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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Yes, this is about A Charlie Brown Christmas


         When I started on this blog doing Peanuts lookbacks back during the 65th anniversary year of "Peanuts" in 2015. There also was a second anniversary that year, that being the 50th for "A Charlie Brown Christmas".    When I started the lookbacks my primary goal wasn't to look at holiday specials because one I assumed that people knew most of those already and would be retreading ground (which could be a wrong assumption) and 2, to give a look at specials that don't get talked about much.     This year while not doing look back's per-say I decided to talk about the holiday specials in their own special sub-section of my Peanuts topics. 

      This special is about Charlie Brown and Christmas (yeah yeah stay with me) his relationship with Christmas.  What does Christmas mean to him?  He goes through the special trying to answer that question.  There's no him explicitly telling the others they are celebrating wrong  he doesn't like that the holiday seems overly commercialized and wonders maybe he's doing something wrong because he's not feeling the same way as the other kids are feeling. 

       Backing away from Charlie Brown to overall talk about the special. This was the first Peanuts media on television that wasn't a commercial.   It first premiered on CBS on December 9th 1965, later cementing a relationship with CBS where every special until 1992 , premiered on the network. While , " A Charlie Brown Christmas" repeated every year from 1965 to 2001 then continued rerunning on ABC as of this writing. (in 2018)  Every thing about this special shouldn't have worked. CBS didn't like the idea of using actual children to voice the children, CBS didn't like the idea of the bible verse being stated , the music was jazz music which seemed to be annoying to someone.  They had only 6 months to make this special, this is with hand drawn animation,  no computers for help at all and  when even now it takes about 9 months to make cartoon episodes.   I am also glad Schulz rejected the idea of having a laugh track.  It shouldn't have worked , it should have been on the dust bin of history and I would be writing about a lost Christmas special right now instead of the most popular one.  Yet, even though it was a little rough on the sides,  and contradicted some popular trends of the time it  made it . Which  is a little like Charlie Brown himself.     The voices being genuine and mostly non Hollywood kids  gives it something more  because the little mistakes and way things are said are more fitting and less polished. In away fits the special even more that the simpleness of the story.

         The special also shows how good a friend Linus is to Charlie someone who doesn't mock Charlie Brown and goes along with him  when needed.  When Charlie Brown gets that famous Christmas tree the one that nobody else  would see as anything but some weird thing that was picked by accident.  Ironically to me, the Christmas trees in the background look awful compared to this little guy.  Linus comments , "Do they still make wooden Christmas trees, anymore?".  Fun fact : this special killed aluminum Christmas trees. (source) The tree is kind of like Charlie Brown not much to look and people might not see worth to him yet, there's is so much potential plus this shows shows us Charlie Brown's characterization as  someone who sees the best in things that others wouldn't. The other kids (though I will note that Linus and Schroeder don't) make fun of Charlie Brown for picking that tree.

     The other main point, is Linus doing the bible verse from Luke chapter 2, The place where it's written in and they way it's kind of central to the special means that it's edit proof. Though if a network tried they'd probably not have a good few days.   That is the simple core reason Christmas exits there would be no it with out it. (that's my kind of sentence)  Charlie Brown feels determined to have his simple Christmas takes the little tree with him. He's still Charlie Brown so when puts a heavy bubble on it , it does bends over in the weight leaving C.B slightly dejected. Linus comes by and sees it and puts his treasured blanket around the bottom and the other kids some how make the look like a nice little tree.  Charlie comes back and they all wish him a Happy Charlie Brown.

        Looking at the animation, it's simple works  and fits again with the them unintentionally. It's not a preachy special and doesn't say anyway you celebrate Christmas is wrong or right.  It criticizes the over commercialization of it  where people tend to lose the true theme of the holiday.  This is a great Christmas special and I am glad that it exists.  Glad it's been running each year non stop for over 50 years and  hope it runs another 50 more plus.

  Thanks for reading, tune in next time when we find out if Christmas trees can be made from wood.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

CBS mid season for Realtiy and Comedy

CBS Midseason TV Winter 2019

    CBS is kind of being interesting with the releasing of midseason information. They have released details of their reality shows then details about their comedies separately.   I have decided to combine the two. Now,if CBS announces their dramas next , that will be its own post.

      Thursdays from January 10th
     8PM  The Big Bang Theory
     8:30pm Young Sheldon
     9PM     Mom
    9:30pm   Fam (New Series) (Premieres January 10th)
     10PMET S.W.A.T

Monday, February 4th and 11th
8PM  The Neighborhod
8:30PM  Man with a Plan (New Season -Premieres February 4th)
9PM  Big Brother Celebrity Edition
10pm Bull

Mondays starting February 18th
8PM The  Neighborhood
8:30PM Man with a Plan
9PM  Magnum P.I
10PM  Bull

Reality Show details
Monday January 21st to Friday January 25th
  8-9PM Big Brother Celebrity Edition (new season starts January 21st)

Sunday January 21st to Wednesday January 27th
8-9PM Big Brother Celebrity Edition

Saturday, February 2nd
8-9PM  Big Brother :Celebrity Edition

Sunday, February 3rd
7-10PM / 4-7pt  (starting at 6:30pmet Super Bowl LIII)
10pm/7-8pt  (whenever Super Bowl ends)  The World's Best (Series Premiere)

Monday, February 4th
9PM Big Brother : Celebrity Edition

Wednesday, February 6th
8-10pm  The World's Best (2 hours new episode)

Thursday, February 7th
9PM   Big Brother Celebrity Edition )

Friday, February 8th
8-10PM  Big Brother Celebrity Edition  (2 hrs)

Monday, February 11th
9-10PM  Big Brother Celebrity Edition

Wednesday, February 13th
8PM The World's Best
9-11pm  Bigh Brother: Celebrity Edition (2nd Season finale)

Wednesdays starting February 20th
8PM Survivor (new season)
9PM  The World's Best

Wednesday, March 13th
10-11PM  Seal Team (New Time Period )

Wednesdays starting March 27th
8PM  Survivor
9pm  Million Dollar Mile (series premiere)

Wednesday, May 15th
8-10pm  Survivor (season finale)
10pm Survivor Reunion Special

Wednesday, May 22nd
8pm  The Amazing Race (new season)
9pm  Million Dollar Mile

Press releases after the jump

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Lookback : The Grinch and Cat in the Hat together.

The Lookback 

            You know what? The Grinch and the Cat in the Hat are probably the most famous Dr.Seuss figures ever  so what do you do when you have two big figures?  Combine them!  That's what we are looking at this time.  The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ,  also known as "The Grinch Vs. The Cat in the Hat  (or Grinch vs Cat Deathmatch! Well not that)  This is s 1982  Dr.Seuss special  that ran on ABC. It has the usual people working on it with  Friz Freleng and Dr.Seuss.  So, let's take a look at whatever this is.

