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Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Flashback: Yogi's Great Escape

The Flashback  Hanna-Barbera 

         We've dipped in to the "Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10" before with some Scooby-Doo specials and "The Flinstones Meet the Jetsons" but there's still more specials out of the 10 to get to, and haven't done this in awhile.    Might as well go with the very first one of the list with "Yogi's Great Escape" which first aired on September 20, 1987. 
      For the quick refresh of what I'm talking about  Hanna-Barbera's Superstars 10 was a series of 10 made-for-tv films for syndication based off H&B properties like Yogi Bear, The Flinstones (when the are meeting the Jetsons) , Scooby Doo  etc.  These films ran between 1987 and 1988 over the two television seasons. 
              Now we go to the very one, which is about Yogi Bear. 

         It's springtime and that means it's time for the bears to wake up, because that's how bears work. (Also Boo-Boo is a mor...spring person, calm down) Whilst on the quest for a picnic basket, Yogi finds three young bears sleeping in the basket. (is he a cannibal?)  There's a note that tells Yogi to please take care of the bears, which is random. The bears are named Booper, Buzzy, and Bitsy.  (It's a Yogi finds out he's a father movie but nevermind, so here's 3 orphans instead, weak)  To get this story, whatever this story is, going the bears decide to take in the children bears. 

Ah, what kind of winter did I have? / Copyright Discovery I guess, the heck?

        Yogi finds out they are out of food and the young bears are hungry. (and annoying)  Jellystone park is open and people are coming and Yogi has to do his thing where he steals food from people.  This is a strange world where bears can talk to people and yet they are still bears - living as bears, I had to say that here because I had too.  He's able to trick a family into getting their picnic basket after they said he wouldn't be able to trick them into getting the food again. 

        I don't know why people in TV shows and movies yell at the phone when it's ringing, it's not like the person can hear you... can they?  Finally, some plot going here: the commissioner calls and and tells Ranger Smith that the park is over budget and has to close. (Yeah that's how national parks and government works) Smith worries that he's going to have to tell Yogi he's going to have to move to zoo. (I'm going to have to turn logic off for this thank you: logic off) 
I'm sorry Yogi, they are turning the park into a mini-mall/ Copyright Discovery

            Smith tells Yogi that the park is going to have to close.  He tells Yogi that he's moving Yogi to the bear. (I like the line about a bear mate or two, that's funny)  Also notice the music sometimes over takes the words.  Yogi doesn't want to go to the zoo, he'd rather be free and kind of starve and than be not free and get free food handouts, bold. 

              The title of this is called "Yogi's Great Escape" it's time for him to start doing that.  That's his plan, he's going to take Boo-Boo, the 3 bears, and himself out of the park. The first plan is building a car and driving away from the park. (makes sense) The ranger doesn't like this idea and this becomes the great chase, apparently.  Honestly, why would you put a bear who can put an entire working car together in a zoo?  I mean really, yes I mean talking bear but this is even more impressive. 
That's a cool car/ Copyright Discovery 

                (Don't try the cartoon stunts you see in the cartoon, it's a cartoon)  I kind of want this whole thing to be a giant car chase movie, just going insane with a long car chase, like it's a long Wacky Races movie, which we didn't get darn you H&B where's my..(cut back on track).  He built a car that can drive underwater, I mean really, the ranger should be in the zoo, not him.    

        It's not a car chase movie, but it is kind of fun how the evade from being caught.  There's a group of boys called the Bike Brigade (ooh the bike brigade, I'm scared ohh) These boys don't have names, the credits say  Chubby Kid, (fun fact: he was voiced by Dustin Diamond of "Good Morning, Miss Bliss" and "Saved by the Bell"),  Skinny Kid, and Leader Kid. (I didn't name these kids go yell at H&B, not me)  The bears are sleeping in their club house that looks nicer than your house. (Why are we calling you out? I'm sorry) 
We invade North Carolina in the morning/ Copyright Discovery

            The kids are worried that an intruder is in their clubhouse and they were right, it's a bear.  It's like Goldie Locks and three bears but in reverse and more bears.  Wait those are water pistols, not murder pistols, rude. If these were were real bears, they would just eat the kids.  (I'm saying Yogi should eat the kids)  The three kids drive our plot because they tell the news they saw the bears, the news tells the ranger, and the ranger can hire an assassin. (what?)   The news thinks that it's creatures from space because logical. (but media accurate)  The subtle mud slinging joke is great.  

More after the jump

            Not sure why the commissioner is worried about the publicity for the park that's being shut down.  A man shows up in a tornado (what?)  a man shows up in a tornado, with his dog named Trapper and his dog is named Yapper. Trapper is a trapper who likes to trap.  They are here to  add something. (More annoying than the 3 little bears some how)
Classic Hanna-Barbera always ripping off Scooby Doo/ Copyright Discovery

         I find the singing added to the movie to be very random. The bears now have to worry about kids on bikes chasing them.  (This car isn't faster than kids on bikes somehow) The boys actually wanted to stop them because they were sorry because the bear was the one and only Yogi Bear that they know because of course they do.   Now they are going to help the bears with their GREAT ESCAPE. (roll credits) 

         The Trapper with Ranger Smith part of the plot continues with the dog and guy being kind of a mess, for plot convenience. I kind of wish it was just Ranger Smith on the hunt,  Trapper and Yapper kind of just add too much annoyance  and add nothing else making me want them to go away and back to Yogi and the bears.   The boys' tricks have been working to keep them distracted though.  

