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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

DCOM's :You Wish!

Disney Channel The Flashback 

          If you remember "Even Stevens" the Disney Channel Original series from the early 2000's you'll remember  A.J. Trauth who played Louis' (Shia LaBeouf) friend, Twitty.  Disney Channel give him a starring role in an Original Movie based off a 1991 book called "If I Had One Wish". This movie from January of 2003 is called "You Wish".    He's not the only Disney Channel star in this movie either more on that soon.

               The premise of this movie is that our main Character named Alex Lansing (A.J Trauth) is annoyed by his younger brother Stevie.  Stevie for note is played by Spencer Breslin who was part of Disney projects in the past few years in that time span including being in "Santa Clause 2" (Santa Clause 2: the Disney cash grab, nothing against him though). That annoyance leads him to not want him to exist.    This movie also stars, if you watched "Lizzie McGuire", the other hit Disney Channel series, you know her from that- Lalaine, who played Miranda on that show.

          It starts with war! Hold on it's a slime war, so it's a war on clothes.  Then there's a pet adoption day and Alex wants a dog and Stevie wants a turkey, which they got. (Because the parents are insane people) Some jocks make fun of Alex having a turkey because jocks in a move. Then the jocks waste a pizza by slamming on Alex because they're jocks in a movie.  Now there's narration from Alex. (You can't just enter like that? What are you doing?)
 Wasting Pizza, darn jocks/ Copyright Disney 

              Alex talks about how his brother messes up his life over time because he always takes center stage. Alex has a plot device  for this movie, his coin collection. He tells Stevie leave his stuff alone and bars him from the room for 2 weeks. (We also need a plot catalyst wonder what that will be?) He does relent and let's the boy watch a movie with him. Seems like a happy ending, well movie over. Oh wait no.
Brother Bonding but I got shot at a random time so it looks like this / Copyright Disney 

          This part of the movie is setting up how much Alex gets annoyed by his brother  and that his life isn't perfect because yeah. Also in this movie is Tim Reid as Larry  the coin shop owner, who gets saved by Stevie from falling down.  He gives the movie our plot device, a good for one wish.  Stevi leaves a bench that Alex had him stay and after a search and Stevie asks a guard for help, Alex gets punished. Alex is not happy and Stevie tries to make it up to him by giving him the wish coin.
This man had a magic coin and just gave it away/ Copyright Disney 

        Alex makes a  wish that he didn't have a brother kind of in a off handed way and goes to sleep.  The next morning Alex finds out that he has an alarm clock, and there' that dog he wanted.  His room is different too even trophies. (well then)  The house is completely different  oh, there's no Stevie , well kind of, his brother is now some boy named Terrence Russell McCormack who plays on a TV show called "Where's Stevie" (He did wish that he didn't have a brother, not that Stevie never existed.)  Also, there's this drawn out sequence that goes around for too long it gets annoying.
His parents also are in the X-Files in this universe/  Copyright Disney

       This movie also mentions a Dodge Viper, so there's that.  At school, he's a star jock and the head cheerleader is his girlfriend because movie.  Meanwhile his friends from before like Abby (Lalaine) aren't his friends anymore because of course.   Things are going well but he seems to miss his things. Also, jocks waste more pizza.

     Since of alot of this movie is montages or not heavy in events I'm going to talk a little about the music. It has some early 2000's hit songs  in it like during one of the montages it has "World of Our Own"  by Westlife. "Life is Good" by Junk. I do find it interesting again, that these early Disney Channel movies do have more popular songs in them and not pulling from their own resources like later movies end up doing. 

     Anyway, Alex starts talking to Abby and he starts missing his brother.  He has now decided that he wants his  brother back. So of course, the logical thing to do is find the 10-year-old actor to help him? (You know instead of trying make another wish)  Alex for some reason thought that the boy would know who he was, like he apparently forgot how the wish worked.  He does find out that Terrance/Stevie is unhappy with his life.  Also, we have the song "A Thousand Miles"by Vanessa Carlton used as he remembers the good times he had with Stevie plus some scenes reused from the movie.
He's not pushing that van or is he?/Copyright Disney 

        Terrance/Stevie decides to hang out with Alex for the afternoon. Alex finally does some math in his head and has figures out that he has to get the coin from earlier back, but since Stevie didn't save Larry (Tim Reid) they have to find him.  He goes to Abby to get  Larry's address from a raffle ticket. Abby starts to believe his story  because he knows things about her that she hasn't told anybody in this parallel time.   They go looking for  Larry.   I like the scenes in this movie when they go looking for him it has some sweet moments and really is touching.  Sadly, Larry doesn't have the coin anymore he sold it to dealer with a bunch of other coins.

                 He apparently had the coin in his room so, he makes a wish and things are back to normal.

      I sound like  I rushed it but really he pretty much goes home after the agent takes Stevie back to his days  and sits in his room depressed and flings a box of coins and ends up finding the coin.

