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Sunday, February 06, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #6: Twins Crimson and Those Amazing Robots


   Previously, I'm an ink boy in an ink world, made of Papermate Ink   [HERE]

       #6 Twins Crimson and
Those Amazing Robots 

Season 1, Episode 6b 

     Long title, aright, Twins Crimson and Those Amazing Robots was created by Carlos Ramos who later on created the short lived Nicktoon, "The X's".  

    Twin siblings, Bene and Beck,  are destroying the house by existing and their 50's mother kicks them out the house to play. Apparently, their house leads into the jungle where they go play for awhile until they find a new town called Metroplex, a town of the future.  Robots are destroying trees and stuff when Bene kicks one and starts yelling at it , she's taunting a robot.  (Power move) 

         That works and the robots start cleaning up the mess for the animals, and fixing the trees. A faceless man sees this and wants it stopped and sends out more robots to destroy stuff, and this becomes a robot fighting show. Bene and Beck  get the animals to come in and join the fight. Never thought I'd see a rhino take down a robot, but cool.   They do stop the bad robots from destroying the jungle and the evil guy accepts this and decides to build somewhere else. (huh, alright then) 

   The good robots take them back home and the parents faint. (or die hmmm)
     Beck's voice sounds like Ralph Wiggum a little, and that might because both twins are voiced by Nancy Cartwright. Cheryl Chase is the voice of the mom.  It's kind of funny that Cartwright uses hints of her Wiggum voice in this. There's some sounds like Nelson in this too.
         The art style is nice, they made Beck blue and Bene Pink, you'll see parents in those colors at the end.  They do the classic you don't see the parents' faces.  The world is interesting, there's whole jungle in the back of their otherwise normal suburban house.  I liked how the story kind of becomes a robot battle with animals to save the jungle, pretty creative.  The robots have some fun designs each one is different. 
      It might have been fun if it had become a series, I don't see it lasting long, but it would have been a fun ride.  The characters don't seem interesting at first , but  you see some characterization and have pretty interesting dynamic.  I had fun watching this one.  
        That's it for now, tune in next time, when Bene yells at Bart Simpson.    

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