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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 5: Dixon

The Weekenders Disney 

           Previously, I still haven't found what I was looking for  here  

Episode 5: Dixon

     This is the first fill the half hour timeslot special episode of the show.   It also opens up something that show really hadn't touched before Tino's Mom and her being divorced.  The episode eases into that with a different storyline first.  The gang want to visit a park that's reopening called Tesla Park and only 100 people can come in for the re-grand opening with tickets.  Anyway, at dinner, Tino's mother tells him she has a date the next night. 

            Tino is a little unsettled by the news, of course,  and we even get a strange dream sequence where the man and his new Dad is actually a slug monster (I'm scared) and Martian Van Buren shows up. (I would want William Henry Harrison, but he is a really quick cameo)  The next day, Tino tells his friends that his mother is going on a date. The friends are more happy about this news and they make Tino realize that he might be overacting. 

       I find that that the episode not having it be Tino be worried the whole episode or him trying to sabotage the date or something is refreshing.  The weekend gang (not calling them that) goes back to the other plot of working to get tickets for the park. They are working on making chairs and meet a named Dixon who is apparently good at making such things. (chairs are weird) Tish is impressed with him because he's an English major.  When they have to move cinderblocks, Lor is impressed that Dixon did the Scottish Games. (nice callback to a past episode there).I'm just going to say that Dixon is somehow able to connect to all them in liking some stuff they like. He also mentions he has a 14-year-old daughter. Also hmm I wonder why Dixon is in this episode? 

        Dixon ends up being the guy Tino's mom is going on a date with. (What a Twist!)   This is a two-part episode so..... join us after the jump.

            There's even a short version of the intro. It's still Saturday and  Dixon also give  the tickets he got to the park and they got it.  Tino has seemed to be completely energized with his mother's date sinc he seems to be cool.  He even has the same dream but this time Dixon fights a a slug monster and Martin Van Buren shows up again.

            Tino asks his mom how the date went and she thinks he might not be her type. Now, Tino wants them to be together. Again, this show took something I thought would happen and did something different instead. nicely done.  Now he wants his friends to help him get his mom with Dixon.  Now it's the Tesla Park day. 

           The plan seems to fall apart  and he tries to get his mom and Dixon together alone so they can something something.  Do hope Tino doesn't ruin his fun at the park.  Dixon actually figured out what he was doing and ends up talking to Tino.  Now he's able to have fun and things go well.   
      This special episode was worth it being a special, I like how it also doesn't try to drag things out where it could have been just Tino worried about his mom dating again being the whole plot. I also like how he ends up liking Dixon and wanting his mom to be with him and having it be him.  The idea both Dixon and Tino's mom have broken up relationships and still unsure and having their own children made a nice parallel.  It also offers more insight into Tino's family world, his mom and dad broke up many years ago and he's not seen his dad much.  Having Dixon seem so cool was an open door for him. 

         A very nuanced and well done episode. It still uses the show's format of 2.5 days and does a great story within that frame.  The episode is fun and well crafted. I give it 10/10. 

      That it for, now tune in next time when we try to get to random people together and see how it goes.  

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