         I think it was alright movie that has it's basic message of "be careful what you wish for" or it  might just happen and you might not want it to. It's pacing does feel dragged out to the point where it feels like they forgot they only had 80-something minutes and spend up the ending to get everything back to normal but our main character learning his lesson.  It's basic movie but I don't think it's awful but it isn't one of their best either it's middle of the range .

   Tune in next time after you wish for a better blog , that's mean I'm hurt.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Flashback : The Other Music Channel

The Lookback 

     Ted Turner was on somewhat of a golden touch streak with WTBS Atlanta being made into one of the first cable channels, showing that basic cable channels were just former non affiliated stations 4.without the FCC lisence. He later started the first cable news network, called Cable News Network and a second one called Headline news. Our story takes us to 1984. 

    MTV (or Music Television) had launched in 1981 and had taken the television cable world by storm.  For every i-pod there was the Zune so for MTV there was going to be a competitor.  It's not like others didn't start jumping into the compete with MTV game in the first place  You had TNN : The Nashville Network (now co-owned with MTV as the Paramount Network)  which was the country music television network not to be confused with CMT the Country Music Television network. Which like TNN launched in 1983, and is now also co-owned with MTV.  

   Ted Turner wanted the big prize, to compete with MTV head on like two top-40 stations on the FM dial fighting for supremacy even they both lose to the AC station but that's not important.  So this enters the Cable Music Channel or CMC for shot.  Cable Music Channel was not going to be like MTV completely.      

        CMC was going to have the Disc Jockeys not be video Jockeys meaning you won't be seeing them on the air, they were going to do that thing you hear on the radio, more music less talk. Also less commercials than MTV.  They were also going to have artists that aren't featured on MTV like Dolly Parton and Diana Ross.  MTV networks did get a little nervous and they announced the launch of VH1 which was like AC radio on TV for 1985.  Turner was also trying to get around the powerful exclusivity that MTV had gained at the time with music videos.  

           MTV did have people who didn't like it for it's content and Mr.Turner had their back he wanted CMC to be more "wholesome" compared to MTV.  MTV was pretty tame back then mostly they had strict guidelines too but whatever makes CMC look it works.   He said they were not going to excessively violent, woman degrading stuff that MTV airs.

             So Cable Music Channel launched on October 26th 1984 , remember that date there will be quiz.  After Ted Turner hid the big red button the channel started.   It had computer generated graphic design that was probably very innovative in its day but doesn't look amazing today because we have better tech or something.  It also had two DJ introduce the channel over the graphics (again out of vision)    Their first music video was Randy Newman's "I love LA", the channel was based in LA not in Ted Turner's Atlanta.  Then they aired Olympia from Sergio Mendes.

     The first commercial was from Double mint gum.

           It was basic music channel.   CMC died. I mean died quickly, it's final broadcast date was November  30th 1984.  Now it wasn't because it had no viewers. Some Cable Companies didn't want to or couldn't air it, MTV had a lot of exclusives that CMC couldn't access. It's not like radio stations with the same format in the same market able to air the same artists at all.  So it was sold to Warner-Amex who owned MTV.   The space was used to help launch VH1, the channel Warner was planning to use to compete against CMC.  Also, ironic that all of Ted's channels would end up being owned by Warner in 1996.

      With that life span it's hard to predict if CMC would have been the MTV killer at least on par with it. It's seemed like a good idea that just didn't have the money for it to be well. We might have had people who would have CMC people and others being MTV people. It's hard to tell.

  That ends this post, yeah there's big story there's no fall apart, there's no MTV and Ted Turner going to court it just a short lived network that existed. 

 That's our look back, tune in next time when we launch our own music channel , then lose money because it's not 1984 anymore.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jacob Two-Two Meets The Hooded Fang (1978)

JoshuaOnline Canada  The Flashback 

           Jacob Two-Two is an interesting book series about a young boy named Jacob, nicknamed Jacob Two-Two because as the youngest member in a family with 5 kids he tends to need to repeat himself for people to pay attention to him.

  Jacob Two-Two is an interesting book series about a young boy named Jacob, nicknamed Jacob Two-Two because as the youngest member in a family with 5 kids he tends to need to repeat himself for people to pay attention to him.

        The series started in 1975, written by  Mordecai Richler, the first book is called "Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang" the names of kids in the family in the story are of his real-life kids. In order, Daniel,  Marfa (his daughter's real name is Martha so, the only name change), Noah, Emma, and Jacob. The book was a best-seller and this of course meant that it didn't take long for this first book to make it to the movie world and I mean the cinema, not a television movie.


   The series started in 1975, Ok fine that joke would be much for you to read and for me to write because I didn't copy and paste, so yeah.  Let's take a look at this movie from 1978.


       It starts with Jacob trying to do something and it jumps to Marfa watching some wrestling and her telling him that wrestling will scare him because of he so young and the other siblings and his mother say he's too young and goes on.  Jacob requests to do an errand and his father seems receptive to this and lets him go get some ice cream for after dinner.  Oh, this starts the credit sequence and the theme music which is uhh interesting.