        The narrator says that  it's morning time and that the Whitzling birds are whtizling and even the Grinch was Whitzling. (Well I'm scared)  So the Grinch talks to his mirror and the grinch in the mirror  is displeased that the Grinch is in a good mood and makes him take the Grinch oath. (I didn't know there were more than one grinch and or an oath. )  Max, the dog isn't happy with  the Grinch being un happied. (that's not word)  So, the Grinch goes out in his car (yes the Grinch has a car) and he decides to choke some birds with car exhaust. (The Lorax won't like that)
This car gets 3 mpg but it also shoots smoke so.../ Copyright Marvel Picutres

    Meanwhile, the Cat in the Hat is in a good moon as he sings making a picnic  and gets in his car. He sets up his picnic and prepares for an enjoyable time when guess who drives by?   The Grinch is not happy the Cat in the Hat blocked the path so he starts hitting the car with his because that was reasonable.  Cat (we are  shortening it to Cat because yes)  apologizes for blocking the way and tries to make it right by packing up his picnic.   Then Cat calls Grinch "Green Face" and this apparently, is  touchy term to the Grinch because he starts stalking Cat in a road rage.  Cat does get away and goes back home to relax.
Private Eyes are watching you/ Copyright Marvel Productions 

    Cat sings a song when some sort of lazer thing keeps stopping him. The Grinch found him at home and shows him his sound vacuum  machine that stops sounds from the next 50 miles. The Grinch states that he will control all the sounds that Cat can hear.   Grinch then goes home and decides to continue a war against Cat.  The next thing he uses is something called  a dark house and use this machine to make Cat not be able to see around because it blocks out all light. (this special got dark)   Cat wonders what's wrong with the Grinch and decides to psycho-analyze  the Grinch in a dream cloud.
On the next Dr. Cat/ Copyright Marvel 

   He figures the best way to figure out the Grinch is to go to him directly, and we get a chase of the dark light and Cat's car.  The Machine also doesn't just make things dark it has filter that makes things pink (because of course).  Also the Grinch has cameras than can follow the Cat everywhere. (creepy) He uses this to bother the Cat at dinner at a restaurant.   The Grinch plays around with color and really some physiological warfare on the Cat.  This part  also an amazing use of animated color and sound usage.
What did I drink?/ Copyright Marvel 

   Cat wonders if there's a weakness in the Grinch to make him soft.  So, Cat brings a group of people to sing at the Grinch to remember his mother.  (Woah Cat fights dirty)  The song makes the Grinch cry.  His mother speaks to him in his tear puddle because why not?  The Grinch decides to take apart his machines and everything is happy.

   That was a strange special  but, glad it exists.   The people at the Emmys felt the same way and gave it an award in 1982.  It's kind of interesting to see the Grinch have a force that wants him to do misery versus him just wanting to be happy. I am not sure what continuity this would be with any of the other Grinch specials (Written about "Halloween is Grinch Night" before)  and used probably don't want to over think that.  It also keeps the Cat in character too and he tries to figure out how to help stop the Grinch from grinching by finding something that would help him stop.  The songs are alright , and the animation is really good as per normal in these specials. It's a great cross crossover with a simple yet , effective story.

 That's our lookback, tune in next time when we see  Tom (from Tom and Jerry) vs the Cat in the Hat.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Lookback : Nickelodeon's Thanksgiving Fest

The Flashback  Thanksgiving  Nickelodeon 

     Last Christmas  , I talked about  Nickelodeon's first attempt at original animation , "Christmas in Tattertown" . Then I gave it away. (I quit)   So Nickelodeon dipped their toes into original animation now they were going to dip their whole foot in. (stop)  Anyway, We've had Christmas so now it's time to talk about the most famous holiday of all, Thanksgiving. ( You are really going all out on this)

      I think something important about this special and the one before it was that yes, Nickelodeon was looking for something different to do then it ever has done before.  These two specials were them trying to see how it worked and what they wanted to do. These are the linchpins into  what eventually became the Nicktoons.   So, now  to look at this special that came out on November 22nd 1989. (Unless someone else corrects this date)

        The special starts with a voice over telling us that Thanksgiving is a special holiday. Then the same narrator talks about Cranberry sauce  when he asks a person working at a factory and we get a joke about Cram berries. (get it get it?)  This special has mini segments as wrap-arounds with two main segments, which I will get to in this post umm now.   The first main segment is called  "Thanksgiving Nightmare"  this one starts with a family eating Thanksgiving dinner and there's a mouse who wants to steal the meal. There's also a cockroach that wants to steal the meal. The family decides to "three bears" it and go out and walk off the dinner.  This causes the mouse and roach to jump into action.  I've also learned that mice and roaches are mortal enemies.  The family has a cat because of course. One of lady family members sees the cat with a bone and she tells him that if she catches him so much as even a pea she's going to throw him out permanently. (bit harsh there)
No, please don't you see I am not an average cat! / Copyright Viacom 

       The mouse has a mouse gang and he talks about how bad roaches are (the great roach vs rat war hadn't begun yet) meanwhile the roaches also have a large meeting and talk about how bad the mice are. (So umm the people  in this house need to call an exterminator. )  The cat decides to watch TV. The mice decide  that this would be a good time to capture the turkey.  Meanwhile the roaches do their plan of attack  as well.   This has become a mouse versus roach war.  The cat sees all the mess and decides to use a vacuum cleaner to take care of it. (This cat is not from our Earth)   The rodents and roaches are sucked up except the head roach and mouse. 
Mice. Rodents want to the rule the world/ Copyright Viacom 

      The people come back and the house is a mess and guess who gets blamed for the mess? (Yep, the roach.) Yes, the cat and woman throws him out.  He seems alright since he has  a drumstick. I guess.  Back to a mini segment. There's a hunter he's shooting carrots because sure.  Now, it's time to see how animals celebrate Thanksgiving.  (We get a rabbit multiplies like rabbits joke here)
There's a second long segment called "Thanksgiving Dreams" I  see what they did there. It has an interesting animation start where it airs in like slow moving  still picture book animation. It starts with the Great Depression.   This one has a mom and her two kids ( a boy and a girl) and we talk about how it hard it is for food.  The kids names are Sam and Emily.   This animation style doesn't last too long because at least to me it feels like headache maker.  The kids awake over the night hearing a noise then they start shrinking.  They make it to kitchen where everything is dancing.
I think this is real/ copyright Viacom 

    The carrots even dance and have faces as they dip themselves into boiling water. A loto of the food starts preparing themselves. (food is weird)  I'm not going  through every single little thing.  This sequence is kind of like an old fashioned cartoon  with the movement of objects and dancing.   Anyway, there's a dough monster because when you add  to much yeast this happens. Sam gets pepper all of the kitchen and causes everything to sneeze. This does make the dough monster sneeze  and shrink back down.  Then Sam and Emily wake up and apparently food magically appeared.  The mother is confused but she's happy and it's a happy ending.
Where did this food come from? I don't question it! /Copyright Viacom 

    More wrap-around astronauts have dehydrated Thanksgiving.  Some older people watch some football. What do turkeys eat for Thanksgiving?    They eat man!!!!