            The boys' make sure that others around know to protect Yogi's group through the power of CB radio.  They can't take Yogi back alive! (Wait !) The bear group finds a town they think is ghost town. (Watch Out! This his how the Bradys got arrested by a strange man)  Just for plot convenience  Yogi finds some costumes and puts them on and ends up making himself and Boo-Boo look like bears from a  Wanted sign. I wonder what will go wrong.   
Wow $500, I'm there/ Copyright Discovery 

    Hey it's Quick Draw McGraw, whom Yogi knows, but he's not bright enough to notice that it's Yogi in a costume.  Yogi runs over Quick Draw (oops) and he acts like he's dying to trick Yogi to get arrested.  The CB radio thing and introduction of some other kid groups was not in vain, there's a group of kids called the Lone Raiders,  who ride ATV's and stuff. Also, the real bandits that look like Yogi and Boo-Boo also exist still.  There's alot of being run over in this film. The bad bears steal the Ranger's Jeep so... that's good for making them slow down. 
Lone Raiders dun dun dun / Copyright Discovery 

            The Lone Raiders see that bad bears have stolen the money and try to stop them, whilst the Ranger and the dumb duo also have set a trap, which fails because of the dog. They think that it's  Yogi because everyone is not very bright.  The Lone Raiders go break out Yogi and the rest instead. (Good)  Quick Draw isn't very bright, he thinks that Bandit Bear stole money then came back. Lone Raiders get Yogi out, and Yogi doesn't want to leave his friend on the dry so he wants the kids to help get the bandit bears. 
               Depending on how you see it, it might feel like it drags the movie a bit, but it is enjoyable and shows Yogi's good hearted characterization and it's still better than anything with Trapper and Yapper. 

    Now on the Bayou they meet Wally Gator. Wow.  Anyway, Wally is there to help them and gives them a space to stay for a bit.  The plot shows up and that means Trapper and Yapper are back with Ranger Smith. I'm glad Ranger Smith is also annoyed of them, (He should leave them)   Wally and the bears put on a ghost act and thankfully Scooby Doo and the gang don't show up to mess up this "haunting". 
Wow Gators and Bears getting along they will take us down/ copyright Discovery

         Is it bad I wished the bomb did get rid of Trapper instead of just spraying water on him?  (Darn Censors) They run from the "ghosts" this plan is working until, they find out the ghost is Yogi. (Ghostogi)  Thankfully a real ghost shows up and helps save the day. Trapper gets beaten up (thank you for that blessed ghost).   Now coming in, another group of kids for help the Swamp Foxes. It's nice to see the groups of kids introduced are being used here. Even if it kind of breezes by their use.
Thanks for doing...something/ Copyright Discovery 

             Now Snugglepuss shows up in the movie. (He's hard to get)  His carnival act has a problem and the ranger shows up because of course. So having Yogi and the other bears be part of the the act. They are dressed as Egyptian Dangers, and Snagglepuss wants his money. (good for him) It was a funny part. 
Wow the Pink Panther!/ Copyright Discovery

            The special already knows that people aren't very good at telling disguises apart very well until the plot needs them to, like the ranger is not fully convinced. While, Trapper is attracted to big hips and wants to smooch Yogi. (what?) The bears get the escape again on a hot hair balloon.   

       Hey there's 7 minutes left so...yeah...  Apparently this chase goes through America. The background music is a bit something. (The Jeep gets good mileage too)  There' some weird Goofy/ Pluto thing going on in this world, because there are bears that act like bears in this world too and now I'm confused and why is the talking bear being forced to go to the zoo? They get caught on the Empire State Building and this allows the ranger to find them, he caught up to them in a helicopter.   
     Shoot there's 3 minutes left, we have to wrap this up.... alright The president of the United States calls Yogi on a phone to the ranger to give the phone to Yogi to say to Yogi that he's going to make sure the park won't be closed and they can go home.  Fine, alright whatever that worked.  It ends with Yogi and Boo-Boo and the little bears at the cave. This would have been a better spinoff than "Yo! Yogi!" 

                That's it for that. This wasn't a bad film. I will bring up it drags, and there are parts that feel like they are trying to fill their 1hr and 32 minutes out and it's noticeable.  I didn't like the parts with Trapper, I think it would have been more fun without them and just having Ranger Smith on a lone man, uh bear hunt, because he's competent but able still be out witted by things; Trapper and Yapper dragged things down. The desert segment was a little long and made them had to rush through to the end, but it was still entertaining. 
          I like how it worked like past Yogi media seeing the other Hanna Barbera characters show up  and it's fun to see how they play into the story. It really feels connected there and like how the kids help Yogi and the other bears. The start feels like it's dragging a bit too and but is worth to see when the plot goes.  It's a fun entry in the Hanna-Barbera world. The music oh you don't come to this movie for the music.   Do check it out. 

     That's it for now, tune in next time when we wonder why the bear at the zoo isn't talking to us. 

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