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Friday, February 03, 2023

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #30 Twenty-Five Cent Trouble or Teddy and Art


            Previously, Is it Funny? Is it? IS IT? [HERE

#30: Twenty-Five Cent Trouble

Season 1, Episode 2b
      This one seems to have two different names, the title card for the one we use is 25¢ Trouble, I'll use that name. (More 25 cent and less usage of the ¢ thing)  25 Cent Trouble is created by  Alex Kirwan. I've talked about his other two shorts already. For some disclosure, I should have done this one when I did the marathon batch, but thought it was something else and missed it, so here we are.  

             It takes place in a grocery store because grocery stores are fun. Our main character is Teddy and also his dog Art is allowed in the grocery store. (Oh I see)  Teddy is voiced by Katie Leigh who has a long list of voice acting credits, but you'll know her as Usapyon from Yo-Kai Watch. (You really should have watch Yo-Kai Watch)  The mom thinks Teddy is in the way and tells them to go pick out some cereal, which means give me five-minutes alone in mom speak.  Mom is voiced by Debi Derryberry, who also has a long list of voice credits but I'm going to say you'll know her as Wednesday Addams from tthe 1992 Addams Family animated series.  

                Teddy and Art go on and the dog seems to want attention from Teddy, but Teddy finds a quarter.  That's how this short is 25¢ Trouble. ( A High IQ post)  He wants to go to egg toy machines and gets a robot toy.  The robot toy scares the dog when it moves, it also apparently can melt cans. Art seems to get jealous and wants Teddy's attention. Then the robot wants attention and gets jealous. This short is a robot and dog getting jealous for a boy's attention. 

                 Teddy mostly says the a variation of the word Catastrophic and is impressed easily by things.  There's also some grocery store destruction going on. Then there's town destruction going on too when the robot has grown bigger and takes Teddy out of the store and starts smashing cars as it walks. Art gets a 25¢  helicopter  and shoots down the robot.   The mom shows up and she didn't see anything.  The mom also tells Teddy she had to pick out the cereal because he was not picking it out.  There's an alien inside the box to apparently sequel bait us. 

             I can maybe parse why there's no series from this. I mean, I could see a hook of episode 2 :boy gets alien toy, it's real alien. episode 3: Teddy accidently burns his house down thanks to a dragon. (what?)  That would be Catastrophic!  There's not much describable plot but it's more like those episodes of Rugrats where Tommy went off and did stuff without his parents noticing. Like the episode he and Grandpa Lou go the grocery store and Tommy goes to find Reptar cereal and destroys the entire store, nobody notices and he gets the cereal.  I honeslty, would have watched this madness if it was a series.   

         Anyway, that's it for now tune  in next time when we make catastrophically great post! 

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