   I think that was an alright Thanksgiving special. I liked how it talks about the traditions of Thanksgiving and does some light humor in  the wrap-arounds.  The first long segment was quite  fun though if you feel that cat got a real deal that might turn you off.  The concept was an interesting one.  I think the 2nd one was pretty fun too, though the start was a little much because of the animation the rest of it was a nice little story and was a nice hint of throwback to old style animation.    The animation in the special is well done and crisp so Nick wasn't cutting any corners here. 

 Tune in next time  when we found out that  the reason we eat turkey is because they'll eat us first.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Powerpuff Girls 20 : Every Superhero has an Origin Story

Cartoon Network  The Flashback 

       The Powerpuff Girls  first premiered in November of 1998 on Cartoon Network (though pilots for the series were featured a few years earlier).   Personal note : PPG is one of my favorite Cartoon Network series and was when it first ran too.  I have written about Powerpuff Girls Z when the remake series was starting in 2016 so, this time I decided to look at the Powerpuff Girls Movie that came out in theaters in 2002. (Yes I call this  a TV blog, but it's more than that it's just easier to say TV blog plus, this is based on a TV show)  This movie is an origin story of the Powerpuff Girls, even though the intro does explain how they were made this movie sets to explain how they became Townsville's  dedicated heroes.   As the title stays,  Superheroes do need origin stories. Apparently, this movie is the reason Cartoon Network seems weary of releasing anymore of their TV series to theaters.

    The narrator is in the movie too!  He starts with mentioning that Townsville is riddled with crime (why? no body knows)  and he asks if there's anyone in this town that can help make this better.  It brings us to the professor who does sciencey-science things.  There's also a monkey who's destroying his lab because the professor doesn't believe in cages for some reason.  The mixture in the open re-acts the intro of the Powerpuff Girls where chemical x is added to the mixture Professor Utonium was working on , and it explodes.   Bringing us the title card of the movie.

Woah I created life! / Copyright Warner Media 

     Three girls appear from the explosion and ask the professor what is his name.  They suggest that he gives them names.  He gives them names Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup.  He quickly decides to get them gifts because it's their birthday. There's something different about these girls- they have superpowers. (what?!)  There's a green money with his brain protruding out and dramatic music, that'll probably bring nothing later.  There's a montage of the professor and the girls getting to know each other and setting up their lives.  Since, they weren't born babies the next day is for school. Everyone at the Poke Oaks Kindergarten seems to like the girls.   There are somethings to learn about though, like what is tag?
That'll buff out/ Copyright Warner Media 

    This tag game goes wrong when the girls do  a long chase around the city causing some destruction.  This tag thing does take up a good long chunk of this 73 minute long movie (yeah it's not that long)  The mayor , who called Mayor in the series and movie sees that girls causing destruction actually, he wants  pickles. This is his favorite thing in the series too,  and the girls stop him from enjoying his pickle (that sounds wrong some how).  Professor  Utonium tells them when putting them to bed, that they should try not use their powers around town.
Girls. don't destroy the town next time. / Copyright Warner Media 

     The  next day, the girls go to school, which shouldn't be open because who runs a school while there's a river of water running through it with rebuilding work going on ?  There's some health and safety problems somewhere there.  The other kids don't like the girls anymore. (Also, this school has no electricity who does this?)  Meanwhile, the Mayor forms and angry mob because that's what mayors do , to arrest the professor.  Meaning he can't pick up the girls from school  and the girls start  to think the Professor hates them now.  The news media in the town call the girls freaks because bad people. Plot convenience time  : the girls see the TV videos calling them freaks , but don' t see the news report that the professor is in jail.

     The three of them try to walk home but get lost.   This is when they run into a gang called the Gang Green Gang but they are saved by a shadowy figure. It's the monkey from before. ( I'm shocked)   His name is JoJo.  He gets the girls to help him with his plan to "make the town better".   Will this  make the  town better?  Find out after the jump!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Loud House Celebrates Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Nickelodeon 

    Usually, I do a post right after an episode or special comes out  with the last "The Loud House" special I covered, (the Halloween one) I waited a year after it aired, this time I am doing this post just after it aired so that's different. I thought it would be good to do this look now while I can.  Anyway this time we look an episode of the Loud House that is called "The Loudest Thanksgiving".

   For those that don't know what The Loud House is  in simple premise terms : it's an animated series that premiered in 2016 on Nickelodeon about a large family called the Louds with 11 children, 10 of which are girls. The middle child, Lincoln, also happens to be the only boy.  Most of the episodes focus on their  lives the things that happen. Also, for this episode there is more info.  there's  a character named Ronnie-Anne  Santiago she was introduced in the series back in season 1 , her brother is named Bobby and he is also the boyfriend of the oldest Loud sister, Lori.  In season 2 they moved away to a place called in the series as simply "The City" (not the old ABC soap series I hope) and they and their mother live with their extended family called the Casagrades.  This is also being made into a spinoff. That is my simple explanation for those who haven't seen the series at all.

 Now, here's a look at the special.

        It starts with Flip, the man who runs a convenience store, being our host for the story it's like a classic holiday special which I think is a nice touch.  It starts with the day before Thanksgiving where Louds and the Casagrandes are prepping for Thanksgiving.  Lori and Bobby explain to each other what their families are doing for Thanksgiving.   This part gives us a nice Thanksgiving prep feel of seeing how these two large families prepare for such a big  holiday.   Bobby and Lori both lament they wish to have  Thanksgiving together. 

Holiday separation is what happens/ Copyright Viacom 

    Lincoln overhears his sister and Bobby's  Grandfather overhears well Bobby, saying this and they get worried about their respective  family members that they will lose them for all the holidays.  Both families start doing things to convince not to leave without outright telling them.  This escalates  as much as you can probably can tell where it is going where both Lori and Bobby find out why their families are acting in such a way.

They got caught/ Copyright Viacom 

   I like how the episode kind of shows how similar they are to each other.  Anyway, their finding out brings us to next part of the plot. The two families decide to merge their Thanksgivings together after some contention a coin is flipped and dinner will be at the Louds.  Meaning these two families are still going to compete on making their Thanksgiving better than the  other so they won't lose their family member for the next Thanksgiving.  The Casagrandes show up  and bring all their stuff and make their Thanksgiving work.  The Louds put on a  trial (with the People's Court music) for Lilly, the baby Loud, who is dressed like a turkey to be pardoned. (Interesting tradition)  The Casagrandes put on a Turkey dance because of course.  Then comes the dinner where this goes where you are probably expecting this to go , well badly. It descends into chaos and a food fight.

