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Thursday, July 08, 2021

A Brief Moment In to the Twilight: Ye Gods

The Flashback 

        Previously, we looked at a 1985 "Twilight Zone" episode "If she Dies" since the 1985 series episodes have segments, that means we have the other segment in that episode to cover.  This is from episode 5,the other segment  "Ye Gods" this episode is from October 25,1985.
Not love at First Sight/ Copyright ViacomCBS 

           Our main character is named Todd Ettinger (played by actor David Dukes) and he bumps into a woman and apparently  thinks that these two should be a couple and sprinkles magic love dust on them. (The eighties dust?)   They awkwardly share an exchange  but they don't start just making out and cupid follows him and wonders why they didn't fall in love. He's mad at yuppies. Cupid meets with Todd and wants to know why he doesn't fall in love.  At first, Todd doesn't think this man is cupid but he proves that he his at least magic by melting his phone. (that's a mess) 
No, I guess I don't want to change long distance carriers/ Copyright ViacomCBS 

        Cupid gets mad and shoots three love arrows into Todd and walks away. Todd sees the woman again and starts to give chase to her (that's how love works in the 80's ) but he can't get to her.  Todd wants to talk to her.  Todd talks to his co worker that he feels hollow even with all the nice stuff he has, he wants love. (those arrows have side effects) 
What's the point of wanting a yacht if I can't marry it?/ Copyright Viacom CBS

            Todd can't sleep because he keeps having sexy 80's music dreams about her.  So he decides the next day to find  Bacchus, the god of wine making, because Cupid mentioned him earlier. Thankfully, he finds the god in the phone book.  (You can't do that on Bing)  He finds Bacchus and Cupid at a fancy dinner party.  He finds out that Cupid is depressed because he and a fury named Megaera (because we going Greek here) had split up and decides to help Cupid get back with her. 
I'm the god of business and wine/ Copyright ViacomCBS

             Todd the logical thing of using an incantation to get Megaera to show up. (She's not in the phone book, apparently)  She does (played by Carolyn Seymour)  and she seems angry. Anyway she's mad because she thinks Cupid wants to be with mortals (in the loving way). She was angry enough to turn the woman she thought Cupid wanted into a tree frog.   Anyway, Todd plays fix it by calling Bacchus to help him get Cupid and Megaera together to talk it out. (Inviting two gods into his office might be a bad idea) 
We're going to tear this office down/ Copyright Viacom CBS

         Cupid and Megaera after some yelling seem to make up (The little heart effect graphic helps)   and they stare into each other eyes for a long time then a long kiss.  After leaving them alone for awhile, he finds out they left out the window with the window washers.  Todd is annoyed  that he still has unrequited love.  Todd decides to do some comfort shopping and gets rear ended  and finds out that woman was the lady he met before and the sexy 80's music is back and loving happens.  The episode ends with these two kissing in the middle of the street. 
Here on Chopper5 we are showing you this couple kissing in the road, expect delays/ Copyright ViacomCBS 

        It's a pretty quirky and weird episode, but I do like how the main character kind of learned the point Cupid was giving him that he should try to maybe focus on things more than just his working life and fancy stuff that's a nice little touch.  The idea to have the Greek gods be modernized was pretty interesting, this segment had some charm to it and it was pretty entertaining for what it was.  

     That does it for now, tune in next time, when we try match making two strangers only to find out  that we shouldn't use arrows. 


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