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Thursday, December 06, 2018

The Loud House Celebrates Christmas

Nickeloden The Loud House  Christmas 

    Fun note first: Since, we might be writing more about this TV series we have a made a blog label  for it now ! Now back to our post.

      This time, we look at an episode of  "The Loud House" that  I think will one day be considered a Christmas special classic.  The episode is called " 11 Loud a Leapin'".  If you don't know what "The Loud House" is ,it's an  animated series from Nickelodeon  that first premiered in 2016 it is about a family called the Louds who have 11 children, 10 of which are girls.  Much of the show focuses on center child , Lincoln, who also happens to be the only boy.   Other episodes focus on other members of the family or the family as a whole in a slice of life with comedy show. I have written about this series before ,you can check out those posts too.    For those that know the series, thanks for standing by to introduce those who haven't.

         It's Christmas Eve Lincoln tells the audience.  Luna, the musically inclined older sister, is trying to write a Christmas song. The rest of the Louds are going about their Christmas business  and this is a good way to set up the atmosphere of the holiday at the Loud House.  The next door neighbor named Mr. Grouse is kind of grouchy around Christmas  more on that later.  Lincoln has decided to go outside and ride is sled in the snow and it lands in Mr.Grouse's backyard and he's the kind of neighbor that takes stuff that lands in his yard.   Lincoln enlists his friend ,Clyde, to help get the sled back.
Don't worry sled, I'll save you ! / Copyright Viacom 
      Some other fun happenings in this episode are  Luan, the jokester older sister, making up 12 puns of Christmas, Lola, the pageant girl  younger sister, trying to be nice for Santa,  Lori, the oldest sister, trying not to open presents which she has problem of not doing, Leni, the 2nd oldest sister, trying to make a holiday outfit and using decorations to do so, Lana, Lola's twin sister, setting reindeer traps, Lynn and Lucy trying to find the hidden Christmas gifts, Lisa, the really smart one, telling Lola that Santa isn't real because science.
This formula proves Santa doesn't exist, I think, math is hard/ Copyright Viacom 

      Back to the sled plot, Clyde distracts Mr.Grouse while Lincoln sneaks into the backyard to get "Big Red" , the sled. ( like the rhyme) but this goes bad  and he takes the sled.  Lincoln decides when Mr. Grouse leaves to enter into Mr.Grouse's house.  Since, Clyde was catapulted by a reindeer trap he couldn't warn Lincoln that Mr. Grouse has come home. Eventually, he gets caught and the sled broke.   Lincoln overhears Mr.Grouse's phone call and finds out that that he can't go on a trip to see his family for Christmas. Grouse kicks him out and Lincoln gets an idea.

 Out of Context shot/ Copyright Viacom 

      Lincoln tries to get his family to pay attention for a second and tells them Mr. Grouse's predicament.  This also inspires, Luna to write her Christmas song.   Later on, the Louds and Clyde's family carol at Mr.Grouse's door  and Luna's song is the one they use.  Every Christmas special needs a song and this is great song.  They present Mr.Grouse  with  a bus ticket so he can see his family. Also notable for this episode, this was the first episode to show the Loud parents' faces  before that the were obscured.   The Louds present that they want him to spend Christmas Eve with them.
Merry Christmas / Copyright Viacom 

     In a show of kindness back to everyone he gives them back their stuff that he has collected with them.  Also, Lori really should have opened her present earlier because Bobby , her boyfriend wrapped himself up as a gift.  Lisa believes in Santa now, because she got proof.  Lincoln gets a new sled and he runs to thank Mr.Grouse.  We get the ending where Lincoln breaks a window by accident and Luan gets her last pun and Lana captures Luan in a reindeer trap.

        I have to say as an episode it can stand alone as a special for Christmas it's strong in that sense.   It's a nice main plot that goes from one thing you think it would be to something else that causes our main grouchy character to  have  a change. It's not a new idea for a Christmas story , but the execution  of it counts and this is executed well.  The fun thing show wise, is that after this episode , Mr. Grouse did soften up as a character.   The song was pretty good and original which gives it something many Christmas specials have. The comedy was also pretty good as well it gave me a lot of laughs.   Even if you haven't seen the Loud House this is a good episode to watch ,by itself, as a holiday tradition too.

      [  I've written about the Halloween and Thanksgiving episodes too. ]

   Tune in next time after we return all these sleds that landed in our yard.

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