Does save on leftovers , I guess/ Copyright Viacom 

    Lori and Bobby leave this chaos and end up  at Flip's where he tell us that's how they ended up there. The two families find their members  and Bobby and Lori tell them they don't wanna chose sides.   Flip offers the best and most obvious answer  that  Lori and Bobby could just alternate Thanksgiving.   The two families come together at Flip's and have dinner there.  Also a fun episode for Flip being kind instead of greedy.  The special ends with a song with Luna and  Bobby's grandfather doing a duet song it's a good song.
sweet harmony / Copyright Viacom 

    I think it was a fine Thanksgiving special it had one primary plot with no B plot meaning all it's energy was filled into this plot. Nothing felt too  dragged out either. You can feel that both families really just don't want to not have their member be there and are trying to do anything to  keep them with them.  It is kind of funny that Flip suggests probably one of the  most obvious suggestions ever yet, one that might have not been thought up so easily.  For people who want a Thanksgiving special but haven't seen the Loud House you don't really need to see the entire series to understand the special it pretty much works self contained.    I do think it really could  have been longer because it would have been nice to see more character interactions. but, this doesn't mean what we got wasn't good and it was quite fun.  

 That it for us tune in next time when we force two random families we found to have Thanksgiving together.  Something ensues. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

NBC Holiday programming 2018

NBC Thanksgiving  Christmas 

      NBC has released their holiday programming from Thanksgiving all the way to new year. Highlights include : "The Grinch" , "Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade" , a New Years Eve show and more.

   Here's the schedule

 Wednesday, November 21st
 8-9PM  Hollywood Game Night (repeating December 19th at 9pm)
9-11pm  A Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving

Thursday , November 22nd
9-12pm (all time zones with same time)   Macy's 92nd Thanksgiving Day Parade  (repeating  2-5pm)
12-2pm (all time zones)    National Dog   show   (repeats Saturday November 24th at 8pm)

Friday, November 23rd
8-8:30pm How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)  (repeating December 25th at 8pm)
8:30-9pm   Dreamworks Trolls Holiday

Wednesday, November 28th
8-10pm 86th Annual Christmas in Rockefeller Center 
10pm    A Legendary Christmas with John and Chrissy (repeat December 12th at 10pm)

Thursday, November 29th
8pm  Lego Jurassic World : The Secret Exhibit Parts 1&2 (repeats Wednesday Dec. 19 at 8pm)

Monday December 3rd
10-11pm Deal of No Deal : Happy Howie Days  (Series premieres December 5th on CNBC)

Tuesday, December 4th
9-11pm  Saturday Night Live Best of Christmas (repeat December 13th at 9pm)

Tuesday, December 11th
9-10pm  Darci Lynne : My Hometown Christmas
10-11pm  Hollywood Game Night

Wednesday, December 12th
8pm  Ellen's Game of Games (repeat  Thursday, December 20 at 10pm)
9pm  Little Big Shots

Monday, December 17th
10-11pm  America's Got Talent (repeat December 21st at 8pm)

Thursday, December 20th
8-10pm Timeless  ( Series finale)

Monday, December 24th
8-11pm It's a Wonderful Life
11:30-1am  Christmas Eve Mass

Tuesday, December 25th
8:30pm -11 Movie :How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Monday, December 31st
8-10PM NBC NEWS Special : A Toast to 2018!
10-11, 11:30-12:30PM NBC New Year's Eve

Tuesday, January 1st
11:30amet/8:30am PT  130th Annual Tournament of the Roses Parade

Full press release  after the Jump

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Lookback : Alvin and The Chipmunks Thanksgiving

The Flashback   Thanksgiving 

      One long time ago, we've written about Alvin and the Chipmunks celebrating Christmas  but  they had a Thanksgiving special too.  That's our Lookback this time, a look at  "Alvin and the Chipmunks : A Thanksgiving Celebration" which first came out in 1994.  So let's see what chipmunks eat on Thanksgiving or something..

        The Chipmunks and Dave send invitations out to their relatives and Alvin wants to be the lead in a community play about pilgrims.  Simon has been made the lead  which he doesn't want to do, Theodore doesn't want to do lights but gets that and Alvin gets do  to costumes  which . well guess.   Dave tells them about a time he  had to do show as a kid and where it went bad.  He made up words to the song  to make up for the words he forgot and apparently, worked out.  That moment made him want to be songwriter.   Dave's  message to them is that they shouldn't let fear stop them form trying something new.
Young Dave/was not a rhinestone cowboy 

    Since this is an Alvin and the Chipmunks related piece of media, the are songs. In this case used for montage things.  The chipmunks work on their tasks to various effects.   Alvin has a nightmare where he gets attacked by costumes. (I hate when that happens)  Simon has a dream that  he fails at the play. Theodore has  a dream that he screws up with the lighting and gets arrested by his grandma (what?)  and all 3 run into Dave's room and tell him something that is too late to stop the relatives from coming.  (Some of their relatives are chipmunk people  and some are human people so that's a thing)  More montage with music time.
When costumes attack 

      Now, it's the play day.  Alvin has a plan that  we don't get to hear (thanks a lot special). The idea is to fake that a baby is stuck in a gorilla enclosure but never mind it's in a tree so the new plan  then it ends up in a gorilla cage for real.  Simon is dressed up as a mother also he scares a gorilla and gets a doll. (What kind of plan was that?)  A police man shows up and he ruins their plan to be late for the play because he gets them there in time. (Almost as if this plan was stupid)  The three of them are nervous.  Their grandmother tells them they did a great show at that park there with the baby and gorilla.   This gives them the confidence to do well with the play.  Then the family has Thanksgiving dinner.  Dave was entered into a golf tournament.
Happy Thanksgiving I think. 

  Quite a nice special to see. It's not center pieced with Thanksgiving in the normal sense that is used to give us a reason for the relatives to show up  and possibly the reason for the play.  The center message was don't be afraid to try new things it may work out. That's a good message and I like how the action  of the three trying to fake a baby needing rescue with them doing the things they were afraid to do.   There wasn't too much filler in this special either  which I though there would be but, was surprised that it wasn't long and most of the events that happened stayed for the plot.

 That's our lookback tune in next time when Alvin and The Chipmunks fight Tom and Jerry.

Monday, November 12, 2018

CW Midseason 2019

The CW Midseason 

        The CW has released their mid season schedule which includes the series remake of "Roswell" is coming in January. "I -zombie" and "The 100" are set to return sometime in spring.  "Jane the Virgin" is  also set to return for its final season.

 Here are the details
Friday, January 11th , 2019
9-10pm  Crazy EX-Girlfriend (Midseason Return)

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019
8PM  The Flash (Midseason Return)
9PM  Roswell, New Mexico (Series Premiere)

Wednesday, January 16th , 2019
8PM  Riverdale (Midseason Return)
9PM   All American (Midseason Return)

Thursday, January 17th, 2019
8PM  Supernatural  (Midseason Return)
9PM  Roswell, New Mexico (Encore of Premiere)

Friday, January 18th , 2019
8PM  Dynasty (Midseason Return)
9PM  Crazy-Ex-Girlfriend (Original episode)

Sunday, January 20th, 2019
8PM  SuperGirl (Midseason Return)
9PM    Charmed (Midseason Return)

Monday, January 21st, 2019
8PM  Arrow (Mid Season Return )
9PM Black Lightning (New Period Premiere)

Thursday, January 24th, 2019
8PM  Supernatural (Original Episode)
9PM   Legacies (Midseason Return)

full spring schedule comes later. 

press release after the Jump

Friday, November 09, 2018

ABC's 25 Days of Christmas

ABC Christmas 

    ABC has released their 25 Days of Christmas programming. 

