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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Easter: The Berenstain Bears' Easter Surprise

Easter 🥚 The Flashback

      Once again, it's time for Easter!  This is a holiday that doesn't get a bunch of holiday specials. So, I'm going to something that we don't cover cover really much this is from "The Berenstain Bears" based off the books  by Stan and Jan Berenstain, "The Berenstain Bears" started getting the next step of having TV specials. In 1979, like Peanuts, gets a start on the television medium with "The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree" then eventually , it had a few more specials. The third special is this one.  It aired on NBC on April 14, 1981.  

         This special was written and created by the Berenstains with music conducted by Elliot Lawrence with three original songs. 
         It starts in the past. (Woah)  There's a time when winter gets stuck and it seems spring isn't showing up. But first, it goes back to fall ( they re-round too far). The narrator (get used to him) mentions that Brother Bear is an only child. (uhh why did his parents name him Brother?) Even though he has friends like  Bill Bunny  and Finicky Frog. (Maybe being named Brother isn't that bad) Also Fred Firefly. 
F is for  doing doing stuff together

       Brother goes to Papa Bear (his parents were more presumptive too) and there's sequence about the boy asking questions. Also the first song,  which is about Papa trying to convince Brother that he knows answers to all questions, while Brother is asking a bunch of questions. This is is pretty fun sequence and song.  
Papa, was your name always Papa?

    Anyway, it's winter now, the special likes to mention that Brother is lonely because they are really making sure you remember.  (I remember!)  Winter has seemed to hang around for a very long time and the Bears are concerned and Papa says the seasons are stuck. Papa explains Easter, mostly focused on Easter Eggs, candy, and other other  treats associated with the holiday. The more sensible Mama explains more about spring in song form. (yay!)  She's focused on how Easter means new life  and miracles. (on the nose) 
"I'm sorry, I entered the wrong nest" 

      The special doesn't say the P word (poodle?) but it's saying Mama is pregnant. Brother notices that he can't sit on his mother's lap and he's wondering why. The parents don't tell their child this (that's a plan). She does mention an Easter surprise though.  Papa and Mama deflect and decide to visit Boss Bunny. 

They are proud of what they've done 

       Boss Bunny has apparently quit. Boss Bunny is apparently the area's official Easter Bunny. (How does one get that job, you have to a Bunny)  They also make a mention of alcohol as a rumor of why he quit. That's something, we aren't saying pregnant, but can mention an allusion to alcohol. Papa Bear is broken up, so is Brother who misses his Easter surprise. (That might be coming anyway) 
    Papa gets the idea to try and become the Easter Bunny himself. (Uhhh) He gets a song too. This plan fails.  Brother wanders the forest and Billy Bear shows up to play, and what a twist, but Billy's father is Boss Bunny. (So they do share a last name.)  They go to see the Boss. (They go to see Bruce Springsteen?) He's awoken by the bear's appearance. 
Easter? Bah Humbug

          Boss Bunny says that he's tired and doesn't care about Easter and Spring anymore. (I see)  Brother tries to convivence him , through song, to care about Easter again, and he makes his pitch why he doesn't want to.  The special has like 3 minutes left and decides to send in help: his mind is easily changed by a rainbow and now he's happy and also healed of pain (what?) and he's like yeah let's go make spring and Easter. (So, that's how that works) 
It's still weird the rabbits want to eat the chocolate rabbits

         It's Easter morning, Brother wakes up and remembers his Easter surprise, and he sees all the treats, but the real surprise is that he has a new baby sister. (What's her name?) (Oh, I'm surprised) Thus, this special was actually about the origin of Sister Bear.   
Can I eat this?  

              This is a simple special, fitting the simple style of the books, and goes with a celebration of spring and new life as a theme for Easter instead of the more religious themes, which isn't a surprise, but it is to be noted.  It's a fun simple special , you can tell where they they stretch and it keeps its main conflict simple and short, since Boss Bunny changes his mind so easily thanks to the power of a rainbow. (not the oddest thing I've written on this blog)  It does a good job focusing on the fun aspects of spring and how Easter's associated with it and the arrival of new life and rebirth.  
   That's it for now, tune in next time when we ask a kid named Killer, has killed.  



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