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Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Loud House Season 2: Snow Way Out/ No Spoilers

Nickelodeon The Loud House  

      Last Time, I did two random season 1 episodes now, we look at two random season 2 episodes.

      I picked 6 episodes (2 each) from the 3 seasons through a randomizer meaning some computer program thing picked the episodes. It seemed to like snow theme because it picked another snow episodes.  This one is called "Snow Way Out" it's the the final 11 episode of season 2, though broadcast order it's not because they like being that  way.   It was paired with "Snow Way Down" both airing on December 1, 2017.   This is season 2 episode 26b. Let's look at "Snow Way Out".

      Leni is deciding that re-heating stuff with a microwave ,oven,or stove is an out dated concept so,she is heating the galosh with a hair drier.  The other Louds question her wisdom and she takes the idea of heating on the stove as better this is why we can't advance as a society!  Lana has better news though she has a favorite race car driver named Booby Fletcher, and there's a contest at the Burp-in Burger. ( A burger place) Whoever finds a burger with a tire lined wrapper wins.  They family seems to be willing to run to this burger place. (The galosh weeps)   Meanwhile it's starting to snow outside Lisa also reminds us. (What's with Lisa and snow?)

      Bobbie Fletcher is there doing sponsorship pleasing stuff starting the contest which is to be on her pit crew.  Flip , the man who owns the convince store  also wants to win because he wants to do what normal people do , and sell at a high bid to someone. (He's that kind of guy)  Lana uses her 'kids' eat free coupon. We also find out what other weird things she keeps in her pockets.  Sadly, none of their 11 burgers has the golden ticket, I mean tire wrapper thing.

   Lisa once again warns us about the snow, I wonder if this is going to play into the episode later.  Lana wants to do a second round so, that's just what she does.  Once again, no more ticket. Yes Lisa, snow. Everyone is leaving the restaurant because snow. Lana's trick for trying to get free food didn't work this time so,  good thing this restaurant  is keep nice and dirty and she finds money.  But no, wrapper. Wait a minute , Leni found it!  episode over.
Burgers turned them into zombies/ Copyright Viacom

     (Hey there's more oh yeah)  The snow apparently piled up like Michigan snow does, I don't know how long they were in there, but that snow is like 9 feet tall. Luan says the epiosde title. Meanwhile Flip is back because he is  really trying to get that wrapper. So Lincoln, asks if he can get them out but Flip wants the wrapper, Lana refuses and promises she'll get them out.  Also, Flip reburies them in the snow (mean).   She finds the family van but it won't start because the van is weak (and we have 3 minutes left to go.)  Lana is also a mechanic and sees the van is frozen and she tries to fix it  and blows out the power to the burger joint.  Hops, Lana's frog is sentient and sees that the family is freezing and he alerts Lana to it.  Lana sees her family freezing to death. (dark)  She feels bad and comes back with Flip because she gave up her wrapper.  They give her a hug (better than what could have happened)
Fixed your car, you really should take care of that oil/Copyright Viacom 

     As Flip drives them home they run into (not literally) Bobbie Fletcher whose race car is stuck int the snow.  Lana helps her by fixing her car  and says that Lana should join her pit crew in 12 years. (She'll be racing that long right?)   Flip gets snowed in the face because he's a jerk.  Now, that's the episode.

       Do I like Lana? Yeah, I like Lana. I am glad I got to talk about this episode because I think it's good.  This easily could have been done badly but, everything that could have been bad about this episode was not in there.   What keeps it up is  that Lana while driven doesn't go into a zone where she's forcing everyone to follow in her quest she offers that they don't even have to eat the third burgers just open the wrappers. This episode gets kind of dark with the context that the family was freezing in the restaurant. When Hops alerts Lana to the problem she doesn't hesitate to give up the thing she wanted so hard to help her family.  Which is why is rewarding that she gets to meet Bobby Fletcher and even do some pit work on the car.  Flip was  jerk in this episode so, it's good that he got his comeuppance too.  I give this episode a 90%

more after the jump

  [Crazy Laughter]  I can't promise there won't be spoilers but eh...  anyway our episode is Season 2 episode 21b, 40th episode of season 2 and 92nd over all.  It first aired on October 16,2017.

  Leni seems to be having a conversation with the family cat, Cliff.  The other Louds are having family meeting Lincoln talks to us (while he judges us) and says that we tried doing surprise parties but, they go wrong. (Why? because it's TV) It's all Leni's fault she likes exposing surprise  parties un intentionally.  So they decide to make sure she doesn't know they are planning a party for their mother. (Mama Loud) They all get jobs and Lincoln has to distract Lincoln.  Leni comes into the room because the cat told her to paint his nails and she says they should throw their mother a surprise party.

     Is it ever OK to wear jorts?  Anyway, Lincoln is doing a fine job of keeping the 2nd oldest lLoud sister occupied. Well unless he forgets code word.  Lincoln finds away to get her out of the house for some time. The Louds work on the party and this not very well,they aren't good party makers. Why did Lisa have 3 old men at the house?  The Louds start fighting , until Lori stops them and tells them that this party sucks.  So, they wonder if they were missing something  why does their party suck?
That's all wrong, Lincoln requires darker colors not lighter/ Copyright Viacom 

      Today's Wheel of Fortune answer (we aren't going to get sued right? Right?!)  is LENI LOUD. Lincoln says this and says Leni knows parties.  They go to find the girl  and she had set up a party while they were out.  She saved the day!  Their mom loves the party and her siblings admit  that they tried to it without her but they make official party person.

Happy New Year, oh wait Birthday!/ Copyright Viacom 

     Leni is a sweet caring character and they have really worked that in this series over time there are episodes in Season 1 that show this as well, and this one in season 2 does a good job at showing that. It's understandable the family members don't want her to ruin the surprise by her own innocence.  The episode gives a showing of Leni's talents in fashion for example where she seems as knowledgeable about as Lisa would be on how to make an atom bomb.  It all comes together in the end with hints through the episode that Leni knows how to parties and is insightful into what her family members like.   The episode does go out of its way to make it where Leni's the only one who can make a party work though it doesn't play anyone else out of character.  Lisa for example, her guest list was something that made sense even though it also doesn't it fits her personally of being both smart and yet  scatterbrained quite well.  But honestly, the episode is a good one and it's a 90% as well.

    That's it for now, tune in next time after we dig out this burger joint and find 11 bodies. (Dang that was dark)

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