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Sunday, August 04, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: It's a Loud,Loud,Loud,Loud House/ Save the Date

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

   If I could turn back time, I'd go back the other previous Loud House post, if  I missed it, you can read that here.
      This is going to be the last time ,for awhile, where I jerry-rig two episode segments together because of the other paired episode.  First I've done the episode paired with "It's a Loud Loud Loud Loud House" already, that's "For Bros about to Rock" , that you can read here.  Meanwhile jumping to episode 15B since, I've already done "Cover Girls" (my favorite TLH episode) I'm taking "Save the Date" and putting it on this post.  (Cover Girls can be read here)

            Babbling over, time to babble, but about the episode.

   Episode 13B : "It's a Loud,Loud,Loud,Loud House" 

     Hey! How many louds do you need episode, calm down!    Lincoln finds a quarter in the couch which in a normal house would be fine, but in the Loud House no all the sisters want the quarter so they go insane and start fighting to find more quarters.  The parents exist and punish their kids for once. (yeah I went there)    So, now they have to clean the attic.  Lincoln finds a letter from a previous owner of the house named Sharon Demony. (hmm, someone owned that house?) 

               She said she hid money in the house and everyone around the house starts looking for the money. Eventually, they all get into fight again and get sent back to the attic.  Lincoln found another letter for a clue.  Lincoln gets hit in the face alot with a floor board when he walks on i this episode, anyway, they go crazy and start looking around the house.  Causing a mess.

          Eventually, Lincoln stops everything and tells everyone that maybe they should share instead. They came together and find the money buried in the backyard. Leni is good at picking locks apparently. It's 500 dollars and they split it, anyway, the money comes from the father's work bonus.   He has to clean the house though.

          This was another Loud House members fighting episode but to a purpose where they learn something at the end.   I like the title and plot being a reference to  "I't's a Mad Mad, Mad, Mad  World". That makes it really fitting.  The Jokes were fun and there wasn't any thing that dragged the episode down to me personally.  A fine episode with  some fun to be had  8.5/10. (Divide that by 11 for each Loud sibling)

More after the Jump

    Episode 15: Save the Date  

     Preciously on the Loud House:  There's a girl named Ronnie Anne who liked bothering Lincoln, the sisters think that means she likes him.  Now on The Loud House, Ronnie Anne returns.  The other kids (not Clyde) make fun of Lincoln thinking that he likes Ronnie Anne so he says some  things where  would rather lick a bathroom floor than kiss her.  She hears it ,because that's how this plot works.  Now this episode gives us a new detail: the boyfriend that Lori has been talking with on the phone ,Bobby, is the older brother of Ronnie Anne. (What  a twist!)   Lincoln finds out this because Bobby broke up with Lori, who is un happy that Lincoln made Ronnie Anne cry.

         Oh well, Lori has to find boyfriend now. (whisper) ((uh huh)) (whisper whisper whisper) ((oooh))   Lori makes Lincoln go on a dinner with her to apologize to Ronnie Anne  so Bobby can get back with Lori.   Clyde is at the restaurant apparently, his plan is to make sure Bobby and Lori don't get together back again.  The dinner for Ronnie Anne and   Lincoln starts at awkward but when Lincoln starts making fun of how Bobby and Lori are together  they get along.  It seems Bobby and Lori get back together.

      You know what episode needed?  Something to screw up things, and in this case it's the boys from school who made fun on Lincoln earlier, thus causing this trouble in the first place.  Lincoln tries to hide from the boys. Now dear reader, why didn't just tell Ronnie Anne about the guys teasing him so maybe they could team up and help the situation?    No, really I'm asking you, personally.
Now, the hiding the plan does well  until it wasn't supposed to by filling the episode out. Also Clyde decides to of no help because Lori called him cute so Lincoln runs into the boys.

        So, Lincoln repeats himself and this goes bad again. (0-2 Lincoln)  Ronnie Anne tears up and walks away but instead Lincoln declares that he thinks she's cool and funny  and then he kisses her. (Gotta have that moment) The next day the boys make fun of him until Ronnie Anne does something nice for Lincoln to get the boys off his back.

    This is an alright episode, giving us a development on Ronnie Anne as a character. It's also slightly entertaining though some things are questionable like why do those boys care so much about Ronnie and Anne and Lincoln?  Anyway I give it  8/10.

    That's it for now, off to clean that bathroom floor, people keep coming in and licking it for soem reason.

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