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Thursday, February 07, 2019

The Loud House : Home of the Fave/ Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

         This is going to be it for our Loud House looks for a while , time for us to mozy on to some other things. (If you reading this some time in the future then thank you for visiting, and also dis regard this part of the post, thankyou)

          It's taken us awhile to get the plot of "Who's the favorite", I mean they kind of maybe not really did touch on this idea in "Ties that Bind" so it's here again. But instead of one of the kids going and wondering who the parents' favorite is it's something else instead.

  This is "Home of the Fave"

               Lynn Sr. takes Luan and Lola out shopping with him and the episode shows another strong bond that Lynn has with Luan by them and their love of jokes. Lola doesn't seem to be enjoying this and Lynn notices this. He jumps to one conclusion and thinks that Lola believes that he favors Luan over her.  That sets up our plot for the rest of the episode. (Catalyst powers activate, why did I just write that? I quit.)
aww young Lynn Sr/ Copyright Viacom 

         So he does the logical step and does spends time with Lola (in a dress) and it's nice sweet and fun montage. So that's the episode everything is solved Lola doesn't ---- what oh there's more of the episode left.  Lola takes a nap and Lynn Sr. runs into Lynn Jr. and he ends up thinking that Lynn Jr. now might think he favors Lola over her so, he does the logical step and spends time with her. Montage time, and now he thinks Luna thinks that he favors Lynn Jr over her so he does the logical step and spends time with her. Montage time.  (Some guy who works above me for this blog just for this part so I can do this bit:  Umm can we hurry this up and stop repeating ourselves?)
Reading is fun/ Copyright Viacom 
      So the same thing happens with different Loud kids from Lana to Z (or Lucy  in this case). Then Luan says that he made her favorite dinner and gets paranoid and makes all their favorite foods (at least for this episode). Also Rita quit this episode.   He decides not to sit with any kid so they don't think he favors them then acts more paranoid. (Some guy again : You're doing it again)  Eventually he screams and runs out of the house. (Never to be seen again)  He tells his kids that he was worried about them seeing him as playing favorites. He finds out that none of kids think that he favors them and they know  he loves them then a huh. Oh Rita's back, and now the pets conspire maybe he plays favorites with them.

       A fine episode. Lynn Sr. really cares about his kids and loves them equally so he really hopes they know that and it was sweet. It was nice to see him doing some bonding, it must be hard with all those kids to do that sometimes.  I'm glad it wasn't an episode that it could have been with them fighting over who the favorite is or something. A nice way of taking a familiar plot and doing something different with it.  I gave this episode 80% out of 100. (8/10 for those non mathy people)
   After the jump there's more.

            Now an episode starring the other Lynn.  Lynn is a sports loving star she has the ability to play almost any sport so guess what this episode has in it?   Margo is a character has shown up a few times before, she seems to be Lynn's Playmate and friend.

  This is Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow

     The episode starts by showing us nice the friends of Margo and Lynn are  also the townspeople think that Lynn's a star. They have a high interest in Middle School sports apparently.  Now it's the soccer match now let's see they built up  all this Lynn's a star thing so I wonder what happens during this game.  Oh, yeah that's right Margo does an amazing shot , wins the game, and gets the all the spotlight.   They've also returned this girl named Paula who apparently plays soccer in a cast with a crutch (that's my kind of star player)    Lynn starts of with some happiness for Margo getting this attention but her jealousy  starts building up. (As show by Lynn's neck vain)
F is friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me - Copyright Viacom 

             Burpin' Burger decides to change the name of a burger after Margo because reasons. Lynn ends up un happy that she's not getting the spotlight anymore.  During the next game  Lynn decides to try to make big play to regain some of that spotlight.  This works and now Margo seems to be mad at Lynn as shown by the sequences in the episode.  Before another match, Lynn finds out that Margo is un happy with her.  Margo is unhappy that Lynn wouldn't let her have the spotlight just once.

Lynn should really get that checked out /Copyright Viacom 

   Lynn decides to use the game to apologize (hearts in the right place but this is the wrong time) and Paula ends up doing the scoring goal.  Paula becomes a star and they renamed the burger again after Paula. (What is this place?)
The Real MVP of this episode/ Copyright Viacom 

    The plot is yes  a the spotlight and friends plot. The moral being is that let others be in the spotlight sometimes too. It's an alright message and this episode executes it well. It does show some slight development for Lynn and also a little more of her life and her friend Margo there too. Also for a side character , Paula was interesting and had some great one liners also she's voiced by the awesome Cree Summer. It's a good episode it gets  85%  out of 100 from me.

  Tune in next time, when we find out that Burpin' Burger corporate wasn't happy about their franchise changing the name of their burgers.

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