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Thursday, December 08, 2022

Christmas: The Smurfs' Christmas Special

Christmas   The Flashback 

           Ah yes, "The Smurfs" and of course they have Christmas media, why wouldn't they have Christmas media? Don't be silly! This special is part of the 1980's series also known as "The Smurfs"  based on the character by Peyo.  This series and special were produced by Hanna and Barbera (the kings of animation) for NBC and aired on December 13, 1982.  So today, let's take look at this special. 

              The smurfs are preparing for Christmas (because otherwise, we wouldn't be writing about this for Christmas.)  Meanwhile, it cuts to old man talking to his grandchildren about Santa Claus. (Because Christmas)   Gargamel doesn't like Christmas (because duh) and is annoyed that the smurfs are celebrating instead being in his stomach or whatever he wants to do with them.  He finds a plot device in a book and wants to make them suffer for Christmas. (The gift you get smurfs who have everything) 
Purple Book? That's why it didn't work /Copyright H&B 

            Meanwhile, there's some weird guy in a cloak being weird.  Gargamel is going on with his evil plan of evil.  That happy grandfather and grand children crash and the kids go a house, this ends up being Gargamel's house. They ask him for help. Garagmel makes them cry.  A man , who seems to be the kids' uncle is worried that they haven't shown up.  The kids are named  William and Guinevere ,just to be sure. So they leave the angry man and go find someone else for help.   I'm waiting for these plots to collide. (I'm not) 
Help us, strange man!/ Copyright H&B 

           Garagmel has hard time thinking about destroying the smurfs (couldn't he just step on them? I mean he is a giant compared to them, oh well) while the man with the purple cloak just walks inside Garagmel's house. (No wonder he's grumpy)  He says he can give him the power to destroy the smurfs, in exchange for the children, because revenge, saying that their uncle bothers his evilness. (I guess that's a reason)  Garagmel agrees because smurfs. 
Someone more evil than Garagmel/Copyright H&B

         More after the Jump

       The man who is Willam and Guinevere's uncle runs into Garagmel and says he's offering a reward for the kids to be found, and Garagmel likes the sound of that.  This gives him an idea to get everything he wants.  The smurfs hear  Guinever singing "Silent Night" as Wolves surround the kids.  (roar)  Papa Smufs stops the wolves beause he has that power (he's a boss) and they think Papa Smurf is Santa Claus. (I mean he kind of does look like Santa)  Now the plots  have collided! 
He can tell the Wolves what to do, just like Santa!/ Copyright H&B

          Garagmel's idea is give the kids to the stranger (purple cloak guy) then point the stanger out to the uncle and he gets the smurfs and the money. (and the power) It's  both stupid and smart. The Smurfs take the kids in and help them.   There's a song by the smurfs called "Goodness makes the Badness go away" uhh that'll be important later. Garagmel shows up and steals the children. (as one does) 

           The stranger shows up and Garagmel gives the kids over and gets his smurf destroying spell.  The smurfs know all of this.  He goes to the village and messes up their Christmas stuff. Then he goes to the uncle and makes up a story about the stranger and sends the uncle off to look for them. (He doesn't get his gold) The Stranger finds out and is mad at Gargamel and kidnaps him and the cat.  The stranger wants to kill them, I think. (He might be the devil?)  
The fire might be a sign/ Copyright H&B 

             The smurfs come to help by singing their song.  They sing that song from earlier (told you)  and they have the kids join in, and even Garagmel and Azrael. It's kind of funny to see Garagmel sing "Goodness makes the badness go away"  This works.  Yep that's right, the devil like guy was stopped by a song. (The power of love)  
Sing smurfs sing! /Copyright  H&B

        The uncle wants to punish Gargamel, rightfully so, but the children  show him kindness and he runs away. The smurfs go back to their village and  see it destroyed but they are positive and things seem to end well. 

All is good/ Copyright H&B 

        It's a standard "Smurfs" episode but with Christmas! I mean it has the formula down. It's not a bad episode, but it's not like grand for Christmas scaled up special, it's the Smurfs being themselves, helping some kids and Garagmel being Garagmel, the only difference is that they help Garagmel because he's in danger too, and they care more about him than he does them.  It's kind of strange that they had the devil in this special, but alright.  I mean, that's what they were implying.   It's good special , with smufy fun, so, it's least that. 

   That's it for now, tune in next time when we find out why Garagmel doesn't lock his doors.   

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