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Friday, February 11, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #11: Fathead


           Previously, it was to be continued yet it never was...continued [HERE]

#10 Fathead

Season 1, Episode 13b 

             Fathead (what did you call me? I'll sue!)  is also from the season 1 finale and also a special 11 minutes.  It was created by Vince Calandra  who worked on "Rugrats" , "Ren and Stimpy Show",  "Rocko's Modern Life" who later wrote for "Two Guys, a Girl and Pizza Place" which is  kind of just fun to acknowledge. 
          This one takes place in caveman times, and the intro voiceover sounds like Tommy Pickles, but our main character is named Fathead.  Fathead is apparently the smartest caveman (boy)  who invented golf and fire. (not on the same day that'd be too much)  Of the leaders named Lord Amur comes over and places a  bird's nest on his head. His son, named Junior speaks English so we can understand what this means it's time  for a manhood test for Fathead he has to steal an egg from a T-Rex or get banished. (harsh) 

    His sister, Taung (voiced by Sarah Rayne) explains that Junior technically cheated during his test  why not try a different way to do it.  The thing you'll notice in this short is that the parents don't speak with in normal (to us) talk but the kids do speak fluent English. Essentially giving us a very noticeable generation gap and kind of creative. 

      Later Taung and Fathead's friend, Horst, go and find some Neanderthals to trade some jewels for a rock that is painted to look like an egg. Junior was lurking and knows about the plan, that Fathead doesn't even know about yet. 

      It's the day of the test and Fathead goes out and his sister tells him about the fake egg, he has to find it. The boy decides to not cheat and decides to use that big brain they've been saying he has and trick the T-Rex with a fake T-rex (by appealing to it wanting  mate).  We do get a dino chase scene and a cool pterodactyl tried. It was pretty cool he used his father's story to help think of this plan. 

    Anyway, since Junior thinks the egg on his head is the rock, he declares it fake and smacks it and it cracks open and he gets attacked by a baby T-Rex. Thus proving it wasn't fake and not having to be banished. 

      This was pretty fun to watch, I like how it looked.  The story was pretty interesting, taking place in caveman times, using the framing of the kids being more evolved over the adults but having the adults' old ways still providing some use was pretty good. 

   If it was a series , I could see it working. The concept has a lot of spaces to work , maybe world exploration. I think it work also work if it's not every episode being Junior vs. Fathead but would show rivalry.  It was also pretty nice to have a brother and sister not be at odds with each just because. 

     I do wonder if this one like, "Planet Kate" was meant  to do more than it made. This is another one I wish had ended up being a Nicktoon (another line I'm going to say alot) . I liked the concept and the story of the this cartoon.  It really was pretty interesting and glad it strayed away from anything like a random gross out moment just because caveman days.  

        So I enjoyed that, and give this a look for the fun of it. 

     That's it for now, tune in next time when we pitch a caveman series to CBS daytime and they wonder if we're alright.         


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