daisy.)
She has angered the flower god / copyright Warner

   The mayor shows up (because , forget  those pot holes there's a flower growing out of a child)  and he sings that he is important and etc, and sings that if he is reelected the Daisy on Mayze problem will be sorted.  (Umm Mr. Mayor what about the crime problem?)  Then comes an entertainment agent and he wants her to sign a contract to be famous, her mother and principal urge her not to because what about her town. (You know the same town that apparently made you issue number 1)
 Mayzie signed her name. The Daisy does too. (don't ask)

They should be wondering how he can stand up on those legs/ copyright Warner 

      Mayzie and the daisy become famous. There are Daisy head products all over the place it's become an international phenomenon, but Mayzie ends up being un happy and runs away.  Mayzie says that nobody loves her (awww) then the cat in the hat appears  and gives more narration when the daisy starts pulling out it's pedals doing the "loves/loves me not thing"  and ends on "loves her". This makes Mayzie happy. Then the cat in the cat flies her back to her home town. (what?)  The cat in the Hat says the moral of the story is love over fame and glory , oh and the daisy is gone (well kind of ).   That's the special.

      Now we comment: this special is way different than other Dr. Seuss specials ... most teach a moral, and have imagination to them this one seems like they found that the good doctor was writing something before he died and might as well publish it for some money.  I am not sure how the book goes  meaning if anything is different  , again it was possibly even un finished or a rough draft that wasn't ready for publish.  The reason  I say that is it feels clunky and lost somewhere if the moral of the story is love over fame and glory, yet the audience was never shown that anybody in the town loved her as much as alot of people trying to deal with the flower situation or repeating the "Daisy Head Mayzie" thing in the taunting tone. The doctor thinking that he could get grants to study, the mayor to get reelected , but we didn't see anybody loving her at all to make us think that oh well she shouldn't sign with the agent. The agent didn't even seem dodgy or someone that we could think that maybe she shouldn't sign a deal with him.  When the parents and principal urge her not to sign for and think about her friends and school, it doesn't make sense without any context of  why should Mayzie  There's filler but not filler that advances the special like seeing the Grinch in the cartoon version do his stealing ... but the songs, facts about daisies ,bees and other elements.
To me at least , it was an ok special that feels like it had something but it just wasn't finished.  Still better than the movies.(now we run and hide)

  Tune in  next time when  we join Mayzie  by growing daisies out of our heads.  #JoshuonlineDaisyheads

Thursday, March 02, 2017

It's A Lookback, Charlie Brown: You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown


    Did you know we've now done this for 2 years? Well It's another lookback and we take you to one from 1979. (Groovy)
    This special of course aired on CBS it was the last of the 1970's specials and it was nominated for Emmy (but didn't win because , they are against ,Charlie Brown).  This special has famous animation voice actor , Mel Blanc, he does the voice of Charlie Brown's grunts. (what?)  But yes, this is "You're the Greatest ,Charlie Brown"

    Apparently, Peppermint now goes to school with Chuck and Linus. (darn continuity) P.P, Marcie , Pig-Pen, Lucy, 5 (I think), and Schroeder are all in the gym. There's going to be a junior Olympics. All the events are filled except the decathlon ,  which has ten events. (hence the deca part)  Nobody wants to enter it , but guess who ends up with it? (Lucy?)  Before, Linus can tell him why he shouldn't do it , Lucy cuts him off and tells him he should- he does.  Then they yell :You're the Greatest  Charlie Brown and roll the opening credits. (well change of pace.)   Charlie Brown has to go on  a training regiment  (but we don't get Rocky music), and of course Peppermint Patty helps with this. (While Marcie seems to be the complementor, how is that not a word , spell check, darn it you. )  
 This is the face of a champion!  /Copyright Peanuts 

   I guess a time skip happens, because the events are happening on the weekend now and he has to train for the events he will be in. Peppermint Patty shows him what he has to do. (Marcie continues her complementing, oh that's a word, ok Spell check)  There's now more montage  with  Charlie Brown not doing well at these events. (Also Fosbery Flop)  I do have have to wonder why Peppermint Patty didn't do this  she does it very well. (But it's  called "You're the Greatest, Peppermint Patty now is it?)  Peppermint Patty then gets the idea to use Marcie as back up because she doesn't think he can do it. ("You're the Greatest ,Marcie!?)
I want you Marcie! Join the Olympics /copyright Peanuts 

  Now it's event day (The Junior Olympics on MSNBC , well that's where NBC would put it ). His competitors for the decathlon : some tall brown haired kid called Freddy Fabulous from Fremont. ( I have his autograph, you know), Marcie , because that thing P.P did earlier.  (Also it's time to ship Charlie Brown and Marcie do it!) I guess you can  enter two people from the same school?  The final being , Snoopy (Because of course)  who is competing for Ace Obedience School. He's going by the name Mass Marvel.
   So umm you guys can't tell he's Snoopy? /Copyright Peanuts 

  He's Fabulous, also how do you get that last name? /Copyright Peanuts 

All smiles here/ copyright Peanuts  

       In the first event, Charlie Brown comes in last, but it does matter because he's running tables. The 2nd event : Snoopy wins, and Chuck got 3rd! The Third is shock-put and the winner of that one is Freddy Fabulous , but ole Chuck got 2nd!.  Fourth event: Snoopy Messes , up  and does Freddy. (They didn't pass the bar- like a bad lawyer) Marcie won this one!  Chuck got 2nd!  (we used !!! alot)

Fabulous / copyright Peanuts 

The final event for the day was the 400 meter (go metric) dash and the winner is Snoopy.  Charlie Brown overall is in 3rd place, and Snoopy is  last. It's now the next day.   Now it's the high hurdles. Charlie Brown manages to knock down the hurdles. Discus doesn't go well for Freddy (crap , I placed on my money on him winning.)  Snoopy does better but his result goes funny.  Marcie did great and Charlie Brown won the event!  The Pole vault :not sure who won.   Javelin : Charlie Brown wins (and didn't kill anybody)  Now the final event is the 1500 Meter race.  (we did the metric thing already)    Charlie Brown gets distracted because he was in the lead and takes the wrong turn and runs into a park or somewhere. (oops)

      That kid on the right seems the most horrified./Copyright Peanuts 

   The next day under a tree:  Charlie apologizes for losing, but the school won anyway. Marcie won the race , while Freddy and  Snoopy got tangled into each other.   That's the special.

Join me for more after the Jump.