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Thursday, May 02, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: One of The Boys

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

   Previously on Joshua online:
                 That bear bear killed my family, now I'm going to fight it to the death with my sword!

             What? That's not even the right thing, (annoyed grunt)

               The Last Loud House post, unless you are reading the blog out of order, which is fine, what was I saying again? Oh, I looked at what I looked "Cover Girls", the season 1 episode of The Loud House that I called my favorite. Now since I do a randomize and two episodes of the show  (to keep it even) we also got in the draw this episode "One of the Boys" I decided to split the post up since that other episode needed a special presentation, and, I can cheat and make two separate blogs from one thing. (haha ) So, this time, following the long intro, it's "One of the Boys".

              "One of the Boys" is Season 1 episode 23a of the series , first airing (using US dates) on October 17,2016.    
       The premise of the series is a boy with 10 sisters doing daily life and his dealing with that situation of being a middle child and the single male child.  This, of course, opens up the doors to the idea of gender-bending our characters. Why not let the show do this plot, plus to answer the question of what if  Lincoln had 10 brothers instead of sisters? (  Meanwhile, Fan fiction writers have millions of ideas.) 

     That brings us to this episode. Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the Loud fridge (Loud Fridge). Oh! The Louds keep their peanut butter in the fridge, this episode is cursed, I'm out. (Get back to writing!) Fine. Lincoln laments that life with ten sisters can be a hassle sometimes, with a montage. He wishes that he wishes he had 10 brothers (why 10? )  Lisa wakes up Lincoln in the night and gives him a watch wherein which he can transport to another dimension where he has 10 brothers.  What happened to the Lincoln in that dimension? Nobody Knows.  Now he's in a familiar but different world and sees his ten brothers, who are male distaffs of his sisters. 
males in ,get it ?  /Copyright Viacom 

      I mean, pretty much the only thing is that maybe they are more aggressive, the ones that wore skirts as sisters wear pants as brothers (the baby looks the same though), and are more prone to gross habits.  For these kinds of episodes  there are  usually 5 stages to the plot: 1) Character is unhappy with current living arrangements, 2) Character finds way to have different life arrangement 3) Character enjoys new living arrangement and wants it to be permanent 4) After thinking yes, the grass is greener on the other side, it goes bad.  5) Character seeks to go back to normal life. (The Fifth one can branch into different endings, usually, the ending is character goes back to normal life more appreciative  of  normal life)  Currently,  we did stages 1 and 2.   Lincoln finds that he enjoys this new life with his ten brothers. 

      So good that stage 3 sets in and he's declares he's staying permanently in this dimension. Quickly, Lincoln finds out he doesn't have his own bedroom and gets punches by his brothers for different things. The bathroom is unkept. (Because boys don't like clean bathrooms at all, right? right?) Then the brothers start being mean to him and over the top.  We quickly moved to stage 4 by now.  Lincoln decides to head to stage 5 and find the watch to go back his dimension and Lexx (Lola expy) finds the watch and decides to include the other brothers in keep away. 

     He distracts them and gets the watch and changes dimensions but still sees his brothers but they are now being nice because Lincoln has become Linka meanwhile, where did the real Linka go? Nobody knows!  He figures out he went to the wrong dimension and time was running out.  Oh no!

I smell spinoff/ Copyright Viacom

 More after the jump. 

    Poor Lincoln, stuck in that dimension living as Linka. The moral of the episode is be careful what you wish for or else things might not go as well as planned. (You are doing a long joke right? There's more to the episode.) 

          Oh wait it was all a dream!  The sisters hear his scream they comfort him and he accidentally breaks  Lori's watch and Lynn pulls his pants down because no matter which Lynn, Lynn is still Lynn.  The end. 


          This episode could have been better, but it was trying to fit in that formula I wrote up there that it couldn't really expand beyond that.  For an 11 minute episode that was going to feature most likely one time only characters of boy versions of the main female characters, they weren't going to be fully fleshed out as characters so, maybe I'll let that go. The Loud House isn't above a gross joke, and gross things aren't always annoying or in the way, but this episode kind of went over on it to make some point. Lincoln does do gross things so, do his sisters but it did show that he has a zone that makes him as a character not what we would consider stereotype boy.  In speaking of that, during the parts  of the episode where Lincoln was explaining how sometimes being in his family can be a hassle there's a part where he wants to go to Dairyland but the other sisters nix that, yet, we've got that  the sisters at least 5 of them do like Dairyland why would they so no here?  Or forgetting that, why would Lynn, Lana, Lisa, and Luna even not want to go dairy world just by knowing their characters. This is episode 23a we are way into the show, season 1 is almost over, we know these characters enough already to know what their choice would be that it doesn't make sense they all hived and decided that for the plot that NONE but Lincoln like Dairy World.  

      Also, we know that at least one character likes gross things, that's Lana, also Lisa deals with gross things like the slight season 1 arc (we use that term lightly) of her poop studies for science. The male distaffs ALL like gross stuff, not one like the Leni distaff have a dislike of it?  Even after making the characters pretty much the same in other things but their sex.  They could have had it where Loni (the Leni distaff)  is the opposite of his female counterpart by being mean compared to her sweetness to serve the plot, but still not liking gross things, same with Lexx.  Leif (Lana) could have made grosser by 10 times it would have worked better and not really been too much to the episode. 

       Maybe because they wrote it as Lincoln's dream that it would be out of the normal and not well thought out because dreams aren't normal and well thought out, and I could give it that pass if I separated it from knowing that actual people wrote this episode. Or the dream could have been used as hand-waving it off as it's a dream so the plot doesn't matter. I don't know. 

      For them to get from stage 3 to stage 4, it pretty much turns on a dime from Lincoln finding it enjoyable being with his "brothers" to them being the worst people on the face of the Earth. I know this is an 11-minute episode but that was so fast a change, they were pulled over for speeding. 

   Now it's time to play: The Tangent game!  YAY!!!

   Why does this boy, need Lincoln's shirt?

 When he wasn't wearing one before? 

That's our tangent, thanks for reading! 

   The episode slightly stereotypes that boys don't like to be clean which is strange for a show that normally shows boys like Lincoln and Clyde who don't really like the messiness of things too much.  I think it's slight because the episode is slightly muddled by the other things that it seems like it would be doing such a thing but it's hard for me to tell.  Again, they made all the sisters and brothers kind of hive-minded in this episode to make it fit causing a mess with characterization.  It was worse with the boys though, if you took minus Lincoln one of the boys (ha ) and removed the others you would have no real difference in personality. 
        I'm going to be positive as well, because that's how Joshuaonline runs (sometimes, depending on my mood). It was fun to see the male counterparts to our main characters and even seen a female Lincoln. I also liked the ending where Lincoln is happy that his sisters care for him and that he realizes that even if it was a dream, that he would miss his sisters.   Also, I like how they got some different voice actors for some of the male counter parts that was a nice touch while the younger ones had their normal female voice actresses like how cartoons males under a certain age have female voice acting in many cases.   If I were to rate it , I'd give it a 6/10 for the episode though.  While it's not the greatest episode it's not episode I skip if its on or something.  

    Meanwhile on our distaff site , Josephine Online they wrote why this is episode is the best, but for us that's it for now, tune in next time when we find the dimension where The Loud House airs on  C-SPAN. 



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