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Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas: The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow


wait for it 

                       A post in memory of Angela Lansbury 1925-2022) 

        The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow is Rankin Bass longest title name for a special, they really jammed in a lot of words.  This special first aired on December 19, 1975 on NBC.  This was written by Julian P. Gardner , who is also just Jules Bass under a different name.   I think the main thing to mention for this special is the narrator and a voice of one of the characters as well.  Angela Lansbury.  Rankin Bass was able to get her and she voices a nun named Sister Theresa, who also doubles as our narrator. Lansbury brings her charm to this special as you can believe the character is a caring and thoughtful person. 

             The special takes place in a small village. Sister Theresa is a nun who is in an abbey with a few other nuns and she is making Christmas cards which happen to have snow in the images, since she remembers snow from her childhood. This village is in an area where it's hard to snow because of the climate. Though I am concerned one of the other nuns  says that it snowed on the Christmas of the birth of Christ.  That is also why the special has that line "The First Christmas". 

        Then a shepherd boy- an orphaned shepherd boy- named Lucas is struck by lightning. He doesn't die, that'd be a different special. (A shorter special)   The sisters go out into the storm to see if he was and they confirm it. They take in Lucas who is blinded  by the shock.  His animals are safe in the abbey's barn. (Takes place in retro times, so farm for the nuns) There's Father Thomas who returns and really wants the shepherd boy to be sent to an orphanage.  

   Father Thomas isn't really being a bad guy and they make sure he's not being cruel towards the boy.  He just doesn't think an abbey is a place to stay for a kid.  Thomas is voiced by Cyril Ritchard. who was best known for playing Captain Hook in stage musical production of Peter Pan.  He died about 2 years after this special aired, his final role was with Rankin Bass and their work on the 1977 Hobbit movie.  He brings a nice little charm to the character. His song  "Save a Little Christmas" is  a little message about not having Christmas too early.  (kind of judging a little) 

        Lucas bond well with Sister Theresa as he recovers. He also doesn't want to go to an orphanage. You also see the Father softening and decides to let Lucas stay through Christmas.  Lucas still is worried about being sent to one. There's a nativity play, this is where Lucas meets the local children. This also brings a girl named Louisa who shows her kindness to Lucas. 

        I'm slightly humored that Lucas and Sister Theresa sing "White Christmas" when the song probably didn't exist in the time this special takes place, but we also get Angela Lansbury's beautiful singing voice to sing the song. so it's a good thing.  

         Louisa and a girl named Octavia  were talking about what they are getting Sister Theresa and Lucas realizes he doesn't have anything to give. (He didn't have time to go to Kohl's being poor, blind, and orphan and struck by lightning causing the blindness) He decides that he'll give her his dog and sheep.  I do have to mention some more voice casting notes.  Don Messick. Mr. Scooby Doo himself  voices the dog, Waggles. Since this is a mostly realistic world, he's mostly just barking and dog noises, but he does them well.  The second voice actress for Sally Brown in Peanuts specials between 1969 and 1973 does the voice of Octiva, that's Hillary Momberger.  

           Three boys decide to take the sheep to play a prank on Lucas because that's an idea. Now they wanted to play a little trick, but it goes south because of the sheep breaking out of the tool shed. They regret their actions and help him.  It's both the most urgent thing that happens in this special and easily resolved. This special isn't a big tension high stakes affair. 

        Lucas and the other kids are part of a nativity play. Lucas is one of the angels. Anyway. I think  the First Noel song they do is one of the most beautiful Rankin Bass songs. Guess what? It's snowing! That's right it's snow and Lucas can see now.  (Everything is tying up well.)  

        Later, Lucas gives his dog and sheep to the nun and she decides that he has to stay to watch them for her. The father decides to let him stay.  

             This is a low stakes, but charming special.   It's not Rankin-Bass hitting a good in-ball park home run, but it is  a good walk off and that's fine.  Lansbury brings her charming voice acting to the special and she plays the sweet nun very well. Lucas is an alright character, he's more a prop character for a  plot, but you are hoping the best for him.   It's a simple story, good for Christmastime, and it's a good watch. 

    That's it for now, tune in next time, when we watch Sister Theresa solve the various village's murders. 

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