      Jacob is now at the store where the shop keeper doesn't like that Jacob repeating himself as his normal prerogative.  He thinks Jacob should be arrested and this causes the boy to run the cop tries to call him back saying he was only teasing him but Two-Two is long gone.   Jacob hides in some fallen leaves and falls asleep in them because running is tiring.   Then he imagines that he is in prison. (This town also executes their litterers)
Not saying sorry, that's automatic life sentence

         He also has a lawyer in the dream named Mr.Loser. (Uhhhh, that's not a winning name) That's right this is Canadian court so, Jacob is going down.  I do love off the all imaginative scenes and this one is that. It shows what Jacob's view of the world is at his young age. He dreams that his  brother and sister and their group child power come and try to help, but he ends up in still sentenced to 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, and 2 minutes to prison. (What?) Child Power! gives him a jewel to find child cruelty in the children's prison to  help him out. (Canada's legal system is weird.)  Jacob is now transported to the children's prison by a couple named Mistress Fowl and Master Fish. (Uhh sure) They take an escalator to the prison (waht?) while telling him scary stories on the way to 1970's  groovy prison or an old Doctor Who set.  Finally, they make to Children Prison Island. (The Fantasy Island spin-off you didn't know you wanted)
Pictured: LA in 1975

           Finally, they make to Child Prison Island. (This line is still as strange as my writing, Alf goes to a strip club, but it's cutting it close)  Now Jacob meets the Hooded Fang. (roll credits?  The Hooded Fang also gets a song, yes this movie has a bunch of little songs in it.  H.F says he hates kids because when he was a wrestler everyone feared him but then a kid said he was funny and now people didn't feel fear anymore.  Jacob says he feels bad because he feels that he's a nice man. Uhh not helping your case, Jacob.
You're not Batman! 

        The child prison has some examples of child cruelty already, like threatening to feed children to  snakes for  a stomach ache. Also some green things start slumping through because it's that kind of movie. They also give children rotten apples.  Jacob is ending up with the harden criminals in the maximum security section. (Oooh my) They give him dinner of water and stale bread. Jacob finds a note that says "You have a friend" and they also left candy.

       Jacob goes to sleep. Another song because yes. A man in a fur coat wakes him up he's Mr.Fox , a guard. (He doubles as a pimp.)   Then he tells Jacob that he has to get a uniform but first take a shower which is in the freezer  what am I watching?  Also Fantastic Mr.Fox finds the jewel and takes it thinking it's well a jewel (fits his fur coat)  There's a party and Jacob meets all the other prisioners who are gray because the smog outside blocks out the sun. (Gray-t)
Uhhh help! 

     The Hooded Fang shows up  they are there to honor Mr.Fox for his Rotten to Children Award. (Watch them live on FOX every June) Mr.Fox is leaving to the city with the jewel and that means the tracker in the jewel will not let Child Power! find the prison. Meanwhile, Child Power! are having a hard time finding the jewel but now because Mr. Fox network is in the city sabotaging toys (why not?).  They figure out that it's not Jacob they leave dejected and they think he drowned. (This movie is dark.)  Meanwhile not drowned Jacob has to work making smog. (So he's going to drive a 1976  AMC pacer)  Jacob still wonders who the person giving him candy is as well.

Oh gray-t

        Meanwhile, the Hooded Fang complains to his mother that Jacob is getting to him, he thinks to break Jacob's spirit by making Jacob say a different number than 2. Oh, and Jacob is getting grayer.  Hooded's attempts don't work and Jacob tries to convert him to two-two ism. (a new religion has been created)  Fang says he's going to feed Jacob to two sharks. (over kill)  Jacob decides to create a way to escape. Jacob decides to write a letter to Child Power!
Dear Child Power! this gray disguise won't confuse the sharks


     Fang gives Jacob is last meal before he is fed the sharks. He tries to get Jacob to scream once but Jacob says he knows that the fang isn't horrible and mean.  Jacob also says he figured out that it was Fang who's been giving candy to him.  Jacob says that he will hug and kiss the fang unless he makes a deal. (This movie has taken a different unexpected turn)  The deal is to give the letter he wrote to Child Power!  At first, Hooded says no but then Jacob hugs and kisses him causing him to agree.

I see. 

    Child Power! Got the letter and looks for Mr. Fox (Sports) and something happens.

 This is how you capture a fox

     Whatever that was they do defeat him and  he agrees to help them find the island , where they will poison the crocodiles. (PETA hates this movie)   Mr. Fox tries to taunt Child Power ! while, Jacob starts helping the other prisioners escape.  Also, slimeball canons , and I think Mr.Fox is dead. (this movie has a high kill count) Then the kids help the sun show up  and all the prison workers but Fang are blinded and the green monster things die. (Again, this movie kills alot) Child Power! finds out that he did great work.  Also Jacob has only been saying things once because people are listening to him now.  Hooded Fang is reformed and oh yeah it was a dream.  Jacob wakes up his family had found him (they must have a tracker on him)  and they walk away happy.
Share a Coke together

     Fun fact, Emma/The Intrepid Shapiro was played by Richler's real daughter, Marfa (not the daughter she is named after).

