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Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 15: Arthur and D.W Clean Up/ The Long, Dull Winter

Arthur PBS 

Episode 15a: Arthur and D.W Clean Up

   The Cold Open:  Arthur talks about how he changed his room into the  Mall of America, but also it can clean itself, unlike the Mall of America.  He was supposed to be cleaning his room.

  The Episode:  Arthur  wants to go with his friends to a fun air, the next day, and that's important because  before that day Arthur's mom wonders if he has cleaned his room. He has not.  I always find it funny how messy rooms look on cartoons, they always go excessive, but it funny. His mother lets him play soccer but he has to clean is room later. It is showing that she is being fair and he made did make a promise. So you can feel too bad for him.  Arthur again decides he finds  a way to watch his show instead of cleaning his room.  

          Arthur failed to clean is room and now he can't go to the happy fun thingy and  has to clean his room. His mom also stops D.W from laughing by saying that she has to clean her room too.  The father, who had nothing to say now suggests an idea where the two siblings work together to clean up their rooms.  D.W wants to throw stuff way, but Arthur doesn't want her to.  

            D.W becomes a Francine and Arthur shipper because she knows the audience.  The father tries to talk to them and thinks up the idea they just don't talk and this seems to go well. The episode has has some fun Easter eggs from past seasons of episodes.   They do end up finishing but now it's D.W's room's turn.  D.W has a set way of doing things and gets annoyed.  when Arthur doesn't follow along, her way. 

            The parents interject into the story because of their arguing.  D. W tells the parents she'd rather just do it her self.  Arthur gets to go to the park for the event.  That was moment for D.W.  The end of the episode Arthur and his friends get to help clean up the park.   

            A simple episode, pretty fun. It works well Arthur should have done his room before and wouldn't have missed some of that fun. D.W had no investment in the event herself but it was nice of her to let Arthur go while she did her room herself. Mostly because she was going to go mad if Arthur kept doing things the 'wrong' way.  It's a good basic episode. 

    More after the jump

  Episode 15b: The Long, Dull Winter

         The Cold Open:  Time is freezing and Arthur wonders if you ever felt like time is going too slow. (I'd hope so) 

        The Episode:   This episode picks a time of year that doesn't get talked about as much in shows: that point of start of the year where the Christmas/ New Year's holidays have already gone and there's a quiet period. Arthur realizes they've had 3 months of holidays and now it's quiet.  He suggests to his friends to create a new holiday.  

            Creating a new holiday is a hard thing to do. Buster has an idea, a holiday where everyone gives Buster candy.  (Like he's a god that needs to be satiated)  Francine has an idea for an nothing to do today day.  Brain has a day about igneous rock day. (an anit- Metamorphic rock agenda boo!)  Binky thinks there should be a holiday where fireworks go 24 hours (which is funny for a dog kid to say).  Arthur gets annoyed and wants a  holiday that simple and honoring something important. (Arthur invents MLK Day) 

            Then Francine's line about her thinking Arthur was feeling strange because he was in love, turns into them remembering Valentines' Day. They run off and go get ready for that.  Binky tells him it was pretty cool to get everyone to do something when they were feeling down.   

         It's an episode that takes the period where people might experience a little ennui after the burst of  the ember months holidays and now the let down. While, I'm a winter fan, there is something about the idea of it being too cold to do alot, especially for a kid, and the quick paces of darkness that can factor into a little down feeling.  It's fun to see the holidays the characters think up and having Arthur kind of just want something meaning places a nice contrast.   It's not often in shows like this you get an episode about that. It also works for kid time where kids feel time differently than older people and they feel like time is going slower and a period between holidays could feel that way. I also like how Valentine's Day wakes them up into a upward swing.  It's fun episode.  

  That's it for now, tune in next time when we make up our holiday, after we have a committee get into deadlock fighting for 2 years. 

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