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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Afterschool Sessions: It Must be Love (Cause I feel so Dumb)

The lookback  ABC 

   I think it's time to dip into another "ABC Afterschool Special" yes, it's a good time to do so.  Today's special comes from October 1975. It's called "It must be Love ('Cause I feel so Dumb)  This special starts Alfred Lutter who played Tommy in the movie "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" and Tommy for the pilot episode of "Alice".   
Did you win the lottery, boy? 

                   Lutter plays a 13-year-old-boy (hard to do) named Erik who has a crush on cheerleader named Lisa Dwyer. He doesn't seem to have many friends, there is one girl who seems to want to talk to him, she even likes his dog.  So much stuff going on the first 3 minutes, jeeze, he goes to the orthodontist to get his braces removed and starts imagining Lisa standing over him. Later at  school, Lisa  his having a problem with the school Coke product placement machine.  He helps her get a coke then it sprays her because comic timing.
Here's the real thing, alright!

            He later tries to call the and his little sister listens into the phone call, because sister reasons.  Lisa doesn't know Erik  until he mentions the soda incident. His sister says something on the phone and comedy ensues.  Back to the other girl who likes the dog, she has braces like he did, oh her name is Cathy. She invites Erik to her party. (I wonder if she likes him, because I think she likes him) She also mentioned this idea she had in class that she wondered if Erik liked it or not. 
So you like...books ...too?

more after the jump

     Erik goes back to trying to get  Lisa's attention, so he spray paints her name on a wall, and abucts her with a paper bag on her face to show her what he did. (That's logical) He asks her on a date, so I guess it's over? ( What? There's 20 more minutes? Oh fine.)   He asks his dad how do you know when to kiss a girl on a date. 
The TV will teach you, son!

     They go on a date,  Lisa seems to like him, and notices the words he makes up. He mentions his dog ,Bill, as well.  He doesn't get to kiss her though.   Later in the classroom,  that idea thing comes up again: It's Cathy's idea of donating money to people who need vs. Lisa's idea of T-shirts for the basketball team. (They are shirtless?)   These kids passed over pizza as a suggestion? Are they broken.  Erik votes with Lisa because of his confused love state.  Cathy is disappointed that he didn't pick her idea. (So am I!) 
Can't believe they turned down pizza

     A jock boy named Leroy is talking to Lisa telling her that he can't see her because he has to study or he can't play basketball. (And do Jock stuff) Anyway, she calls Erik over to her table and tells him she had a good time with him that other night.( She's lying, probably)  She wants to dance. Erik goes and learns dancing  and finds a teacher who really wants to teach the waltz, not the modern dance of the the bump, (Silly 70's). They go Cathy's house, oh no, because they are going to the party Erik was invited earlier. (Cathy's party is playing the hit song,by Disco-Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes called Get Dancin')  
Disco Erik ready to party!

    Cathy doesn't seem to like Lisa being there.(me neither).   They zoom into her, and if this was different thing, I would swear she would be killing Lisa in the next moment. Lisa finds someone else to "bump" with her.   Later, Erik talks with his dad, and his Dad says he has to be himself that's how you attract mates. (my line) Anyway a guy is walking is dog, and Erik is walking his dog, and Erik ties his shoe and the dogs bark and Bill runs and gets hit by car. (Not Bill!!!!!NOOOO) 

                                                 [ I can't  do that picture,  it makes me sad]

        The vet says that Bill is going to die. Hey, special, I came to see goofy boy try to impress a girl not dog death! Why ? I didn't want that. ( We have to go back) He talks to Lisa and tells her Bill is dead. He wants to talk to her about it, but she says she's busy but maybe later on. Lisa is awful. 

          He sees Cathy who also heard about Bill, she's crying too. Dang it special, you went too hard on the sadness. Cathy and Erik talk to each other, and seem to bond, it's sweet.  There we go.  That's the special, the credits have Erik and Cathy hanging out. 
True love wins 

         This is a great special, they killed a dog to make things sad though, I didn't need that. They showed that Cathy liked Erik the hints were nice and subtle, she cared about his dog and acknowledged him. I think it works pretty well, it's very 70's  because it was made for it's contemporary audience, but still enjoyable.  Erik's attempts to get Lisa to like him are kind of cute without being too grating. You can slowly see that Lisa was using him for her reasons, like to make sure he would vote for what she wanted... and because her I guess boyfriend to feel bad.

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