              It's not best acted movie and it's a little strange but I can't say it wasn't enjoyable to me. It's so over the top because of the dream that it fits and really makes it a fun and entertaining movie. It was nothing of what I was expecting and I barely knew what I was expecting in the first place. Some of the strange things were like the songs they were at least short where they individually weren't annoying but could get annoying on how many of them were but, it's not a musical in the sense where the characters are breaking out  in song just kind of background song to fit the scene.

      The Jacob actor is alright, but I have to say he makes it feel more genuine take what that means in your own mind.  I'm not going to compare it to the book it's based off of, since that's not usually what I do anyway. I love how the actors ham it up in this movie ,and it's slightly dark edge is amazing really it's pretty much a prison movie but with kids with some tweaks.  I think you should check this movie out if you have an hour and 20 minutes and want ot watch something a little old and strange. 

 Anyway, Jacob Two-Two appeared in a few more books, this movie also got remade in the 90's and in the 2000's an animated cartoon  that ran on YTV in Canda, first aired in the US on Telemundo in Spanish then when Ion Media and NBC Universal made a television block called Qubo it appeared on NBC  and I (later Ion Television)  and ;ater on the Qubo television channel.

      That's our lookback tune in next time when, we wonder if this movie was actually our dream and this blog post doesn't actually exist. This blog post doesn't actually exist.

The poster is kind of cool though. 

There's a bonus after the jump

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Scooby Doo 50: Scooby Goes Hollywood

Scooby Doo 50

           I really never heard of this Scooby Doo movie, it just kind up popped up in my research looking for another piece of Scooby Doo media for our Scooby Doo 50th anniversary posts.  So this time we look at 1979 TV film that aired on ABC called "Scooby Goes Hollywood"  This is the first Scooby Doo movie special at least with them by themselves. 

        It starts with a crow cawing on a grave because of course and Shaggy and Scooby running around some spooky place because of course.  Now there's a giant crab creature chasing them (Get the butter) but that was all a movie scene.  Apparently, the Mystery inc. gang are working on a movie called  "The Crabby Creature of Creepy Crag."   Shaggy is tired of the this boring routine and he sings (what am I watching?).

Coming soon to Fox/ Copyright Warner Brothers 

               Shaggy drives to OTV (our favorite television network) to talk to the network president and everyone knows Scooby apparently apparently everyone likes his show. (Wait what?) They talk to C.J the network president to get Scooby a better job.  They show him a film they made called "How Scooby Won the West" (he beat the Dodgers?) it shows Scooby as a sheriff. (I'd watch)  C.J is not impressed and kicks them out.(This is 1979 , should have gone to NBC, they were picking up anything)
Coming soon to CBS/ Copyright Warner Bros.

            Scooby Doo announces that he leaving the show to the Mystery Inc. gang  they plead that he shouldn't stop because he wants to be a star , but he already is they tell him. Shaggy says Scooby wants to be a serious star. (yep)  So now they are making a film called  Lavonne and Scooby starting a woman named Lavonne and of course, Scooby. (I wonder what this was referencing) This filming doesn't go to well.
When Shirley left, things got weird/ Copyright WB

        They made another film called "Scooby Days" (Gee, I wonder what they are talking about) in this they meet the fake Fonz.  It's as weird as it should be.  The Scoob dances with The Groove (the fake Fonz) and yeah sure that's a thing. C.J doesn't like this one either. He suggests Scooby go back ot his old show but they give him a contract to look over instead as they walk out.
I'm confused, which is which? copyright/ WB 

      Now Scooby goes and mingle with celebrities. This doesn't go well because Scooby is still Scooby.  He gets barred from that restaurant. They try this plan again at a hotel and what to do you think? Fred, Daphne and Velma remember when they met Scooby Doo (forgetting the Scooby is Shaggy's dog or something). They do other memories like a birthday party.  They sing a song where they miss Scooby (using stock footage).  They want him back.

      Scooby imagines  that's a movie star and did a movie called "Super Scooby" (like Superman) , then does "The Sound of Scooby" I wonder what they are parodying?
No context needed/ Copyright WB

       Meanwhile, C.J is holding auditions to replace Scooby  on his show. (So this is the origin of  Scrappy?) The plan was to convince them to come back to the show instead it just made them do more weird pilots.  One of them is a parody of Sonny and Cher.  The other is of the Love Boat. They visit their version of Johnny Carson to talk about their new roles. Kids all around the world say "Scooby Doo Where are you?"
They really like Dynomutt/ Copyright WB 

     Scooby's Angels, the parody you didn't ask for.   CJ says he thinks Scooby should go back to his Saturday Morning cartoon series ( what they are cartoons? my head hurts) he shows them everyone yelling they need Scooby doo.  Scooby agrees to return to his whole show.  Shaggy has pilot ideas too but, he gets thrown out and chases the gang. The end.

