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Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: Snow Bored/ Sleuth or Consequences

The Loud House Nickelodeon 
      I think it would be nice continue a look at "The Loud House" . I did this back in May where I used my "Arthur" model where I'd use a randomizer to look at two different 11 minute episodes of the "Loud House" from one season and look talk about them. So, here we are again with a look a couple episodes from season 1.   

  We start with the last episode of Season 1 "Snow Bored" which came out in the US on November 8th 2016,  it's not the last episode of the season, in production that was "Homespun".
      The Louds are hoping for a snow day because it's snowing outside and the weather man  gives them their wish.  Lisa has announced that she is going to eliminate the snow but the others decide to help her see that snow days can be F.O.N fun. (don't ask). The next day, Lisa (who has awesome winter wear) tries to see how much fun a snow day.  Lisa doesn't seem as interested in this weather.  After her looking at the others' activities she finds no interest in them and decides to do her plan.  Lana decides to  throw  a snowball at Lisa ,which sets off the rest of the episode.

Moment before tragedy starts /Copyright Viacom 

       Lisa decides that she has found something that she likes about snow days after all, and that's throwing snowballs.  That evening she tells Lincoln she enjoyed the snow day and then plays God and causes a second snow day.  So, the next day she goes a little crazy with snowball weapons, and starts crazily shooting them at her family members. (Why does Lisa have all these weapons, what is she planning, hello FBI, I'd like report someone please!)

Weapons of mass destruction/ Copyright Viacom 

     Evenutally, the others run to the safety of inside the house but, she ends up even shooting snowballs in the house.  This causes the Louds to wish it didn't snow but she plays God some more and causes it snow day again.  They ask  Lisa to use her invention from the earlier to stop the snow.  Apparently this was Lisa's plan was to make them not want snow days for awhile.  Lincoln is confused as I was here.

Don't ask me/ Copyright Viacom 

     My thoughts brought to you by Lisa's Snowzooka , you too can learn to wipe out people with snow! : There's not a sister I don't dislike the series, I do like Lisa,  it's nice thing to see her acting a little more like a 4 year old would and going silly over snow and her being a genius makes her going over the top  even more fun. I do enjoy the snow activities and them trying to get Lisa interested in the things. Also, I love her laugh in this episode.   I do fault the part where Lisa wants to deny her siblings a snow day because it's something they would enjoy  and the ending where I think she did this as an elaborate trick  to make them hate snow days.  I can see (overthink?) that cares about her family's well being and their mental/educational well being being part of that.   It's not an awful episode , to give it a  number value between 1% to 100%  I'd give it a 77%.

more after the jump
       The next random episode was "Sleuth or Consequences". This episode came out on May 17th 2016. Part of the first month of the series run on TV so let's take a look. 

            Lincoln dresses up like his favorite comic book hero, Ace Savvy, to go to a convention. The sisters laugh at him because they don't like dressing up or conventions or something.  He also calls Clyde is also dressed as One-Eye Jack.  Lincoln tells us ,the audience that you have to have thick skin with 10 sisters.  The toilet is clogged and Lola thinks it's him because he a prior history of putting things in the toilet causing floods.  Because he says he didn't do it and the others aren't saying they did it, they are grounded until someone admits. 
Justice hurts/ Copyright Viacom 

     Lincoln decides to find out who did it and Lucy decides to help.They decide to ask Lynn who brings them to Lisa who has a case log of the family's bathroom habits. (What?)  Lisa, Lori, Luan, and Leni all check out.  Lana,Lola, and Luan do as well.  Lana finds a book called Princess Pony. They think it's Lola because the book is pink and girly like her, but she says she wouldn't read something like that. Clyde recovers after being hit my a page from the book and this causes Lincoln to figure out the case.
I think I knew who dun it!/ Copyright Viacom

          It was Lucy.  She has a good reason, because she reads Princess Pony because she needs breaks from the darkness. She is afraid the other sisters will make fun of her.  Lucy decides to tell them the truth but, Lincoln seeing their reactions to the book decides to take the blame for it, and he gets grounded and can't go to his convention. Lucy wonders why he told them that, he says that he can take their teasing more than them.  Later on Lucy gives him a scary comic she made.

I'm scared / Copyright  Viacom 

           I like who dun it episodes, they are fun to see how characters figure who did something. For it being episode about a toilet being clogged I'm glad it didn't get gross where that would over power the episode.  It's nice to see  Lincoln and Lucy working together as well and early stages of showing us Lana's plumbing abilities. I think it's really nice that Lincoln would give up something he really wanted to do (Heck, even dressed up for it!) to help his younger sister.

   Was the part where the sisters were mocking Lincoln's costume done so we can get a reason for Lucy to be nervous about how her sisters would react to her reading this embarrassing book? I'm going to over think this for a second, the sisters should/would know that Lincoln likes Ace Savvy and would dress up like him for a convention. I would think. (There's another episode if I modified this question where this question would fit.) So, if it's to show us that Lincoln has a tough skin when his sisters teasing which they would do because that's normal then fine.  It seems unnecessary. Showing Lincoln having a history of clogging the toilet with various objects is  a good setup it's not like he's being blamed without a reason to be blamed.   I think the positives do weigh more in this episode a little more. So I give it  83% .

 Tune next time, but now we have a snowball fight to attend, now where's our snow battle ship?  

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