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Thursday, June 14, 2018

A First Look at "Big City Greens"

Disney Reviews 

   There's  a new Disney animated series , coming to Disney Channel on June 18th 2018 called "Big City Greens" . They've released the first half hour of two eleven minute episodes on demand. The episodes called "Space Chicken" and "Steak Night" . 

 Spoilers ahead 

  First off  "Space Chicken" 
   So this episode mentions that our main characters have moved from the country to the city  which is also shown in the intro.  We are introduced to Cricket and his sister Tilly as the fly into their yard on a lawn mower. Their father wonders of course what Cricket has been doing as the mower is engulfed in flames. The father says that the neighbors don't know them yet and they want to make a good impression implying he wants Cricket to behave. This is not how  Cricket  hears it.   He takes it to mean they need to be impressed. So of course, his idea is to send one of their chickens INTO SPACE! (It has to be read dramatically)  A random kid named Remmy is asked to join the fun of helping to send the chicken into the infinity and beyond. (He's Random because he was walking down the sidewalk when Cricket calls him.)  The episode there's also Gramma (that's how they spell it) and she's not one to wake up in the middle of sleep -- she has a sword.   This episode goes through Cricket, Tilly, and Remmy's attempts to launch a chicken into space and causing some havoc instead.  Eventually, one of the chickens ends up being "sent into space" and everyone around is impressed.

Second, "Steak Night" 

mmm night. 

       The Greens are on their way back home with big plans of their tradition of having a steak night.  Cricket wants to hold the steaks which he is allowed to do , and they take the subway. Since this is new for the kids ,they are amazed and dazzled by the sights and sounds.  Tilly makes friends with the rats. As they get into a subway car, Cricket realizes that he left the steaks back near a bench at the station. So he tries to go back and get them.  He goes on the trip hopefully get them. Funny enough due to the steaks being mistaken for a suspicious package  the train on the way  back to the station stops. Tilly talks to a down Cricket and encourages him to not give up.  He does get them but is now chased by the bomb squad  and a bomb squad robot.   Cricket explains that he was trying to get the steaks because it's important for the steak night but his father says that family is important for steak night.  So he goes up from the tracks while the bomb robot and the steaks are lost.

  This is a nice start for the series.  It's  a more slice-of-life style comedy and at least so far, I don't think it's going to be an over arching mystery or quest series ,which is just fine.  If you are the kind of person who's looking for a quiet animated series with some funny laughs and outlandishness it's this one. 

  Cricket is a fun energetic but well meaning character.  In the first episode he's not being malicious or causing havoc for the sake of havoc but mostly mis understood his father's use of the word impression.  In the second episode he thinks that the steaks are the most important thing about the night because that's what his family says so, when he tries to go get them back he's doing it to makes his family happy. 
  Tilly is quiet and kind of in her own world.  She's  a little quirky  but works well with her brother and is supportive of him. Hopefully we will get to know more about her a character as the series goes on. 

  The Dad, named  Bill is a caring father who might be a little annoyed by his son's antics but at least sees the good intentions. He can be a little goofy as shown in Steak Night. Again hope we  learn more about him as the series goes on. 
 Gramma Alice is going to be that one character you can't forget she's feisty and as stated above apparently sleeps with a sword for protection.  She so far, isn't over the top just a fun a little crazy character. 

more after the jump
   Overall I think it's a sweet charming series with a lot to bring. The animation  well done with the characters being a distinct color and design and non Green Family characters being distinct as well. The backgrounds do have an earthy feel to them it fits the series tone. It isn't too bright or too too dark either.

 It airs on Disney Channel starting with a week of new episodes starting  June 18th at 9:30amet (repeating  at 2pmet,  6pmet, 9:30pmet)  The first episode is on Disney Now (the app and the website at and currently, as of this writing , on Youtube. 

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