    Ironically, this special has nothing to do with the normal Scooby Doo conventions in the first place. This is a very strange special but somewhat fun to see Scooby trying all these parody shows yet being very comedic.  If I was to over theorize this special cold be saying to viewers back then that Scooby is prefect the way it is so we don't need to change it. Or they were saying that Velma,Fred, and Daphne were irrelevant  because they barely in this special of any use.   They already did make around the sametime the Scooby and Scrappy show  and the next series that came out in 1980 dropped everyone that wasn't scooby, Shaggy, or Scrappy.

             Is this special great? No, not really but it is it fun to watch? Yeah it was. I think it should be watched at least once to see it's madness.

  That's our lookback tune in next time when Scooby Doo does get a serious role on "Law and Order: SVU" DUN DUN.

Monday, May 20, 2019

It's a Lookback Charlie Brown :Life is a Circus, Charlie Brown


           Sadly, we are nearing the end of our Peanuts non holiday special look back journey after this special we cover , we have only 2 left.  (Don't worry we will find other things to do with peanuts content) .  We did have 3 left with 2 left in in the 80's and 1 left for the 1990's and this lookback takes us back to the 1980's.  1980 to be exact. (Can't get more 80's than that!)

          From October of 1980, the 20th animated Peanuts special  that aired on CBS (if we don't say that it aired on CBS this blog will no longer cease to exist.)      "Life is a Circus,Charlie Brown" is our lookback today. We in for treat this special, it won an Emmy!

    Snoopy hears some circus music and that means that circus is in town. (Either that or it's time for a presidential election) Snoopy also harasses some of the animals and sees a poodle and falls head over heels for her because all dogs like poodles.  (This won't be the first Snoopy falls for a poodle)  Then Snoppy gets dognapped a girl just grabs him then the intro starts.  Also, I hope you like over 2 minutes of circus music because that's how this special begins.

      Peppermint Patty tells Charlie Brown that the circus is in town and they've closed her school so kids can see it. (Now, that's how school should work!)  Charlie Brown also says his school closed for circus.  That does seem kind of silly when the story could have been summer, or spring break, or a weekend, but  it does sound pretty cool that schools would close for circus' arrival. I think Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown are dating now. (We aren't being serious)

awww young love/ Copyright Peanuts 

      We also find out that Peppermint Patty likes popcorn on her cotton candy. (What?)  Never mind.  A girl named Polly was the one that abducted Snoopy and dressed him up to perform in a poodle show at the circus.  Peppermint Patty is the one the figures out that the dog is Snoopy. (Irony)  Everyone else is stunned that Snoopy is there.
Are you sure that's Snoopy? That looks nothing like him/ Copyright Peanuts 

        Charlie Brown is unhappy about Snoopy being there, while the rest thing it's great  because they don't  understand that Snoopy was abducted.  Also Charlie Brown has delusions that Snoopy guards his house.  Anyway, Snoopy gets trained by Polly to perform at the circus. He's now called Hugo (part of Hugo the Great.) Charlie Brown notices that Snoopy isn't home for dinner and finds him at the circus being taken away.  Snoopy finds that circus life isn't  luxurious as it seems when he has a  hard time sleeping on the circus train.
It's hump day/ Copyright Peanuts

            Hugo goes through more training. (Don't look at like that)  Charlie Brown is depressed , well more than normal, about Snoopy not being there. Linus is of no help to Charlie Brown's emotions. Hugo on the other hand, has become great and beloved by all who come and see him.  Things seem to be going well for ole' Snoop. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown is still depressed. He gives an origin story to Linus on how he got Snoopy.

It was a Tuesday I think / Copyright Peanuts 

   Lucy waltzes on Charlie Brown's property and decides to shutdown Snoopy's house by boarding up the front.  Charlie Brown just stands there instead of telling Lucy to get off his lawn or he's going ot call the cops!   More circus, circus stuff.  The Colonel who owns the circus wants Snoopy  and Fifi, tthat's the girl dog Snoopy fell in love with, to be dye them both pink. What the heck! Polly dumps Snoopy into the pink food color mixture. When it was Fifi's turn Snoopy jumps infront of her and starts mauling Polly. (exaggeration) He does get her to foll into the pink stuff and they run away.
She was pink with sadness/ Copyright Peanuts 

                 Fifi doesn't want to leave the circus life so, she returns and they break up.  Snoopy returns on home to Chuck.

                    It as up against "It' s Magic , Charlie Brown" for the Emmy for Outstanding Animation Award 1981 in primetime.  I think that was a better special than this one that doesn't mean that this one is bad.  It does make it look at first that Snoopy was unwillingly brought into the circus but he seems to also be staying for Fifi so it's confusing.   Charlie Brown missing Snoopy is sweet and you really see that he needs the beagle in his life.  It is a fairly entertaining special though, and there's nothing in it that bored me or didn't find fun. It actually felt kind of short even though it was the standard length.  Do,check it out though.

