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Friday, February 04, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons : #4: Protecto 5000


    Previously, the real villains are the girlfriends we make a long the way... (tugs collar) [HERE]


       #4 Protecto 5000

                                                                  Season 1, Episode 4a 

           Oh a robot!  Protecto 5000 was created John Eng ,whom also worked on "Jimmy Neutron" and "The How to Train your Dragon" series. (Unless IMDB was wrong)  Anyway, this short takes us through different time periods showing us different destructive things going.  To take us the short's present time.  

    There's a girl named Nadya she's moved a few times and has social anxiety problems  and her mother hopes that she'll be able to make friends at this new school.  She meets a robot named Kenny, who is disguised as a school janitor.  This school has some kids that bother her and lock her in a room that she's stuck in until the night.  

     Kenny finds her and helps and she's wonders what kind of robot he is, he eventually tells her that he's a protection android from a different galaxy.  He mentions how his boss, one of the beings we saw in the time sequence at the start; the one that went away after the atomic bomb test, is gone and he feels that he's bad luck.  
         A power line is knocked over by driver who fell sleep and he goes to save a party, Kenny is knocked out by the shock, but he's not death. They have become friends. 

       This one is great,  I love the concept, a girl who has no friends and is socially awkward and an android who feels guilt about not doing his primary function working together.  I think it would have been a fun series to have on TV. It would really be an interesting idea to have this progress to see how Kenny and Nadya help each other along the way, while also maybe help save people. 

       It's not comedic, and that's what works for it, it's heartwarming and little sad.  I don't know the reason why this didn't make it as a series, but I kind of wish we lived in the world where this was. 

   I like the character designs, Kenny is retro looking robot showing his age.  Nadya being so small compared to the bullies and Kenny is a nice contrast , showing how she might feel in the world. Teh character designs use nice basic shapes, Nadya's hands are not shown with fingers and her legs are point at the end. The biggest bully has a big body and little legs.  Very distinct art style design.  The voice acting is top notch, including, Grey Griffin, Joe Alaksey, and Mary Kay Bergman.  The short uses nice simple backgrounds that give their own characteristic  making characters pop.  
          I'm going to say this alot for these shorts, but here really do check this one out, I really found this one to be something special.  

   That's it for now, tune in next time, when I wipe the tears away. 

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