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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons : #22 Kameleon Kid


 Previously,  we did Lunch, how about dinner?  [HERE]

      #22 Kameleon Kid

    Season 3, episode 6c 

        Kameleon Kid was created by  Jaime Diaz and Russ Mooney.  Our main character is Cameron  who wakes up one night after hearing noises from a barn that apparently is a laboratory run by his parents. He ends up zapped by a machine and he's turned into a mouse. (squeak) There's a cat and mouse chase, with dogs changing.  Cameron figures out that he can change into different things by wishing for it, so he turns into a dog... a big dog. (Woof) 

         The next day, he decides to mess with his bully, Otto, then goes to see Suzy , whom I think both boys like. Eventually he gets Otto locked up on the roof of an apartment building and laughed at on TV.  His parents did find out he was in the lab, but not the animal part and mentions the title of the short.

       This one goes in the category of the most pilot-ish pilot  of the cartoons featured. They have the hook of a kid turning into different animals for plots of future episodes; the ending line of the short is he'll have to tell his parents some time about the whole thing, but he's currently the Kameleon  Kid. (roll credits)  
   The concept is another interesting one, though I can see Nickelodeon not wanting two shows where the main character says "I wish" as a concept, and picked the one with the pink-hatted boy over this one. It is a little too basic, if it was a series, I'd hope there'd be more than just Cameron finding new ways to deter this annoying bully. There are some inconsistencies in the short, but it's a pilot so I give it some benefit of the doubt, but they are noticeable. 
        The cartoon is aright, but nothing too much that makes it that fully entertaining on it's own even with its interesting concept. 

     That's it for now, tune in next time when I turn into a goat for some reason. 


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