     All times ET

Friday, November 23rd
8PM  Santa Claus is Comin' To Town

Monday, November 26th
8PM The Great Christmas Light Fight (Season Premiere)

Thursday, November 29th
8pm  Olaf's Frozen Christmas
8:30pm Toy Story that Time Forgot
9PM  The Wonderful World of Disney Magical Holiday Celebration

Sunday, December 2nd
10pm The Victora's Secret Fashion Show Holiday Special

Monday, December 3rd
8PM-10PM  The Great Christmas Light Fight
10PM  The Good Doctor (Winter Finale)

Tuesday, December 4th
8PM The Conners

Thursday, December 6th
8PM  A Charlie Brown Christmas
9PM-11pm  The Great American Baking Show Holiday Edition ( Season Premiere)

Friday, December 7th
9-10:01pm  The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (rebroadcast)

Saturday, December 8th
8:00-10:00pm The Great American Baking Show (rebroadcast)

Sunday, December 9th
8-9pm Dancing With the Stars  Juniors (Season Finale-Holiday Special)

Monday, December 10th
8-10pm  CMA Country Christmas
10pm  The Great Christmas Light Fight

Tuesday, December 11th
8:31pm  The Kids Are Alright -Christmas 1972
9pm   Black-ish "Christmas in Theater Eight"

Wednesday, December 12th
8PM  The Goldbergs
8:30pm  American Housewife
9pm Modern Family
9:31   Single Parents
10pm  A Million Little Things  - Winter Finale

Thursday, December 13th
8PM  Disney's Prep & Landing
8:30PM Prep & Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice

Friday, December 14th
8PM Fresh off the Boat
8:30PM Speechless

Saturday, December 15th
8-10pm  The Great Christmas Light Fight (rebroadcast )

Sunday, December 16th
7-11pm The Sound of Music

Monday, December 17th
8-10pm The Great Christmas Light Fight 
10pm  ABC News - In Memoriam

Wednesday, December 19th
8PM Olaf's  Frozen Adventure
8:30 Shrek the Halls

Thursday, December 20th
8PM  A Charlie Brown Christmas
9PM-11  The Great American Baking show Holiday Edition (season finale)

Friday,December 21st
8PM I want a Dog For Christmas, Charlie Brown
9-11pm  The Great Christmas Light Fight (rebroadcast)

Saturday, December 22nd
8-10pm CMA Country Christmas (rebroadcast)

Sunday, December 23rd
8PM  Disney's Prep and Landing
8:30PM  Prep and Landing

Monday, December 24th
8-10pm   Beauty & The Beast 

Tuesday, December 25th
10AM-12PMET  / 9-11AM CST MST, PST  :  Disney Parks Magical Christmas Parade

Thursday, December 27th
8PM Happy New Year , Charlie Brown 
9PM  Rudolph's Shiny New Year

Monday, December 31st
8PM New Years' Rockin' Eve

Press release after the Jump

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Not a Lookback: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Peanuts  Thanksgiving 

       I say this alot  when I write about Thanksgiving specials or episodes is there's not alot of Thanksgiving related specials out there. The Peanuts one is the only one that consistently airs each year on time.   Interestingly enough, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving came out later than its Christmas or Halloween counterparts.   Coming out in 1973 , 8 years after Christmas  and 7 years after Halloween. 2018 is the 45th anniversary  of the special first airing.   It won an Emmy.  

      Time for me to over think the Peanuts. (a hallmark of our blog here)  Since Peppermint Patty  seemed to having a more lonely Thanksgiving.  She remarks on the phone to Chuck that her father is out of town and he said that she could come over to Chuck's for the holiday.  Now, she doesn't know what Chuck's plans are for the holiday  and since he is Charlie Brown he is not  in the strength to say "Hey Patty,  I am going somewhere for Thanksgiving already."  Peppermint Patty also self invites  her friends Marcie and Franklin. (apparently their families don't mind them not being around for Thanksgiving.)   Pin this back for  a later paragraph.  

       Linus being the best friend in the world to ole Charles suggests that they do something for Thanksgiving before Chuck has to leave.  Charlie Brown, Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock all help with this plan.  (Now when I talk about the ending ,I am going to add this context here: Charlie Brown and Linus never asked if Snoopy could make them dinner, they only asked if they could help).  If I were to over think other aspect of this special is : why do the Browns have like 20 toasters, were they all wedding gifts?   The dinner they put together is of toast, popcorn,  and jelly beans. A simple and believable feast that you could imagine children making. ( even with a sentient dog and bird)  

        The time shown preparing for the meal is important as well.  Why? Let's say this is another pin to connect it back to the first paragraph.  Peppermint Patty and friends join Chuck, Linus, Sally and the rest. Another showing that Peppermint Patty may just want a normal Thanksgiving  is that she requests that they say grace. (I'm connecting a point here)  Linus once again shows us that his brain is stored with stuff that we could only imagine.  When the meal is served  Peppermint Patty's reaction is one that is less than pleased at this. (Also Snoopy is dangerous with this food delivery system of his)  Going back to my first point now, you can see the Peppermint Patty wanted  what I can say would considered a normal Thanksgiving which could explain this rant she goes on.  This is not to say, that she is justified in it.  You can see the work that Chuck and the gang put into this meal he DIDN'T have to do in the first place.   So, of  course this hurts Charlie Brown's feelings and he laves the table.   Marcie lays out the complete truth here with her defense of Charlie Brown.  Marcie brings up that did Charles invite them or did she self invite?  Peppermint Patty does feel remorseful about her actions which is also nice.  Fitting with her character as some one who is little over the top but never meaning to be well mean.   If I go back to my over thinking again, my theory kind of fits a little.  

    She asks Marcie if she could maybe talk to Chuck for her  since Marcie is better at this stuff than she. The special exhibits  Thankfulness in a nice way , be thankful for what is there and others. There is even a nice resolution with Charlie Brown's grandmother (Grandma Brown) that she decides to let all his guests come over for Thanksgiving. (She's probably just happy to have less left overs.) 

   This special is just my over thinking and that plot. The comedy shows well in this special and there lots of funny moments to enjoy,  and I am thankful for that.  I will note something else, besides the opening skit at the start , there is no Lucy in this special.  Linus  even hangs with Chuck all day and goes with him to Grandma Brown's house. This is interesting in hindsight even more than Franklin and Marcie's parents not minding them not being home for the holiday.    The ending:  Snoopy making Thanksgiving dinner himself in his TARDIS dog house. Going back to that line where I sad Charlie Brown never asked if Snoopy could make dinner only to help make the dinner they were planning. Charles Schulz dark humor shows up too with Woodstock eating some turkey.  Now, many birds are meat eaters (worms are meaty)  but it is great dark humor to have a bird  eat his fellow bird life.   It's mostly  timeless as a special though the idea of kids riding in the back of a station wagon with no seat belts is of that time. (It's the station wagon isn't it?)   With that I am thankful for this special and glad it runs every year.   

