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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Lookback :The Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile

The Flashback  Halloween 

          As we wrap up our series of Halloween themed posts guess it's time to take a look at a special that turns 40 next year.   It's our first look at a special with  "Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy".  It first aired on October 31st 1979 on the CBS television Network.   The full name of the special is called "Raggedy Ann and Andy in the Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile".  So let's  take a look at why this pumpkin can't smile.

           There's a pumpkin who is sad and crying that he wasn't picked up to be used on Halloween. (For 25 Cents!, Darn people I would have bought that) Then it cuts over to a house where  Raggedy Ann and Andy (voiced by June Foray and Daws Butler)  are kind of sad about how someone could be mean. They are talking about a sad blond boy named , Ralph  who lives with an unhappy aunt (also voiced by Foray) named Agatha.  She scares away some trick or treaters. (You can say she doesn't like Halloween)  Ann thinks that maybe the aunt really isn't mean and that maybe doesn't know what it's like to be a kid.  Her real mission is to get a pumpkin for Ralph. ( I wonder which pumpkin they will get) 
Who wouldn't want that face? 

    The pumpkin's complaining continues. Even the mouse that he was with gets fed up and leaves. Ann, Andy, and their dog , Arthur, go out with a skateboard to get a pumpkin.  They meet up with the pumpkin who couldn't smile (and whines alot) and Ann tells him that they have  a boy for him. To, which he is happy to hear.  When they get him on the skateboard it rolls away from Andy and the rest and they have to chase it.  Eventually, the chase ends and it's time for them to bring the pumpkin up to Ralph's window.   Ralph is not surprised to see a pumpkin  rapping at his window randomly he seems more overjoyed.   He grabs the pumpkin.
Is this real life , or is this fantasy? 

  Ann and Andy decide to focus on Aunt Agatha and help her remember what she can like about Halloween.  So they make her remember a time from when she was nine years old.  This causes her to wake up  with a softer side. She now likes Halloween and Ralph gets to go trick or treating.  Aunt Aggie joins too.
My mind is being controlled by dolls

   My writing about the action in the special that takes place is sparse because there's not much action except the long chase or the comedy that happens.  The animation in this special is great, because Chuck Jones. It has style all over it and great for it.  
Together forever! 

   The special is good as well. I am glad it didn't focus too much on the pumpkin's moaning. The special's message is to me one that says Halloween is a fun holiday and  has things that many can enjoy. That we shouldn't forget the fun of it. Which, is an interesting message but not a bad one.  It's a fine special for a family to enjoy.  That's our look back , tune  in next time after these talking dolls at my door tell me about the fun of  Easter. (month early) 


1 comment:

  1. Not one of Chuck's major works , but it's got some nice stuff about it. It's a shame it has apparently never been reissued on DVD or BluRay. I think it aired a few times in the late 70's and in the 80's , but I haven't seen it since. Was it ever on VHS ? I noticed it's on YouTube (probably transferred from Betamax or VHS recorded from a broadcast) and it looks choppy. Would be nice to see a remastered HD copy.
