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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

The Loud House : Predict Ability/ Driving Ambition

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

      Two things : since they are doing a week of new episodes for the Loud House( meaning four) and since I want to even out the amount of season 3 posts that I have compared to Seasons 1 and two I decided to do a look at the episodes from the week put together. (If you reading this in the future then hello, disregard this part)

   As I've noted before Season 3 seems to be having a different formula a little where it focuses on other non Lincoln characters from the show but this episode goes back to him and I mean not him and Clyde (who is in this episode) but him exactly. Let's to this episode    I start with an episode called "Predict Ability" get it?

        It starts in the morning.  Lisa apparently knows when Lincoln goes to bathroom which is mildly unsettling , he goes at 7:03 AM every morning. (what?)  Then it's breakfast and apparently Lincoln eats the same thing for breakfast every morning,  a breakfast burrito, (this episode is in it's own world isn't it? He's had cereal before and other things, help!) which his father already new he had. (Also Lincoln, chew with your mouth closed!) He's also last into the van for the drive to school. The other girls wonder why he is always the last one out of the house and Lola even wonders how that could be when he puts on an orange polo shirt everyday. (Uhhhh says the girl who wears the same thing everyday stop doing this me show, stop trying to break the illusion it hurts!)   I think Lincoln is talking to us when he wonders maybe its just his family knowing him well. ( Also he doesn't talk to us much this season was it something we did?) 
      At school it continues.  Lincoln always picks his best friend Clyde for partnering (because best friends)  and Lincoln always has an excuse for the ropes in gym class. Later at bed, Lincoln has a nightmare where floating heads think he's boring. Lincoln then turns old and he screams to wake up. (I'm calling my lawyer, that scared me)  Lincoln decides that he won't be predictable anymore.  (Well I saw that coming)   So he wakes up at 6:03 AM (Just in time to watch infomercials on WGN America)  he goes to the bathroom early, decides to  have something different for breakfast. Then he tries on some new clothes, from the hand-me-down box.  So first hipster look Lincoln.   He then decides to work with Stella (Me doing these episodes out of order sometimes doesn't help) which causes Clyde to worry.  Lincoln climbs the ropes instead of not , causing Clyde to lose it again. (This episode is getting dark)  Then he decides to wake up early but let everyone use the bathroom a head of him,even though he has to go. The day before he comes a hipster, this time he's gone corporate wearing a suit and brief case. He also walked to school.  Also, more Clyde slowly loosing sanity.  Lincoln them commits a war crime by eating sushi with syrup on it.  More random clothes changes.
Lincoln grants Greenbay Packers their wish in 2020/Copyright Viacom 

       He's run out of clothes  because Louds only have one box ? Also, how did he fit Lana's overalls and did he wear everything in the box?

Did he wear that? /Copyright Viacom 

      Another nightmare.  He dreams he's trying be unpredictable  where he does strange things by taking off his head  then throwing himself into a volcano. (So series finale?)  His friends wonder the next day what Lincoln is going to wear this day, while Clyde looks like he's close to losing all grips of reality.  He tells everyone that everyone should live with him being boring  but they say he's notb boring. (Because that was always going to be how this episode ends unless they were changing up the show and it gets dark.) Also did Lori say she wears the same shorts everyday? Like the same ones or the same kind because what?  Anyway it ends alright is fine now.
help!  / Copyright Viacom 

    Something this show is good at doing is taking a plot line that's been used before many times and following it but still doing something charming.  Lincoln feels that doing things on routine would make people think he's boring. He seemed to worry about being boring and people not wanting to be around him anymore. Many can relate to that in a way. It's also interesting to note that most of the build up was in Lincoln's head  and not from anyone telling him he's boring.  I like how the ending points out that everyone has something they do on routine  and also , that it's not bad to get out of a rout and try new things too.    A nice episode indeed. I give  80% out 100.

more after the jump

       Up next Driving Ambition an episode focused on Lori.  In the show it's been mentioned and shown a few times that the eldest Loud sibling plays golf and got in as  a freshman. (Selfie Improvement) So, this episode looks at how she hinges that on her future.

          Royal Woods golf team has beaten a competing team for 4 years. Lori wants to go to a university called Fairway and her coach says that maybe able to get in with a scholarship. The coach from the school is coming to see if she gets a pot. Lori thinks about her future where she apparently has 11 kids (well dang) and wins a championship. 
Whoa, alright then Lori /Copyright Viacom 

      Lincoln wants to help caddie mostly, to do it later for money. When Lori has a bad session of golf she starts to worry about not getting the scholarship.  Lynn, Lola, and Luan offer to help her get over her pressure. So, each sister helps her with each of her problems  like talc for her sweaty hands, something to help stop the shaking, (love how Luna went all metal on a harp)  and the beating heart going crazy.   Then it's the day of a competition and the coach is visiting to see how Lori goes. Lori has a vision where she  has a daydream where she married a different man.
uhhh what? / Copyright Viacom 

   She doesn't start off well in this competition either.  Lori's parents help her out with some good advice telling her not to get so stressed. (It's sweet really)  She eventually moves up and beats the Golden Girls, and other famous people. (That's not a joke)  Also the college coach was still there and he gives her the scholarship.

 not a joke/ Copyright Viacom 

           Worrying about the future is what many humans do  it's like in our nature and this episode shows that. Sometimes we plan things out and hope everything falls into place but it manytimes doesn't and like the Loud parents  said we have to work it out and things work out. I like that message  It's an episode that doesn't bring alot of laughs but the ones that do are fun, it's a sweet episode and nice to see the Loud sisters giving their wisdom to help Lori.  Lincoln's sweet for helping as well.  It's a good episode .  I  scale  this as 82% out of 100.

  That's it for now , tune in next time after we name those 11 children.

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