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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Christmas: Big City Greens: Virtually Christmas

Christmas  Disney 

        We've done a "Big City Greens" Christmas episode before, but they did another one.   I will say it is kind of lacking how many posts for this show we've done, it is a great animated series, but yeah lacking. 

        Anyway, starts like  they are doing a grand Christmas musical special but then Cricket says he's going to Remy's house to play a new VR video game.  Bill, Cricket's Dad, wants to do his normal Christmas traditions.  Cricket does find away to compromise and he's allowed to go play the game, but has to come back for the cookies. There's also a snowstorm that will probably play no... I can't do the joke. 

          The special has a gimmick where will be seeing characters in 3D fun vision.  That snowstorm, why I couldn't do that joke, has gotten more snowy.  Cricket is snow stuck at the Remy's house.  Remy, plot conveniently, gave Cricket a VR system for Christmas and this gives Cricket the idea to have his family to join in as VR Christmas together.  The gimmick of this episode is seeing the Greens+ Remy in 3D animation, but the episode doesn't forget it's jokes and story. 

            The game is a fighting game and Cricket has Remy make sure nothing will come around to make sure his father won't be turned against this whole idea.  The clock is on to make sure to get the traditions done before invading hoards try to take them out. (Just like Christmas in my childhood)

          Of course, one of the big charms of Big City Greens is the characters.  This special has Cricket who wanted to skip the Christmas traditions to play the game and doesn't seem them as interesting, through the VR game part he wants to hurry and get it done before the game starts.  Tilly wants to help the in-game extras bot have the Christmas spirit, which gives for funny interactions. Nancy and Alice trying to compete with each other.  You can see that Cricket does seem to get closer into the Christmas Eve traditions. (Also the song is nice) 

            Now interrupting hoard is here. (That's my band name)  Bill is disappointed about this and wants to stop, but Cricket says he realizes he  does like the traditions. He's able to convince his family to go after the monsters.  I like the part with Mr.Extras coming back as well, that was kind of sweet. Having Alice and Nancy work together, tying up all the stuff from the special. It's not often you see a Christmas special with  monsters being fought. 
              Cricket realizes he wants to do the normal traditions, while his family has actually enjoyed doing  the game. He finds a way to get through the thick snow.  He makes it home and tells his family that he really wanted to be with them. Remy and his family show up as well and they all get to have a nice Christmas Eve with the Greens as well.  

             This special is good the idea is simple, but it was nice to see Cricket really find enjoyment in his family's Christmas Eve traditions and want to be with them. The VR gimmick was nice to see, and it doesn't take way from the story or characters, so there's no worry about that. The VR part actually makes it feel kind of like a stop motion special in a strange way.  I think the first Christmas episode was stronger, but this one is delightful too.  

That's it for now, tune in next time when we do this blog in VR. 

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