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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Loud House Season 3: The Mad Scientist/ Breaking Dad

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

          This is our first time looking at season 3, which as of this writing is still running, so we've accomplished something.  Again, did this randomly. so our first episode is  season 3  is called "The Mad Scientist"  this is the 102th overall (counting 11 minute segments separately)  and 9a of Season 3.

      Now the episode:   Lisa is trying to explain to some scientists via computer to do something about time travel.  While, she tries to do her siblings keep interrupting her   So the scientists invite her to the institute for a quiet space to work.  So, she goes there and gets to do some work  there and with a song!  (What?)   I think she likes it.  This also means she was able to her study work with a worm hole to do time travel. 

   When the scientists suggest that she should stay there to be to complete more work. Her parents don't want her to leave citing that she's never been away from home and she's six.  Also, she likes West Coast Rap. (random fact)   The other Louds are sad that she has decided to leave.  For this plot work , Lisa (since I don't think they are going to change the status quo)  has to start having a bad time there after she makes her decision.  Lisa also realizes the things her siblings  do for her like Lincoln making sandwiches, Leni helping with PJ zippers (plot helped) , Lori reading bedtime stories, and nightmare help from her parents.  She starts crying as well.
awwww /Copyright Viacom 

      The next day, she calls her family and tells them that she does care about them after all. She tells them that if she leaves though, because that would ruin her future. Then again , what if there was something that she could do to change that and make it where she could make it where she never oh yeah time travel. It goes back to the point, where she was before where she declines the invitation. (She also could have gone and decided to leave as planned that evening,but anyway).
Back to normal/ copyright Viacom 

        So, this season has decided to have other characters be the main focus over Lincoln. (You can pick how you feel about that yourself) This episode is one that focuses on Lisa which is nice. There have been things to show in the series that while Lisa is a genius is still also a 4-year-old in one episode Lisa needs Lincoln to make her PB&J sandwich and she does say that she likes the way he makes them. I didn't know she had bed time stories, but since Lilly is in the same room it maybe something she's used to hearing to help her fall asleep.
      The episode setup takes plot that show has done before, and has been done on other shows too. The previous episode "One of the Boys" (Season 1, 45) has the main character changing something and going to find out that they like the new 'world' they are in they confirm it and then they start to not like the new 'world' they are in.  I like the setup of Lisa working on time travel as the background feature while not seeming to be unimportant. Time Travel  Undoes Everything ! I am glad the episode was good enough to where I can overlook that this episode undoes itself because Lisa didn't forget and she learned that she values her family more than she thought. (Also, I do like Lisa as a character in the first place) It's a touching episode , and they used a Lincoln plot where he learns his family cares about him but with Lisa.

       Out of 100% I give this episode  a 90%
More after the Jump

              This episode  is 12b of season 3  and aired on July 30th 2018.
          As I wrote above, this show is trying a different  aspect this season but, wait no, that's not the line I want to do.   This episode is with Mr. Grouse, Lynn Sr. (the dad) , Rita (the mom) and Lilly (the baby).

     Let's talk about this episode:  Lynn Sr. is planning to go to Cow-bella, a festival where people play nothing but cowbell music for 2 days. (wee?)  He gets a message that he can't drop Lilly off at daycare meaning he can't go Rita has to do dentist stuff.  So, the father thinks that Mr.Grouse can watch the girl.  The running gag in this show is where the Louds want Mr.Grouse to do something they bribe him with Lasagna. (Mr. Grouse is Garfield in a human suit)  Of course. He has hard time taking care of Lilly so calls Mr.Loud many times for help.  Eventually things go well, and Mr.Grouse is borrowing Mr. Loud's familiar sweater.  This bring us our center plot.
Lynn Loud Sr. hipster man/ Copyright Viacom 

       Lilly calls Mr.Grouse "Da-Da"   now logic dies, maybe I don't know.  Lynn thinks that  he lost her. The next day he decides not to go to cow-bella (however it's spelled) to "win her back"  and  I think it goes well. Lilly sees Mr.Grouse still wearing his sweater and still calls him Da-da.  So he goes excessive. She still keeps calling Mr.Grouse that name, and Lynn  keeps crying.  He invites Mr.Grouse over to dinner.  Grouse took off the sweater  and hands it back to Mr.Loud and he finds out what I already know  that she was talking about the sweater.
aww/ copyright Viacom 

    When I first watched this episode I already knew that the sweater  was the device. This episode reminds of that episode of Spongebob where Spongebob thinks that  Gary likes Patrick more than him and instead it was just because Gary wanted Patrick's cookie.   (Dumped)  This episode excutes this plot well, where yeah we see why Lilly is calling Mr.Grouse "Da-da"  and she's shown to not think her father is her father  she just associates that sweater with him . It's kind of fun that this whole episode he wasn't wearing standard clothing at all. If they were playing with the idea that cartoon characters wear the same thing most of the time by showing that Lilly notices that he wears that sweater alot it's a fun way to do it.

        Mr.Grouse and Lilly getting along in this episode is sweet  and nice to see really. Mr.Loud is goofy sweet in this episode too, he really just wants his daughter to love him.  To my rating I give at 85% of 100  it makes me smile. 

        Tune in next time, when I found out that Mr.Grouse is Garfield in a human suit and that Lisa caused this to happen.

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