     That's our lookback, Tune in next time when we go the circus and dip people in orange food coloring.


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Upfront 2019: The CW

The CW  Upfronts  TVLookFall2019

   The CW has released their fall schedule.  We have the details here.

  • Sunday Night has super-heroine night  with "Batwoman" a new series and "Supergirl" returning airing back to back.  
  • All American moves to Monday Nights 
  • A New Nancy Drew series is airing on Wednesday Nights 
  • "Charmed" remake moves to Friday Nights
  • "Riverdale" spinoff "Katy Keene" comes in mid season along with the returns for DC's Legends of tomorrow, In the Dark, Roswell, New Mexico, and The 100.  
  • CW will start in October  like it normal does. 

    Here's the schedule , all times ET,  new shows highlighted in Blue 

8pm   All American (New Night)
9pm  Black Lightning
8pm      The Flash                       
9pm     Arrow  (New Night)

8pm  Riverdale                              
9pm   Nancy Drew 

8pm Supernatural 
9pm  Legacies 

8pm    Charmed (New Night)
9pm   Dynasty 

8pm  Batwoman  
9pm  Supergirl (new time slot)

Press release after the jump

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Upfront 2019 : CBS

CBS Upfront TVLookFall2019

   CBS has released their fall schedule.   Here are some details

  • The First CBS season since the 2006-2007 sesason without Big Bang Theory 
  •  "Madam Sectary" to end with 10 episode season 6 
  •  "S.W.A.T" moves to Wednesdays, "Magnum P.I joins Friday
  • Going for more: CBS has introduced 3 new comedies and 2 new dramas
  • Macgyver, Criminal Minds, Man with a Plan, Big Brother , Amazing Race and Undercover Boss return later
  • New series Tommy , FBI: Most Wanted  coming later in the season as well
Now here's the schedule , all times ET,  new series highlighted in blue


8PM   The Neighborhood
8:30 Bob Hearts Abishola
9PM  All Rise 
10PM Bull

10PM NCIS : New Orleans

8PM  Survivor
9PM  SEAL Team

8PM  Young Sheldon  (new time)
8:30   The Unicorn 
9PM   Mom
9:30  Carol's  Second Act
10PM   EVIL 

8PM  Hawaii Five-O (New Time)
9PM  Magnum Pi  (new night/ time)
10PM  Blue Bloods 

8PM  Crimetime Saturday
9PM Crimetime Saturday
10PM 48 Hours 

7PM 60 Minutes 
8PM God Friended Me 
9PM  NCIS: Los Angeles 
10PM  Madam Secretary 

Press release after the jump

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Upfront 2019: ABC

ABC  Upfronts TVLOOKFALL2019

         ABC has released their fall schedule.   Here the details first. 
  • More consistency and not radical: ABC has decided not to make any huge moves this season mostly keeping it stable and relying on what works for them
  •  Three new  scripted series take the fall healm. Two dramas: Stumptown and Emergence and 1 Comedy: a spin-off of "Black-ish", Mixed-ish 
  • TGIF continues at least in theory with two comedies on Friday night with "American Housewife" moving to Friday evenings 
  • Drama is back on ABC Sunday after a few years of deciding not to have any on the night , "The Rookie" takes a 10/9c slot
  • ABC has rebooted "Kids Say the Darndest Things with Tiffany Haddish 
  •  Coming later in the season : "Station 19" 
    Here's the full schedule  all times ET , new series highlighted in blue 
 8PM  Dancing With the Stars
10PM   The Good Doctor 

 8PM   The Conners
 8:30     Bless this Mess
9PM    Mixed-Ish
9:30   Black-ish
10pm Emergence 

8PM   The Goldbergs
8:30  Schooled
9PM  Modern Family
9:30   Single Parents
10PM   Stumptown 

8PM Grey's Anatomy 
9PM   A Million Little Things (new night/time) 
10PM   How to Get Away with Murder 

8PM  American Housewife (new night and time)
8:30PM  Fresh Off The Boat (new time) 
9PM  20/20 (2 hours) 

8PM  Saturday Night Football 

7PM  America's Funniest Home Videos
8PM  Kids Say the Darndest Things 
9PM   Shark Tank
10PM  The Rookie (new night)

Press release after the jump

Monday, May 13, 2019

Upfronts 2019: FOX

FOX  TVLookFall2019  Upfronts

            Fox has released its fall schedule and we have the details.   But first, some notes.

