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Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Lookback: Kids of Degrassi Street: Cookie Goes to the Hosptial

The Flashback Degrassi 

            Previously, I looked  at the short film that started the entire Degrassi world,  "Ida Makes a Movie"  That premiered on September 12, 1979, the 2nd episode of "Kids of Degrassi Street" premiered on September 1, 1980 with "Cookie Goes to the Hospital" This the second of the original 4 films before it got to be its own series.  

        The  basic idea of  this series was really to present a realism in storytelling for kids watching. This one is about Ida's friend, Cookie. Ida and her friend, Noel, don't want to let Cookie's doll join their secret club, but that's only establish how important the doll is to her, as later on, Ida goes home and finds out  Cookie is in the hospital with appendicitis and really wants her doll.
       Ida and Noel find out that kids under the age of 12 are not allowed in the Children's ward (ironic) and the nurse at the front follows that rule to a strict tee.  Most of their plot is both of trying to find different ways to get in the ward to get to Cookie to give her the doll and failing.  

  Meanwhile, Cookie is in her hospital room, where the moments with her are used to give to show how the hospital experience. While Cookie is told by her nurse how the operation will be going and what to expect, she worries about her doll and hopes that it will show up. During her segments they do feel natural with it's explanations  as a way to show it's audience how this works to kind of reduce fear. 
      It seems that Ida and Noel  unwillingness to give up works, as just before Cookie was about to into surgery, her nurse ends up finding Ida and they rush to get the doll to Cookie. The end they meet with Cookie and her Doll and play.
     A  very charming installment, basic story, but does a great purpose. I also see that the start with Ida and Noel having a strict rule for the club ties in with the hospital's rule on Children and sometimes letting a rule bend is a beneficial. At least that's what  I got from it.  It's presents what it's going for well  with an entertaining story.

      I couldn't really do this with a beat by beat look, just because that would be me just explaining every detail, and that wouldn't be too much of a fun read.  That's our stop, at Degrassi street for now, we make a turn here until later.   

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