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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #27: Kitty the Hapless Cat


        Previously,  That's not Family Guy  [HERE]

    #27 Kitty, the Hapless Cat 

Season 1, episode 9a

    Kitty The Hapless Cat  was created by Zac Moncrief.  Tom Kenny voices Kitty  who decides to tell us life story and difficulties. Like he was adopted by an old lady  who isn't all  there and Kitty has to make sure she doesn't harm herself.  After eating her polish and dish soap sandwich he's apparently put up for adoption again. This time a family with a baby, and the baby swallows a phone and he tries to get do CPR and the parents think he's stealing the baby's breath. A weird man adopts Kitty , who apparently hasn't let his old cat go.  Now, Kitty comes back to his current spot and he's been adopted by scientists who are studying him. 
       It's a mixture of different things with a cat finding the weirdest owners and having to be sent back. It's simple, but humorous.  There's some fun here, Tom Kenny makes Kitty interesting.  This is one that works better as a short and not as a series.  I can't imagine watching like even 7 episodes of Kitty getting stuck in more weird homes, it would grow tiring pretty quickly. For a short , it's not bad.  

     It's another, there's not much for me to add here, type post though. Do watch it though. 

 That's it for now, tune in next time when I try to get the idea of polish and dish soap being eaten out of my head, yikes! 

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