  • WWE Smackdown moves from USA Network to FOX also returning back to it's classic Friday night slot, meaning FOX had to clear some room for it. 
  • FOX has bet animation some more with a sort of return to "Animation Domination" on Sunday Nights 
  • There will be no live-action sitcoms on the line up in the fall ; a first in FOX history 
  • "Empire" has been renewed for it's final season 
  • "Masked Singer" the hit from this winter gets Fall pick up along with it's mid-season pick up
  • New Series :  911: Lone Star,  Deputy, Filthy Rich, Next, Ducanville, Outmatched, The Great North come to mid season 
  • The Orville and Last Man Standing wait for mid season. 

      Here's the schedule  all times ET , new series highlighted in blue

   8PM   911
   9PM   Prodigal Son 

     8PM  The Resident
     9PM    Empire  (new night/time)

     8PM  The Masked Singer
     9PM      Not Just Me 

   7:30p/ 4:30pm Thursday Night Football Pregame show
   8pm/ 5pt   Thursday Night Football


8pm  WWE Smakdown


  8PM  College Football


   7PM      NFL on FOX
    7:30pm  The OT
    8PM The Simpsons
    8:30PM  Bless the Harts 
    9PM      Bob's Burgers  (new time)
    9:30PM   Family Guy (new time)

Press release after the jump

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Upfront 2019: NBC

NBC  TVLookFall2019  Upfronts 

            NBC released their fall schedule  for the 2019-2020 season.

  •    More stable line up with not many changes 
  • "This is Us" has been renewed for three more seasons 
  • Fall has only 3 new series 
  • More of the new series and others come after mid season 
  • "Will and Grace" and "Manifest" series held for mid-season

  Full schedule below  (new shows highlighted in blue) 
  All times ET


8-10PM  The Voice

10PM   Bluff City Law 


8PM The Voice

9PM  This is Us

10PM  New Amsterdam


8PM  Chicago Med

9PM   Chicago Fire

10PM  Chicago PD 


8PM   Superstore

8:30pm  Perfect Harmony

9PM   The Good Place

9:30pm  SunnySide 


8PM The Blacklist

9-11  Dateline NBC

8-10pm  Dateline Saturday Night Mystery
10-11pm  Saturday Night Live (Encores) 

7PM   Football Night in America 
8:20   NBC Sunday Night Football 

press release after the jump

Friday, May 10, 2019

One Shot Posts: Dragon Pilot


     One Shot Posts time!  A segment on the blog here where we find something to talk about that might not fit into other categories and spaces or lets us be more free wheeling.

  This time we are talking about  "Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan" an Anime series from 2018 (because that's how we roll) and for the first time on here a look at a series that was only on Netflix so our first Netflix series ever to be talked about this blog this is big day.  Now, there are reasons why we kind of  stay away from Netflix talking and other things but I don't want to bog down this post.

          The series is a quite interesting one. The main character ,a woman named Hisone Amakasu, has recently joined the Japan Air-Self Defense Force ends up going to a secret hangar and finds a dragon. The defense force is using dragons for military stuff  because, of course.  Anyway, she was made a dragon pilot (roll credits).  Since the dragon likes Amakasu she ends up becoming his pilot. (how sweet)
aww he likes her / Copyright Netflix I guess probably them 

        There's another pilot we meet in the first episode named  Nao Kaizaki who seems to be a little aggressive.  The OTF (Organic transformed flyer) /Dragons are  disguised as fighter planes (because of course) and Hisone has to now has to teach it to how to be a fighter plane.  Oh, and the way this works is the pilot has to be inside the dragon's mouth.  She gets mad and storms off after letting out steam.  She has habit of saying  things that are on her mind.  Later on, she goes to the dragon after trying to connect with him and he ingests her.
 It's that kind of show/ Netflix 

        Because of this they are flying around. With some help Amakasu seems to get some understanding of how to work with this.  The first episode was fun and pretty good and entertaining.   Now to episode two.

                Now there's a a character named Hiroki Ikushima who is tasked with making Amakasu's flight suit.  Nao doesn't like Hisone very much and her plans to mess with her doesn't work.  Hisone tries to think of a name for the OTF   and she also learns that Nao was in line to be a dragon pilot because her mother was one and follow in that line. Hisone tries to ask the dragon to take Nao as a pilot  but that doesn't work.   Nao runs off and Hisone asks if she  she go find her  but first she asks for the dragon's forgiveness after she hurt his feelings earlier too.  Nao ends up being a dragon pilot too now!  Oh the dragon has a name - Masotan.
                   Copyright Netflix 

     The first two episodes are pretty fun and this series has a nice mixture of comedy, slice of life, action scenes, and drama to work out well. I really like the main character her personality is interesting since she tries to restrain herself from saying whats on her mind showing a stark contrast to how she is when she talks.

  The animation and designs are nice I like the styling of the animation and characters and Mastotan's design really nice and distinct.   From the first two episodes it was very fun to watch and if you can handle a lot of dragon barfing up people scenes (its not graphic).  I  may come back to this show on the blog in the future. So check it out on Netflix if you have it it's both subbed and dubbed.

  That's it for us now, tune in next time when we get outside of this bear, uh send help!

