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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Halloween : The Loud House: Tricked!

Nickelodeon  Halloween 

    It's unknown at this point if  "The Loud  House" will be seered into  people's memories as Nickelodeon classic Nicktoon like many predecessors from Nick were. So umm future readers , please tell me  how well it made it please. Anyway, I am not here to talk about time travel... hold on, (checking my papers) yep, we are instead talking about an episode of "The Loud House".  Not any episode, mind you (we'll do that later) but the Halloween episode , since it's that time of year again. (Unless you are reading this in some other month then, that's alright too)   Let's take a look at Season 2's Halloween special called "tricked!"

       The theme song intro doesn't change except at the end where it does wooooooo. It starts with a scream it's coming from their father , Lynn Loud Sr.,as there's a decapitated head in the fridge. (It's not real?)   He says that he doesn't like Halloween then Lucy Loud comes in and grabs the head saying she loves Halloween.  The kids are working on Halloween , Lucy is in charge because she's the spooky girl.   They get to do a  haunted corn maze. Lincoln starts talking to us (I'm scared now)  and his friend Clyde replies on the walkie-talkie. They have some good Halloween plans.

Haunted Corn, the scariest corn. / Copyright Viacom

       Lincoln has a mission for Halloween : to get full size candy bars, the holy grail. (I added that line my self)  So, he found a rich neighborhood that has the big candy bars it's a gated neighborhood too so, they need a way to get in. Good thing two children who kind of look like Lincoln and Clyde are leaving.  The two run into two big kids (I guess)  and they ask for the best place for the good candy. Lincoln tells them to go to his neighborhood. (What could go wrong?) 

Yeah what could go wrong?  /Copyright Viacom 

     The younger Louds are preparing for their own tricks or treats (this blog writes about Peanuts specials so we are going to say it like that don't write us complaints!)  Like the twins, Lola and Lana, have three costumes to maximize candy getting. Lisa has used her brain by using the youngest, Lilly, as cute-bait. (that's a word.)  Clyde and Lincoln dress as stereo typed high class British kids.   Lynn Sr. doesn't want to take them because read above. He goes anyway. (by force!)  The two big kids from before also show up to do what they plan. (Again what could go wrong?)   Lucy and the older Louds, including Rita (Mom)  are all starting the haunted corn maze at  the house.

Zombie Mom coming soon, / Copyright Viacom

      Lincoln and Clyde get into the fancy spot and turn in to their real costumes. Lana and Lola do their trick and they some candy then Lisa does her thing and apparently , find a woman who is so enthralled by cuteness that she dumps the whole bowl in there.   Remember when I said "What could Go Wrong?"  Well ... Lincoln and Clyde bury the candy because taking it to either of their homes were negative options. They come back to Lincoln's street and see smashed pumpkins and stuff.  Two boys (guess who?)smashed through and stole candy and scared everyone one off.  The Louds go into their house dejected. Lincoln and Clyde feel guilty since it was their fault sending those boys to their neighborhood. 
We were super not heroes/ Copyright Viacom

   The plan is to find those guys and get the candy back.  They do try and Grinch the candy from them while the boys sleep but that doesn't go well. (Violence!)  They also say they will return to the neighborhood next year to cause more havoc.  Lincoln calls Lucy because he has a plan.  The two big boys get led back to the neighborhood to get them into the haunted corn maze. Also , a song. The two boys get scared in song montage in the maze. ( Also noted back : that the two boys don't like blood and it makes sick)  They also say they won't come back the next year.  Then neighborhood kids hear the commotion.  Lincoln decides to give away the candy he and Clyde got.   The end.

A happy ending I think/ Copyright Viacom (note: this is not the final shot) 

      That was a great Halloween episode.  Since Lucy is the character that is set as the one who likes "spooky" stuff it gives her a place to shine, though this episode is mostly framed from main character Lincoln and his best friend, Clyde. It's plot is simple and basic ones Halloween is known  for such as, trick or treating, haunted places (corn maze in this case), and scaring people. Lincoln and Clyde's quest for the holy-grail of  trick or treating, the full size, candy bar is fun and maybe relate able . The special combines our two plots to cause Lincoln and Clyde to fix the problem they unintentionally created  though, I will add that Lincoln really shouldn't have sent those two boys to their spot. I am surprised  the Loud sisters sit there dejected about the maze, they have been shown to be willing to fight back in the first place.  We needed a plot with some drama so, there we go.  It does work out in the end because they scare the boys from ever coming back again.  The ending with Lincoln and Clyde giving away their large store of candy was a nice ending.

   That's it for us this time , tune in next time when we visit the Louds for Thanksgiving and wonder where's our cut of the turkey.  (There's No Loud House Thanksgiving special as of this writing so boo)

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