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Monday, September 27, 2021

The Lookback : Arthur 25: Seasons 3 and 4: Buster's Back /Prove it

Arthur PBS 

             For the Arthur 20 I looked at season 3's  Ballad of Buster Baxter, since that's what came up in the random draw. The strange thing is that episode which is Season 3 episode 1b, is connected to this episode season 3, episode 1a.  While that episode focuses on Buster feeling left out after coming back, this one is about Arthur being worried that Buster might not want to be friends anymore. It's a good contrast mixture. 
    It is interesting how "Arthur" held continuity where in most of season 2 , Buster is away after the episode "Arthur's Faraway Friend"  and now comes back at the start of season 3. 

   The  Cold Opening:  It starts with NASA where Arthur is running mission control while Buster is in a space ship and re-entering Earth.  Then Buster gets out of the space ship and Arthur was happy to see him but people notice he's changed. 

         The Episode: As, I mentioned above, the season 3 premiere has the idea of returning Buster back after committing him to being gone for a while. Arthur finds out that Buster is coming coming home. Arthur goes around the town yelling this message.  The gag that Arthur goes in a swimming pool just to tell  Muffy is funny.  Arthur is excited and sets up everything at home for Buster to get ready to play and have fun with his best friend.

            D.W sets in his mind that Buster has been to fun places around the world ,like Wisconsin, and that might mean the Buster has changed and won't want to do stuff they used to together. Arthur's other friends are also of no help. (Poor Arthur) We also get Arthur's fun imagination.  Then Arthur decides that he would like to learn 2 hours of anything to make sure he can be with "the new buster".  
     When Buster doesn't show up at the time he thought he was; Arthur feels that maybe Buster really doesn't want be his friend anymore. It's a sad scene and one can feel how he feels. Many times you might or someone you know you might lose contact with and later see them and there's a strange awkward difference or the worry that tastes have changed and you might not get along anymore. 

Oh great. Arthur and Buster died and won't go to the other side/ Copyright WGBH

  Buster shows up, and I like that he interacts with D.W's running gag of mentioning the wrong names for Buster and calls her P.W that's a good touch.  Arthur tries to impress Buster with his knowledge but he finds out that one thing Buster missed was playing checkers with Arthur. He explains that he fell asleep after the ride home and that's why he was late. Buster didn't really change.  

     This is a good episode and a nice return to Buster being back in episodes. Like I said, this episode connects with a the one after it and provides how Buster feels once he gets back. These are good pair of episodes.  Good way to start a new season as well.

 More after the Jump!

   We now head to Season 4 again, with the partner episode to the one we covered before "The Contest"  this is "Prove it" not sure why the show wants me to prove it, I already linked it. Anyway, this episode 4b of Season 4. From the year 1999. 

When you want someone to prove it, but you aren't yelling. 

        The Cold Opening:   The Brain gets to run the start and he's explaining what causes day and night ( getting those education points in huh, PBS?)   Arthur shows up and we find out that  Brain was talking to  baby Kate and Pal, the dog. (Ha that's funny) 

       The Episode:  Arthur  and Buster are watching "Nova" the other PBS show also produced by WGBH  (so cross over!)    D.W is interested but Arthur doesn't want to be annoyed by her and she eventually gets Allan (the Brain) to hang out with her and do smart stuff.  I think it's funny they do live action actual "Nova" footage in the animated show, it brings up so many questions I don't want to ask.  
      The Brain shows her some science stuff and she starts to use it for her own fun. Arthur doeesn't want D.W to go come with him to the exploratorium but Arthur says no. She tells him that one day he'll be begging to take her.  Arthur is surprised that she's not mad.   

     The next day,  D.W has started her own  exploratorium  it makes Arthur interested in what her madness is doing.   She shows how to make water : hose and air = water. (yes)  Everytime, Arthur challenges her weird science stories and she says prove it and he really can't. D.W science are funny and creative, they must have had fun writing these lines. 

Back in the old days snakes used to wear shoes / Copyright WGBH

            Arthur gets the Brian to help fix stuff.  Then Arthur decides to ask his parents to take D.W to the exploratorium  so she can learn correctly. Guess what?  Her evil plan worked, she found away for Arthur to get her to come to the thing all along.  

           This was a fun and creative episode, D.W's plan working was high class skill and it was pretty funny as well.    D.W using logical fallacy as a power move fit well and it fits well when someone has to prove it but can't exactly do so.  

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we go to Wisconsin to prove that snakes walked the land in 1953.  


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