   Tune in next time when Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty do stop playing lovers' games. 


Wednesday, November 07, 2018

A Very Merry MeTV schedule

METV Christmas 

     Digital network, METV  has released their holiday programming.  Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes of Classic shows are set.  From November 11th to  December 25th. Here's their schedule of Programming will be airing Sundays at 5pmet to 8pmet and  on Christmas Eve and Day.

Sunday, November 11, 2018
5PM | 4C: The Jeffersons - “Father Christmas”
5:30PM | 4:30C: The Facts of Life - "It's a Wonderful Christmas"
6PM | 5C: Little House on the Prairie - "Bless All the Dear Children"

Sunday, November 18, 2018
5PM | 4C: Diff’rent Strokes - “Thanksgiving Crossover” (Pt.1)
5:30PM | 4:30C: Diff’rent Strokes - “Thanksgiving Crossover” (Pt.2)
6PM | 5C: The Love Boat - “Man of the Cloth/Her Own Two Feet/Tony’s Family”
7PM | 6C: M*A*S*H - “Yalu Brick Road”
7:30PM | 6:30C: WKRP in Cincinnati - “Turkeys Away”

Sunday, November 25, 2018
5PM | 4C: The Jeffersons - “The Christmas Wedding”
5:30PM | 4:30C: The Jeffersons - “All I Want for Christmas”
6PM | 5C: The Ed Sullivan Show - “Holiday Greetings from the Ed Sullivan Show”

Sunday, December 2, 2018
5PM | 4C: The Jeffersons - “984 W 124th Street, Apartment 5C”
5:30PM | 4:30C: The Jeffersons - “George Finds a Father”
6PM | 5C: A Very Brady Christmas

Sunday, December 9, 2018
5PM | 4C: ALF - “ALF’s Special Christmas” (Pt.1)
5:30PM | 4:30C: ALF - “ALF’s Special Christmas” (Pt.2)
6PM | 5C: The Love Boat - “The Christmas Presence”
7PM | 6C: M*A*S*H - “Dear Sis”
7:30PM | 6:30C: M*A*S*H - “‘Twas the Day After Christmas”

Sunday, December 16, 2018
5PM | 4C: Happy Days - “Guess Who’s Coming to Christmas”
5:30PM | 4:30C: Happy Days - “Christmas Time”
6PM | 5C: The Love Boat - “The Christmas Cruise” (Pt.1)
7PM | 6C: The Love Boat – “The Christmas Cruise” (Pt.2)

Sunday, December 23, 2018
5PM | 4C: Laverne & Shirley -“Christmas Eve at the Booby Hatch
5:30PM | 4:30C: Laverne & Shirley - “Oh, Come All Ye Bums”
6PM | 5C: The Love Boat - “Santa, Santa, Santa/Another Dog Gone Christmas/Noel’s Christmas Carol”
7PM | 6C: M*A*S*H - “Dear Dad”
7:30PM | 6:30C: M*A*S*H - “Death Takes a Holiday

Monday, December 24, 2018
6AM | 5C: The Facts of Life - "Christmas in the Big House"
6:30AM | 5:30C: Diff'rent Strokes - "Retrospective Part 1"
7AM | 6C: The Beverly Hillbillies - "The Week Before Christmas"
9:30PM | 8:30C: WKRP in Cincinnati - "Jennifer's Home for Christmas"

Tuesday, December 25, 2018
6AM | 5C: The Facts of Life - "Christmas Baby"
6:30AM | 5:30C: Diff'rent Strokes - "Retrospective Part 2"
7AM | 6C: The Beverly Hillbillies - "Christmas in Hooterville"
10AM | 9C: Matlock - "Santa Claus"
11AM | 10C: Diagnosis: Murder - "Santa Claude"
12PM | 11C: In the Heat of the Night - "Blessings"
1PM | 12C: Gunsmoke - "Magnus"
2PM | 1C: Bonanza - "A Christmas Story"
4PM | 3C: Wagon Train - "The Mary Ellen Thomas Story:
6PM | 5C: Mama's Family - "Santa Mama"
6:30PM | 5:30C: The Jeffersons - "Father Christmas"
8PM | 7C: The Andy Griffith Show - "Christmas Story"
9:30PM | 8:30C: WKRP in Cincinnati - "Bah, Humbug"
11PM | 10C: Carol Burnett and Friends - "Mrs. Wiggins/Harry's Mirage & Grill"
12:30AM | 11:30C: The Twilight Zone - "Changing of the Guard"
1AM | 12C: Alfred Hitchcock Presents - "Santa Claus and the Tenth Avenue Kid"
1:30AM | 12:30C: Alfred Hitchcock Present - "Back for Christmas"

  They also have downloadable schedules available for Eastern and Pacific and Mountain and Central 

Freeform's 25 Days of Christmas Schedule 2018

Freeform Christmas  

    Freeform has released their legendary 25 days of Christmas programming schedule.  Now,  I am going to add some clarification to the schedule.  Some normal favorites that have been on the channel a long time even dating back to the Fox Family days are gone,  these would be some of the classic Rankin- Bass holiday specials , this is because AMC has picked the rights to those.   (Read here)  There will still be "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" and "The Little Drummer Boy" from R&B, they also will have a new movie "Life-Size 2" coming December 2nd. 

  Saturday, December 1
• 7am/6c Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups
• 9:05am/8:05c Home Alone 3
• 11:10am/10:10c I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1998)
• 1:15pm/12:15c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 3:20pm/2:20c Christmas with the Kranks
• 5:25pm/4:25c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 7:35pm/6:35c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 9:15pm/8:15c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 11:55pm/10:55c Life-Size

Sunday, December 2
• 7am/6c Home Alone 3
• 9am/8c Eight Crazy Nights
• 11am/10c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 1:05pm/12:05c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 2:35pm/1:35c Life-Size
• 4:40pm/3:40c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 6:20pm/5:20c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 9pm/8c Life-Size 2 (Network Television Premiere)
• 11pm/10c The Holiday

Monday, December 3
• 7am/6c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 8:30am/7:30c Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too
• 9am/8c The Little Drummer Boy (1968)
• 11am/10c Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic
• 12pm/11c The Truth About Christmas
• 2:10pm/1:10c The Holiday
• 5:25pm/4:25c Life-Size 2
• 7:25pm/6:25c The Santa Clause
• 9:30pm/8:30c Pop Up Santa Holiday Special (Freeform Premiere)
• 12am/11c The Family Stone

Tuesday, December 4
• 7am/6c Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic
• 8am/7c Pop Up Santa Holiday Special
• 11:30am/10:30c Love the Coopers
• 2:05pm/1:05c The Family Stone
• 4:10pm/3:10c This Christmas (Freeform Premiere)
• 6:50pm/5:50c The Santa Clause
• 8:55pm/7:55c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 12am/11c Home Alone 3

