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Monday, December 04, 2017

The Lookback: Cosmic Christmas

The Flashback Christmas 

         We had back into Nelvana specials because that's what we do here, dip back into things related to things we've  done before. But instead of Thanksgiving , it's Christmas.   But timing is good too, because this special is 40 Years old , it came out in 1977,  December 4th to be exact. (Yes the 80's are nearing 40 year old territory now)   A Cosmic Christmas , aired in Canada on the CBC Television (guess which C stands for Canada, and Shout out to Joshuaonline Canada)  Let's take a look at this Christmas special and wish it a proper birthday!

        It starts in space as something is preparing to land on Earth on the date of December 24th. (Wonder what is going on that date?)  Meanwhile there is boy looking for  someone called Lucy while he's a store that's filled with procrastinators. Oh, Lucy is a goose  alright then and his name is Peter.  Peter sees something moving in the sky and people apparently don't care. (darn people)  Some bully kids make fun of him for thinking he saw a space ship.
   Nothing from space.. but us  maybe? /Copyright Nelvana 

       Peter leaves that and still sees the space ship but now it lands on our earth as an orb. (orbs are scary) The orb opens with awesome electronic music and 3 space beings come out  and their little space "pet" finds Lucy and they spot Peter. He doesn't run but instead says who he is and where he lives. (Hey you aren't supposed to talk to strangers, Peter!)  But they don't eat him , oh they understand his language and they tell him not to be afraid.  One of the beings says that they  saw a great star (Dick Van Dyke?)  you know the one from the Christmas story.   They are on Earth to find the meaning of the star.  Peter tells them about Christmas .
   Hello, we mean you no harm , I guess/ Copyright Nelvana 

    So Peter shows them around town to look at Christmas stuff.  There's also town talk about a UFO landing. (ha ha that's silly)  Then he takes him to town hall where apparently they are being inundated with calls about said UFO.   But first, I think the space pet and Lucy are falling in love?
Love is in the air? / Copyright Nelvana

   Peter decides to take them to his house , his parents and grandma are getting everything all Christmas ready. Grandma is making an angel , and the mother remarks that people don't make things anymore , you buy them. (Hmmmm) They also think space folk are nonsense well until well ....  (Also father took our strangers line)  The parents seem a bit nervous but Grandma decides to roll with it and gladly let them in.  Also the long haired bully boy (who is called Marvin, we later find out )  is lurking.  Grandma tells a Christmas story to the aliens and the family.  Then the aliens decorate the Christmas tree with magic. Then they make more Christmas show up with food , but it was all a hologram.
mmm low calorie food/ copyright Nelvana 

    Marvin goose naps ,  Lucy because we'll find out later.  Meanwhile the mayor and some townsfolk decided to approach the space orb.  While, Peter's family chase after Marvin.  Marvin then falls into an ice lake and he can't swim or get out. Peter paces on the frozen lake bed as it cracks to try and save Marvin, but Peter and Lucy can't do it alone. The towns people form a chance , and ask the aliens to help but of course they wander what help means then help anyway.  Marvin and Peter don't die and are rescued.  When the towns people shame Marvin and hate on him because he took the goose, Grandma then brings up "maybe he was hungry".  The aliens wonder how he could be hungry on Christmas.  Grandma says because they were wondering about themselves and not other people,  Peter and his family ask to share some Christmas with them. The townspeople offer stuff too.
His heart grew three sizes that day, wait wrong show/ Copyright Nelvana 

  Marvin and his friends, along with townsfolk have met up at Peter's house to have Christmas.   The Aliens then leave, with mission finished, I guess.  They make a cool angel light show too.

     I will have to say it's a nice warm Christmas special. that's what I got from it. Where those in the story learn about what Christmas is, while the visitors from outer space help the people of this town learn about it.   I enjoyed this one very much it had a heart too it.   I think it's worthy of being  a classic.  

    That's our lookback , if you look after the jump there's something special there, otherwise tune in next time ,when we look for where our goose went. 

   You can watch the special online thanks to YTV in Canada  have put the whole thing nice and clear online : so watch it's less 24 minutes

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