Thursday, May 09, 2019

The Loud House : Cooked!

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

 Previously on Joshuaonline:  Lincoln Loud Quantum Leaped back home after all.  Now on Joshuaonline:

     Now it's time for me to dip into a Loud House special , this is one is not a holiday special. This episode was also the season finale of season 3 of the series but aired before they finished the season because Presidents' Day.   Let's a take  a look at Cooked!

        Lincoln tell us (yes us) that it's the grand opening of his father's new restaurant called Lynn's Table. (That's because it has one table?)  So flashback,warm nights  we are shown how the family took an old sea food place and turned it into a new restaurant.
Sadly his insurance didn't cover this because he didn't have Farmers'/ Copyright Viacom

The montage goes through the demolition and remodeling, inspection that Lisa apparently is one of those inspectors you can't bribe. (joking , we know real inspectors don't take bribes and are upstanding in their job. Psst here's your twenty) Also this show has a character named after a former voice actor of Lincoln ,Grant Palmer, who is voiced by that former voice actor. (Not inception)  After Lynn Sr. hires his friend and Grant there's more restaurant stuff to do in the montage taste the food. Now back to the current time and Leni hits Lincoln with a door by accident. (Maybe?)                    
Great, Now Lincoln is dead/ copyright Viacom 

Lynn wants them to promote the opening but there's a typo and says Gland Opening (laughs). The Loud kids decide to take the job of publicity.   Lincoln's idea is to do a TV commercial. Lisa is bottomless fries (she's not wrong), Lori says photo booth (it's not like teens have phones or something), Luan is birthdays, Lucy has something, Leni has bingo. With 11 options it's 11 way tie. (Democracy is a failure)    
Math for fries apparently/ Copyright Viacom. But she's not wrong fries work! 

        They get into a fight and and break up and Lincoln goes ahead to film his commercial. Which, consists of him going all undercover to other restaurants.   Lincoln and Clyde show Lynn the commercial. 

Darn sensationalist lying media /Copyright Viacom 

     The commercial is very entertaining it's better than have those bland forced commercials we really get on TV. It feels like a true quirky local business ad that we need more of on TV. (ppst what are you doing? You need to stay on track on our topic at hand). Yeah whatever, anyway it seems that the other Louds  have also done their own promos , what could go wrong?  More after the break. 

         Introducing the Wifi couch there's no point to have a wifi couch it's really stupid idea but you know , oh wait got distracted by the commercial break. 
WWE Smackdown coming to FOX this FALL /Copyright Viacom 

     Lynn Sr. waits for the g(l)(r)and opening of his restaurant. It seems Lincoln and Clyde's commercial worked.  People have begun pouring in like beer at a (insert sport here later and make it look like we forgot to add the sport in when we publish it). Lisa comes offering her promo and tells her father that bottomless fries is her idea and people have poured in because Lisa isn't wrong I'd go to a restaurant for bottomless fries.   Now what could go wrong? Hello Luan let me guess you have a promotion too, uh oh.  Her idea is birthday fun and her plan works too.  That's 3 kids ,so what about 4th?  Hey Lori, nice photo booth. More teens did show up because of course.  Lana's idea was bring your pet. Some has a pet Eagle (I'm the calling the police)  Lynn Jr's promo was free food if it's not done in 15 minutes and it's been 8 minutes. (Good work) 

Luna's plan was to traumatize small children/Copyright Viacom

                      Leni does bingo. (Hey Bingo and Fries , this my kind of place)   Lynn tries to stop the craziness and then Leni kills him. Now he's knocked out cold and the Louds fell bad that he's having a bad opening day (and also dead now).  They decide to work together run it while he's out.  First Lincoln stops all promos but people decide to stay. Also 95 Lynn food name puns.
That's it I'm calling the police and the health inspector, this place is going down/ Copyright Viacom 

          Lucy ,who has been barley in this episode, shows up not knowing what happened and says she got the local news lady, Kathrine Mulligan to come and do an interview.  So, they do what normal people do, they "Weekend at Bernie's" this interview.

This works. She's not a very good reporter/ Copyright Viacom
      Lynn Sr. watches his interview on TV and is impressed and the special ends with the Louds doing name pun foods.

       I really really enjoyed this special , where as when it first premiered  they were doing this airing with it every 2 hours like 4  times and I watched each showing. I think it's my favorite non-holiday special for the show so far. The comedy was high tier and so was it's heart. The promotions fit the Loud characters very well and were creative. It was really nice to a culminating of events go so well with a happy ending. The pacing of the special was nothing dragged out to long to be annoying like the fight or the promotions.  It's really fun special that if you haven't seen you should see.  

 We will return to Loud House specials and other episodes in the future. (There's going to be a fifth season so, I  better hurry up on writing about seasons 1-3 then get to four at some point) 

 Tune in Next time when have to bribe inspectors to be happy with us after saying inspectors like bribes. We are are really making this worse for ourselves. 