Wednesday, December 5
• 7am/6c I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1998)
• 9am/8c Mickey’s Christmas Carol
• 11am/10c Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic
• 12pm/11c Home Alone 3
• 2pm/1c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 4:05pm/3:05c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 5:10pm/4:10c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 6:50pm/5:50c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 8:55pm/7:55c Christmas with the Kranks
• 12am/11c I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1998)

Thursday, December 6
• 7am/6c Mickey’s Christmas Carol
• 7:30am/6:30c Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups
• 12pm/11c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 2:05pm/1:05c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 3:10pm/2:10c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 4:50pm/3:50c Christmas with the Kranks
• 6:55pm/5:55c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story
• 8:55pm/7:55c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 2
• 12am/11c Call Me Claus

Friday, December 7
• 7:30am/6:30c Jingle All the Way 2
• 11am/10c Call Me Claus
• 1:10pm/12:10c Unaccompanied Minors
• 3:15pm/2:15c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story
• 5:15pm/4:15c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 2
• 7:20pm/6:20c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 3
• 9:50pm/8:50c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 11:55pm/10:55c A Belle for Christmas (Freeform Premiere)

Saturday, December 8
• 7am/6c The Little Drummer Boy (1968)
• 7:30am/6:30c Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too
• 8am/7c A Belle for Christmas
• 10:10am/9:10c Unaccompanied Minors
• 12:15pm/11:15c Deck the Halls
• 2:20pm/1:20c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 4:25pm/3:25c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 5:30pm/4:30c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 3
• 8pm/7c Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic (Freeform Premiere)
• 9pm/8c The Santa Clause
• 11pm/10c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 1am/12c Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic

Sunday, December 9
• 7am/6c Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too
• 7:30am/6:30c Deck the Halls
• 9:30am/8:30c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 10:35am/9:35c Life-Size
• 12:40pm/11:40c Life-Size 2
• 2:45pm/1:45c Christmas with the Kranks
• 4:50pm/3:50c The Santa Clause
• 6:55pm/5:55c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 9pm/8c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 11:35pm/10:35c Love the Coopers

Monday, December 10
• 7am/6c This Christmas
• 11am/10c Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic
• 12pm/11c Love the Coopers
• 2:35pm/1:35c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 4:40pm/3:40c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 6:20pm/5:20c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 9pm/8c No Sleep ‘Til Christmas (Network Television Premiere)
• 12am/11c Holiday in Handcuffs

Tuesday, December 11
• 7am/6c Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too
• 7:30am/6:30c Unaccompanied Minors
• 11am/10c Pop Up Santa Holiday Special
• 12:35pm/11:35c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 2:40pm/1:40c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 4:20pm/3:20c Jingle All the Way 2
• 6:25pm/5:25c Ice Age: Continental Drift
• 8:30pm/7:30c Disney•Pixar's Finding Nemo
• 12am/11c Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure

Wednesday, December 12
• 7am/6c Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure
• 11:30am/10:30c Jingle All the Way 2
• 1:30pm/12:30c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 3pm/2c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 4:30pm/3:30c Ice Age: Continental Drift
• 6:30pm/5:30c Disney•Pixar's Finding Nemo
• 9pm/8c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 12am/11c Call Me Claus

Thursday, December 13
• 7am/6c Call Me Claus
• 11am/10c No Sleep ‘Til Christmas
• 1:05pm/12:05c This Christmas
• 3:40pm/2:40c Holiday in Handcuffs
• 5:45pm/4:45c The Holiday
• 8:55pm/7:55c The Santa Clause
• 12am/11c Deck the Halls

Friday, December 14
• 7am/6c The Family Stone
• 11am/10c Angels Sing
• 1:05pm/12:05c The Mistle-tones
• 3:10pm/2:10c Christmas with the Kranks
• 5:15pm/4:15c Deck the Halls
• 7:20pm/6:20c The Santa Clause
• 9:25pm/8:25c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 11:30pm/10:30c The Family Stone

Saturday, December 15
• 7am/6c Mickey’s Christmas Carol
• 7:30am/6:30c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 9am/8c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 10:30am/9:30c Christmas with the Kranks
• 12:35pm/11:35c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 2:40pm/1:40c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story
• 4:40pm/3:40c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 2
• 6:45pm/5:45c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 3
• 9:15pm/8:15c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 11:55pm/10:55c Life-Size 2

Sunday, December 16
• 7am/6c A Belle for Christmas
• 9am/8c Jingle All the Way 2
• 11am/10c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 12pm/11c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story
• 2pm/1c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 2
• 4:05pm/3:05c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story 3
• 6:35pm/5:35c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 9:15pm/8:15c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
•11:20pm/10:20c A Miracle on Christmas Lake (Freeform Premiere)

Monday, December 17
• 7am/6c Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure
• 9am/8c Angels Sing
• 11am/10c Call Me Claus
• 1pm/12c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 3:05pm/2:05c Deck the Halls
• 5:10pm/4:10c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 7:15pm/6:15c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 8:55pm/7:55c Paddington
• 12am/11c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish

Tuesday, December 18
• 7am/6c The Little Drummer Boy (1968)
• 7:30am/6:30c Mickey’s Christmas Carol
• 8am/7c Call Me Claus
• 10am/9c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 11:35am/10:35c Paddington
• 1:35pm/12:35c Christmas with the Kranks
• 3:40pm/2:40c The Truth About Christmas
• 5:45pm/4:45c The Holiday
• 8:55pm/7:55c The Santa Clause
• 12am/11c 12 Dates of Christmas

Wednesday, December 19
• 7am/6c Snow
• 9am/8c Snow 2: Brain Freeze
• 11am/10c The Family Stone
• 1pm/12c Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings: Holiday Magic
• 2pm/1c The Holiday
• 5:05pm/4:05c The Santa Clause
• 7:10pm/6:10c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 9:15pm/8:15c Disney•Pixar's The Incredibles
• 11:55pm/10:55c Life-Size

Thursday, December 20
• 7am/6c Pop Up Santa Holiday Special
• 8:30am/7:30c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 10am/9c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 11:30am/10:30c Life-Size
• 1:30pm/12:30c Life-Size 2
• 3:30pm/2:30c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 5:35pm/4:35c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 6:40pm/5:40c Disney•Pixar's The Incredibles
• 9:20pm/8:20c Ice Age: Continental Drift
• 11:25pm/10:25c Life-Size 2
• 1:30am/12:30c Mickey’s Christmas Carol

Friday, December 21
• 7am/6c Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas
• 8:30am/7:30c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 10am/9c The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special (Freeform Premiere)
• 10:30am/9:30c Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too
• 11am/10c Mickey’s Christmas Carol
• 11:30am/10:30c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 12:30pm/11:30c Love the Coopers
• 3pm/2c Ice Age: Continental Drift
• 5:05pm/4:05c The Santa Clause
• 7:10pm/6:10c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 9:15pm/8:15c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 11:55pm/10:55c No Sleep ‘Til Christmas

