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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #24 :Zoey's Zoo


        Previously, positive dragon interaction is a fun idea [HERE]

 #24 Zoey's Zoo

Season 2, Episode 12b

    Zoey Zoo was created by Amy Ellyn Anderson and David Burd.    I love the theme song it's fun in its own way. Also Zoey reminds me of a mixture of Marcie from Peanuts  and Lisa Loud from The Loud House.  Zoey is a girl who a has lot of animals, and apparently her mother is like Charlotte Pickles for the not paying attention to her daughter awards. Anyway, she wants an ocelot for her "zoo"  and she keeps telling her mother that she wants to get one but the woman again isn't paying attention.

        I wish we lived in  a world where everything had their own store to easily find it.  Zoey calls Ocelot Hut and gets to order one. She wonders if it's going to be a girl one or a boy one so she calls again and doesn't clarify that she already ordered one so  I mean, the full title has the words lots of ocelots guess what happens? 

        She realizes she needs to order ocelot food, so she calls again a few times when she think up something and calls them 62 times. (uhhh) (Don't order an ocelot at home folks)  And they won't stop coming and won't stop coming.  Zoey's reaction really makes this funnier because she's  not worried about them messing up the house and bothering her sleeping father, she casually looking for the ocelot food  and wonder how she's going to feed them all. She also only named 2 of them. 

     Zoey restores order in the calmest way possible and the ocelots end up looking like house decoration and she requests to her mother , if she can have a baby brother.  And more theme song.
  It kind of reminds me of Peanuts mixed (mmm Peanuts mixed) with a little pre school shows where the character seems to just talk matter of factly. Zoey is the main character and she essentially has to  hold the whole thing going.  She's a charming character though. I counted , Zoey says Ocelot 29 times, 30 if you her using the genus name, and ocelot is mentioned 38 times or 39 altogether. 

   There's a fun charm to this, I think I would have had fun with it as a series, not sure how far this could  go, but it would be fun to see what animals she collects next.   I do give this a recommendation go watch it and let the theme capture you as well. 

That's it for tune in next time when we ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot ocelot. 


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