Saturday, December 22
• 7am/6c A Miracle on Christmas Lake
• 9:40am/8:40c The Santa Clause
• 11:50am/10:50c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 1:55pm/12:55c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story That Time Forgot
• 2:25pm/1:25c Disney’s Prep & Landing
• 2:55pm/1:55c Disney’s Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice
• 3:25pm/2:25c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 5:05pm/4:05c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 7:45pm/6:45c The Santa Clause
• 9:50pm/8:50c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 11:55pm/10:55c Christmas with the Kranks

Sunday, December 23
• 7am/6c The Little Drummer Boy (1968)
• 7:30am/6:30c Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure
• 9:40am/8:40c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 11:45am/10:45c Disney•Pixar's Toy Story That Time Forgot
• 12:15pm/11:15c Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
• 1:20pm/12:20c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 3pm/2c Christmas with the Kranks
• 5:05pm/4:05c The Santa Clause
• 7:10pm/6:10c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 9:15pm/8:15c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 11:55pm/10:55c Life-Size 2

Monday, December 24
• 7:30am/6:30c Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish
• 11am/10c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 12:30pm/11:30c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 2:05pm/1:05c Jingle All the Way 2
• 4:10pm/3:10c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 6:15pm/5:15c Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas
• 8:55pm/7:55c The Santa Clause
• 12am/11c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause

Tuesday, December 25
• 7am/6c Disney’s Prep & Landing
• 7:30am/6:30c Disney’s Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice
• 8am/7c Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas
• 11am/10c The Nightmare Before Christmas
• 12:40pm/11:40c Disney’s A Christmas Carol
• 2:40pm/1:40c Christmas with the Kranks
• 4:45pm/3:45c The Santa Clause
• 6:50pm/5:50c The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
• 8:55pm/7:55c Disney’s The Lion King (1994)
• 12am/11c Disney’s The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride

For more information visit :

Monday, November 05, 2018

CBS Holiday Programming 2018

CBS  Christmas  Holiday 

   CBS has released their holiday programming schedule details  including regular scheduled events of "Thanksgiving Parade" , "Frosty the Snowman," "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" and more.

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22nd
(9AM-NOON ET/ 8-11AM CT, 7-10AM MT LIVE  1-4PM Delayed PT)  The Thanksgiving Day Parade on CBS

 Friday, November 23rd
8PM Frosty The Snoman
8:30pm Frosty Returns

Saturday, November 24th
8PM Robbie the Reindeer Hooves of Fire
8:30  Robbie the Reindeer  : Legend of the Lost Tribe
9PM   The Story of Santa Claus

Tuesday, November 27
8PM  Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Sunday, December 2nd
8-10PM  Garth : Live at Notre Dame! 

Friday, December 14th
8PM I love Lucy Christmas Special
9PM  The Dick Van Dyke Show Now in Living Color!

Friday,  December 21st
8PM  A Home for the Holidays: The 20th Anniversary

Wednesday, December 26th
8-10pm  The 41st Annual  Kennedy Center Honors

Press release after the jump

Thursday, November 01, 2018

It's a Lookback . Charlie Brown: You're A Good Sport


         There's  Peanuts specials that feature the gang doing hockey, though it's not a primary focus, there are few that focus on baseball (we've done two of them this year) , they've done figure skating, they've done football, they've done  motocross?  Well there's a  Peanuts special about the characters doing Motocross  and that's our lookback this time.   "You're A Good Sport, Charlie Brown" first aired on October 28th, 1975 on CBS (Charlie Brown Station)  This special was the third Peanuts special to win an Emmy.  (This explains why it's on the Peanuts Emmy Honored collection DVD) So  let's see what made Charlie Brown a good sport.

         But first, tennis.  The special starts with Snoopy doing some tennis practice ,meaning another sport featured in Peanuts media has been achieved.  Snoopy ends up getting pelted and bonked on the head with tennis balls and this leads to the title card.   Linus and Sally are going to play tennis too that is until they go to the courts and see it's all filled up.  This enrages Linus  and he goes off on saying that "big kids" are always taking up the court and that he hates them. (woah calm down there , Linus)  Sally threatens the big kids to get off the court her boyfriend will beat them up, Linus runs away.  Apparently. Snoopy found a spot to play though.   In fact, Snoopy and his tennis match take up some time in this special.    Now, Peppermint Patty comes over with a motocross bike and she meets Sally and also wants to talk about a great event. They are doing a motocross race and she would love it if Snoopy would compete.

Peppermint Patty, the biker/ Copyright Peanuts 

     Up next, Charlie Brown is practicing football  with Linus and the drop kick, Lucy suggests they should do place kicks, and Charlie Brown starts yelling at her but, Peppermint Patty shows up on her bike to tell them the ways of motocross (ah hail motocross).  Linus suggests that Charlie Brown should get a motor bike and  compete and Linus would be the pit crew.  Charlie Brown laments that he doesn't have money  for a motor bike and gets real sarcastic with Linus.  (This special has feisty , Charlie Brown)   He does fall for Lucy's football trick though.

Where do we bury the gold? /Copyright Peanuts 

         Time for Charlie Brown to get a dirt bike.  With a lucky number 13 on it.  Peppermint Patty think she's gonna to win first place.  Snoopy is also going to be competing as the Masked Marvel, because of course. Marcie is going to be interviewing people for the race. (She's on TV?)  Oh the race is starting!   
Race/ Copyright Peanuts 

  Charlie Brown and the Masked Marvel have wiped out and  Charlie Brown gets brought to a pet hospital and Snoopy gets brought to a people hospital.   Charlie Brown gets back to the race and Linus decides to kill a pumpkin and make into a helmet for Charlie Brown. (Alright then)   Masked Marvel takes the lead  , but wait number 7  Peppermint Patty retakes the lead.  Charlie Brown's pit crew is very strange.  3 contestants remain, (I guess the others died)  Charlie Brown, P.P and M.M. Masked jumps the mud , Peppermint gets stuck and Charlie drives through it.  Masked in 1st, Charlie in 2nd.  Masked's bike needs a little tune up I think, Jim. That's Right, Steve.
Uhh Snoopy / Copyright Peanuts 

      Snoopy then uses the  tennis ball machine from earlier as a replacement. (can he do that, Jim?) Which also uses to shoot balls at Chuck because there are no rules.   Snoopy thinks he's so far ahead that he decides to have picnic.  Charlie Brown keeps on going and he takes first! (Dumb move by  the Marvel, Steve)  Then Snoopy gets stuck in some mud as Charlie Brown's run down bike does it's best.   Charlie Brown  wins the race! Charlie Brown wins the race!  He won something. Charlie Brown gets a kiss from the Motocross queen , Loretta.  He also wins 5 free hair cuts.  Which he laments at because his father is a barber. (They couldn't get Pro-Bowl tickets, insert pro bowl joke here) 
Nice to see some smiles from CB / Copyright Peanuts 

   Charlie Brown has some confidence  and decides to try some baseball but, once again his clothes fall off and the special ends with him sitting there all sad.

   We are almost done with the 70's in our Peanuts specials journey. (woah)

More after the jump.